

[Linda's Pov]

YEAR: 2023

The light from the chandelier above shined on the thousands of champagne and wine glasses and reflected making the whole hall look like it was lit up by millions of crystals.

"I am delighted to greet everyone who has gathered here for the 22nd Newbie Author Festival 2023..." the host's voice boomed from the podium at the far end of the hall.

I was nervous, my legs started shaking vigorously from the pent up excitement.

"And the most awaited moment is here... The Winner of the 22nd Newbie Author Festival 2023..... is Linda for the book......"

People around me cheered as I got up from my chair. I know I was grinning from ear to ear. I took quick steps towards the podium the grab my most awaited treasure. My first ever award. But right when I was about to step on the podium stair, my aunt appeared from nowhere. I was delighted and confused at the same time because like other guests she was not wearing a gown or a party wear. Instead, she was wearing her famous red and white striped apron with her long hair mounted on top of her head in a messy yet cute bun.

"Linda... Linda wake up dear it's already time" she yelled at me shaking me vigorously.


My eyes shot open.

"Linda, wake up dear, it's time for school," My aunt told me one last time before going back into the kitchen. I groaned and sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Yeah, aunt, I'm up..." I said while looking at the time. "Sh*t! It's already past eight o'clock, and what a dream I had..." I sighed and after deciding for a long time whether to get up and get ready or roll back and go back to sleep, I finally decided to get up and be productive.

For those who don't know I'm Linda, your typical high school teenager but with a creative mind. I've always wanted to be a writer, a novelist to be precise but haven't started yet because I'm still looking for inspiration.

I skipped the shower today as it was windy and cold today and only washed my face hands and legs and put on a sleeved tee and regular mom jeans paired with some white sneakers. I grabbed my school bag and a jacket just in case it gets too cold and ran down the stairs.

"What happened Linda, did you sleep late yesterday?" my uncle inquired, approaching me from behind and whispering in my ear, "Or were you busy with your boyfriend..." for a man he had a nice giggle.

"Uncle... no...." I playfully pushed him a little and we both laughed.

"What made my two gems laugh like this?" my aunt called out from the kitchen.

"Ah-hm nothing," my uncle called back winking at me.

This is my Uncle Allen, and this is my Aunt Sana... You may be wondering why I am introducing you to my aunt and uncle; well, I don't know who my parents are... even though I am not their actual... Nonetheless, they expressed their affection for me more than for their actual child.

"Mom and Dad, I'm leaving for school," a voice shouted from my left.

"Have breakfast before leaving Neoul, and take Linda with you," Aunt told.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but I have an important assignment at school, so I'm leaving first..." he said as he exited.

Neoul is my uncle and aunt's son, and he is two years older than me. We were like Tom and Jerry for years, However, the small talk between us has recently lost its way.

"All right, since it's already late, I'll leave for school. Uncle Allen and Aunt Sana, goodbye," I said as I slung my bag over my shoulders and waved them goodbye.

As soon as I entered the school campus the first thing I noticed was Neoul chatting with his friends. He looks familiar and that's all about it. I sighed realizing we have completely lost communication. Maybe I should reach out to him and ask him to hang out a little with me.

"GOODY GOODY MORNING BESTIE." A very familiar voice yelled in a very familiar manner in my ears. I clutched my head and turned around.

"I swear if I ever end up getting deaf....."

"Don't worry babe, ill be your translator." Susy giggled. "C'mon don't wanna be late on Monday morning, do we?"

"Yeah," I said glancing back one last time at Neoul before being dragged by Susy.

The day flew by just like any other normal day, and just like that we were in the last period. And damn the principal for putting mathematics on the last of the timetable. I was trying hard to focus but this annoying best friend of mine was making it harder almost impossible.

"Jeez! I can't get the fact around my head that there are people who take up mathematics and pursue their careers based on that. And look! She even looks happy while working out that darn sum." Susy sulked further in her chair if that was possible.

"Dude can you like to stop trying to get us a detention, Shut up and try to listen," I murmured back.

"Class, don't forget to revise the formula I taught today," our teacher said without looking up from her textbook.

"Sure mam we will forget to revise" Sussy blabbered in a drunk state. I quickly but forcefully stepped on her foot.

"B*TCH!" She whisper yelled in pain before I covered her mouth.

"Just be quiet till she leaves," I almost pleaded releasing her from my grip.

"Alright class make sure you start preparing for weekly assignments. See you tomorrow then." With that, she finally left and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Ahh come on... let's get ready to leave home," said Susy overjoyed.

"Why are you so excited to leave.... Ah? Did I forget something? " I asked jogging my memory while packing my stuff.

"Omg, have you forgotten... today is your man's day," Susy squealed jumping up and down in excitement.

"My man.....?" Susy nudged my shoulder and pointed to my right.

I looked around and saw Venice chatting with his friends. I was shamelessly staring at him and I was pretty sure I looked like an enchanted doe right now.

Venice Warner. I've been crushing on him since our seventh grade. Nobody except Susy knows about my secret crush.

"Ok, can you like just stop looking ..." Susy whispered in my ear "And finally make a move tonight." She gently turned my face towards hers and winked.

Later that evening....

I'm surely not going to make it to the party on time. I haven't even decided on what to wear and Susy's phone is engaged for the past half an hour. Now I'm completely helpless.

"Omg, I couldn't decide what to wear to the party," I grumbled to myself. "Who can I turn to for assistance now.... aunt is not at home... My Lord, help me!" I cried out to no one in particular.

"Is it okay if help you choose your outfit?" said a voice near the door; I turned to see who it was,

"Neoul..." I was surprised beyond the extent. It's been days since we had a proper conversation and now out of nowhere, he's lending to help.

"Do you require assistance? Or it's fine, sorry for disturbing you," he said as he attempted to walk away.

"Wait..." I exclaimed, "Yes, help me!"

"All right," he said. "So you're not sure what to wear, right?"

"Yes," I nodded like a toddler.

"First and foremost, tell me what kind of party it is."

"A Birthday Celebration"

"Birthday party... hmm... so everyone would be dressed in bright colour combinations." With that, he walked towards the different outfits that I laid out on my bed. After a couple of minutes, his hands landed on a dress.

"I guess this Navy blue dress fits you well," he said as he handed over the dress to me.

"Wow, it's beautiful; thank you, Neoul," I said as I placed it on me and looked into the mirror. I was at a loss for words. The dress was indeed beautiful. It was surprising to think that I hadn't worn it before.

I quickly went inside my walk-in closet and changed into the dress. And when I stepped out of the closet Neoul was sitting on my chair and was examining a pen on my desk.

"Ah-hem." I cleared my throat to get his attention. Neoul finally turned his head and boy.....I wasn't expecting him to react like that. The pen he was holding slipped through his fingers. He slowly got up from his chair and moved closer towards me. He stopped a few inches before me and scanned me from head to toe. He did not bother to hide his appreciation in his gaze. I cleared my throat again but this time to snap his attention back to reality.

"Ahm..." he shook his head, saying nothing.

(AJ: Oh, the tension *giggles*)

"All right, Neoul. I'll be back by 9, you were of great help. Thanks a lot, bye." I quickly scurried out of my room grabbing my purse and phone on the way.

That was weird. I mean I appreciate the fact that he wanted to help me out when I needed a hand but that was so absurd. Especially the way he was looking at me.....he never looked at me like that before. I wonder what has gotten into him. I hope I soon find out the reason behind his conflicting behaviorual changes.

I pushed the thoughts of my cousin to the back of my head and focused on the task on hand as I looked at the giant doors of the party hall. Venice's parents are both senior public prosecutors and are close friends with the mayor so they belong to the typical rich and traditional first class royalties. So their only son's birthday was not happening like some crappy high school party. They booked this fancy mansion in the city's heart where important conferences and balls usually happen.

The light from the chandelier made the glitters on my dress sparkle like anything. I scanned the crowd for Susy. A couple of seconds later I found her in the far end of the big dinner table where all the snacks and drinks were kept. I tried to call out to her but my voice drowned in the loud chatters of the crowd. I saw her pick up her phone and put it on her ear. Immediately my phone rang blaring Susy's name on the screen. I pulled down on the green circle and placed it near my ear.

"To your left gurl." I stood on my toes and waved at her frantically.

It took her less than a second to spot me and waved back. She quickly speed-walked to me. She was wearing a knee length English pink dress that had silver gems and glitters decorating the top and the lace on the sturdy fleets. Of course, she would wear pink. From pink glitters to pink portions, she's obsessed with everything pink. She's that type of pink-lover who would gladly show up at a funeral in pink and would probably complain about why the casket's not pink. But pink is her colour for sure.

"B*tch, I was almost going to drive over to your place and pull your a$$ back to the party if like you delayed a couple more minutes." She said as she hugged me.

"Though, I wouldn't have made it to the party if it weren't for my cuz." I almost cried when my mind went blank about choosing the outfit. Then Neoul saved me by helping me choosing on this dress. I said proudly as I moved back a little, giving her space to get a nice view of my attire.

"I. Am. Screaming. Girl, you killed it. Gosh by the time we leave the party you gonna have some males swooning around you and I, like the best girl like I am, will be shooing them away like some determined paparazzi." I laughed when she started swatting the air at the imaginary boys around us.

"By the way, you look drop dead gorgeous Susy." I was sure that she will have people wanting her number.

"I know," she said flipping her hair back. "Wait... what did you get for your man? Ah!" Susy teased me as we walk in further.

"Why should I tell you? It's supposedly only to be known for the knowledge of the birthday boy."

"All right, miss beauty. Looks like someone had a shot of confidence booster before coming to the party." She said raising her brows.

I opened my mouth to say something and stopped as I heard a voice behind me.

"Hello! Welcome"

Startled a bit, I turned around and came face to face with Venice.

(AJ: It's Venice, Everyone!)

"Hello, happiest Birthday buddy," Susy said shaking his hand cheerfully.

"Thank you very much, Susy."

I was gaping at him. Boy.....looked like a model straight out of a magazine cover. He was wearing a navy blue suit paired with some sleek black shoes. His dirty blonde hair was neatly gelled back but still, a piece of hair managed to slip out and lay against his forehead. I'm telling you from casual to classic, he could pull off in every style possible. Susy pinched my back and I immediately woke up from my state of mesmerization.

"H-Happy B-birthday," I stuttered and slapped myself mentally for losing my cool. I quickly shook his hand and handed him the gift.

"Thank you, Linda," he said. "Please, make yourselves comfortable."

"Sure," Susy said as Venice walked away to relieve other guests.

After a few moments, everyone was called up to the cake-cutting table and everyone sang *Happy Birthday* together as balloons popped and Venice cut his birthday cake.

"Linda..." Susy tugged on my sleeve and I noticed her getting restless and anxious all of a sudden. I recalled Susy's social anxiety, so I silently dragged her away from the crowd and pulled her into another empty room.

"Thank you, Linda," Susy said as she walked into what I assume is a guest restroom.

"Not a problem, take your time," I called back as I waited for her to come back.

I was taking a look around the room we were in and noticed an old dusty framed photograph on one of the tables. I took it in my hand and gently wiped off the dust using my fingers. I looked at the photograph in my hands and the person in it was way too familiar. My train of thought was rudely disturbed by a loud shooting noise *Bang*. As a devoted lover of gunning sports, I could tell it was the sound of a gun firing without a doubt.

Susy rushed out of the restroom, terrified, and I dropped the photograph and ran out of the room towards the direction of the noise.

When we reached the hall, everyone appeared normal, though quite confused...

"Didn't we hear the sound, Linda? But everyone here is cool... How?"

"Yeah, I too heard it, come let's go that room again," I said as we reached the room and we noticed the doors were locked. I was pretty sure we didn't close the doors as we left in a hurry. I tried to open it but it was locked this time.

"What the hell?!" Susy swore from behind.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Something doesn't feel right here.

Again, to our surprise, we heard the gunshots. I sprinted to the location where the sound was heard with Susy on my heels.

I screamed when someone pulled us both into a nearby room and said,

"How did you get into the other side of this mansion? Who let you in?" He inquired. I looked at his face and realization hit me like a wave.

"Now come with me," he said as he led us both out of the building.

The man vanished as soon as we exited the mansion. It was only Susy and I and we both decided to get home as we no longer had a party as people were fleeing in all directions due to the commotion caused. Neither of us spoke a word as we reached our different houses. Susy didn't speak mostly because she was just as confused as me, but I was confused for a different reason which itself was confusing.

As soon as I entered my house, I realized that everyone was asleep as it was already past our bedtime. I put one foot on the stair that led to my bedroom but I resumed and thought for a second. I turned away and snuck into the base with a goal in mind. I pulled up the sleeves of my dress and rummaged through the boxes first. I jumped when I heard a voice from behind. I turned around so fast, my head felt dizzy for a couple of seconds.

"Are you looking for this?" The silhouette asked holding up an album.

"Aunt Sana....." I was caught red-handed.

"You were searching for this right?" She asked as I climbed up the basement stairs and reached her. Without a second thought, I grabbed the album from her hand and turned the pages vigorously...

"yes, yes yes I saw them today...." I said when I landed on the photograph I was searching for.

"Who? Show me" she asked as I showed her the photo. I saw the visible surprise on her face which immediately turned into a shocked expression.

"Tell me about them, aunt, I want to know why he helped us today and this one... he looks familiar. Please tell me" I cried.

"This is Ivan, and this one is Jeff. He is...." I heard the pain in her voice as she trailed off.

"He is... my father, right? tell me." Although I knew it I wanted to hear it from her.

"yes, Jeff is your father."

And just like that the fountains opened up. I was holding back the tears for so long now I didn't bother as I let it flow down freely.

"This is why I didn't want you to..." she said with a heavy voice.

"I know everything, Aunt," I said as I wiped away the tears aggressively and ran past her to my room and locked the door behind me. I did not bother to change as I pulled open a drawer. The leather bound diary lay exactly where I kept it the last time. With a made-up mind, I opened the book and started reading.....

(AJ: Are you ready for their Story...? Prepare yourself for some tragic yet beautiful love and only love...)


Stay connected ^_^


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