
I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

"Are you crazy about money? You sell this water-sucking bastard for 200,000? Will your conscience not hurt?" The girl pointed at the cute turtle with a big bald head in her arms and said in disbelief. "Miss, let me solemnly declare that it's called Squirtle, not water-sucking bastard." "Even if this little water snake looks cute, you can't sell it for 100 million! You are clearly making black money, you know?!!" "Sir, it's not a small water snake, it's called a mini dragon, it's a dragon! And 100 million is really a conscience price!" Gu Xin traveled to a parallel world, and Gu Xin, who got the Pokemon system, opened a pet shop. Bring magical creatures like Pokémon to the world. Created the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, organized the Pokémon World Championship, and the Pokémon competition has become the most popular event in the world. Guxin becomes the true father of Pokémon!

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76 Chs

Chapter 30 I'm so pitiful if I don't give birth!

"Hmph~ Qianbao, I'll give you a good lesson today!"

"This time, I have thoroughly studied the Trapinch trick!"

Chu stroked his bangs pitifully and gracefully, and his pretty face was full of confidence and calmness.

Well, there is a bit of King B's temperament.

Gu Xin nodded, this b-suit looks decent.

"Squirtle, use the Water Gun!"

Bai Qianqian didn't give Chu a pitiful look at all, but let Squirtle attack first.


Squirtle's cheeks puffed out, and a fast, accurate Water Gun fired at Trapinch.

"Damn! Another sneak attack!"

Chu Qi, who still wanted to say something, was in a hurry.

"Trapinch, Mud Shot call me back!"

Trapinch opened his mouth wide, and the mud bombs were greeted directly at the Water Gun.

The Mud Shot and the Water Gun collided directly in mid-air, and the stalemate exploded for a while.

The faint smoke dissipated.

"Is this the Pokémon trick?" Chen Yun's eyes twinkled, looking at the two Pokémon.

Is this a Pokémon battle?

"The long-range attack really doesn't work."

Although his heart was pounding because of the first Pokémon command, Bai Qianqian's mind was extremely calm.

"Squirtle, use the smoke to approach the past." Bai Qianqian quickly came up with an idea.

Squirtle murmured twice, and his two short legs moved closer to where the Trapinch was remembered.

At present, the smoke and dust have not completely dissipated, and it can be used as a cover.

But the strange thing is that Chu Ping did not give any orders to Trapinch at the moment.


"I see!" Chu poor eyes stared at the smoke, and sure enough, a blurred figure could see more and more clearly.

The corners of Chu Pity's mouth slowly evoked a touching arc.

"Too young! Too young, my shallow treasure!"

"Trapinch, use Astonish!"

Chu grinned pitifully, showing some of his neat and beautiful teeth.

Bai Qianqian frowned.

And as Chu Pity's words fell, a shrill screeching sound sounded without warning.

Even Chen Yun and Lin Sheng, who were watching the battle, were taken aback, not to mention Bai Qianqian, who was already engrossed.

What is this horse riding?

Even people were frightened, and Squirtle was naturally inevitable. Even because Astonish came too suddenly, Squirtle, who was running, threw a dog and ate shit.

"Squirtle! Be careful!"

Bai Qianqian was startled and hurriedly shouted to Squirtle, because Trapinch was already crawling close to Squirtle on all fours at this moment, and the speed was very fast!

But it's too late!

Trapinch, whose head was haunted by a dim light, slammed into Squirtle's bald head, and Squirtle cried out in pain.

Ghost-type Astonish!

Because of the forced Ability, Astonish's power has been increased by 30%, which also caused Astonish, which did not have high damage, to deal a fairly good damage to Squirtle.

"Don't let it go! Trapinch, then use Mud Shot!" Chu pitifully ordered Trapinch.

"Squirtle! Quickly indent into the shell!"

Bai Qianqian was a little anxious, and hurriedly shouted to Squirtle.


Mud bullets shot out from Trapinch's mouth, but only hit two, and Squirtle, who was enduring the pain, retracted his head and limbs into the turtle's shell.

The Mud Shots all hit Squirtle's shell, but apparently, hitting the shell alone is useless!

"Is that okay?"

The poor Chu, who had already won the ticket, widened his eyes, am I pretty!


Lin Sheng, who was watching the battle, lit up. This reaction was too awesome. Originally, if he was hit by this Mud Shot, Squirtle would be at an absolute disadvantage.

"Indeed, Miss Bai is very quick-witted. This is the first time she has commanded Pokémon to fight, but she is very adaptable."

"Miss Chu too. Compared with yesterday, her battle thinking is much clearer today, and today's battle is finally a bit more watchable."

Gu Xin was not stingy with his compliments, and at the same time glanced at Chu Pity in surprise.

There is no doubt that the battle between these two beautiful college students today is much better than the rookie chickens pecking each other yesterday.

"It does get stronger, but if it's my Vulpix, I'll definitely still win!"

Lin Sheng nodded in agreement, but after pushing his glasses, Lin Sheng added.

But the next moment, the changes on the field made the three people watching the game stunned.

The Mud Shot kept shooting at Squirtle's shell, and after the last bang, the entire shell flew out.

But the most important thing is this!

Squirtle's turtle fell to the ground on its back!

"Bah! Jenny? Jenny Jenny!!"

Falling to the ground, Squirtle's body emerged from the turtle's shell and spit out two mouthfuls of mud, which was one of the few shots that had just shot into its turtle's shell.

But the next moment, Squirtle realized that something was wrong, and turned his head to the left and right in a panic.

The short limbs constantly waved and tried to turn over, but they couldn't turn it over!

This scene is hilarious and hilarious, but for someone, it's bad enough!

"Ah this..."

Bai Qianqian's whole person is not well!

Pity Chu was also shocked, but the next moment, a big smile slowly appeared on the pretty face.

"Hahaha~ Qianbao, God is helping me!"

"Trapinch, bury that bastard with Sand Attack!"

Chu Pity laughed wildly and shouted to Trapinch.

Mud Shot and Astonish must not be used, otherwise the force will easily turn Squirtle over again, but Sand Attack can be used!


Trapinch let out a low whimper, turned his back legs and kept digging the dirt field, and the mud and dust kept flying towards Squirtle.

"Squirtle, turn it over!"

Bai Qianqian is stupid, she never thought that the little turtle would fall off the chain at this time.

"Jenny Jennie..."

Squirtle is also working hard, but then "dancing" with tears in his eyes.

The concubine can't do it!

Time passed little by little in Trapinch's hard-working Sand Attack, and soon, the dust had completely buried most of Squirtle's body, and Squirtle had no room to fight back.

"It's so dirty! How can you be so shameless!"

Bai Qianqian's pretty face was a little red with anger, so aggrieved!

"It's so naive, Qianbao, it's called tactics! After all, your Rival is mine~ This result was doomed from the beginning."

"I am so pitiful that the sky is not born, the way of the Trainer is like a long night~"

Chu Pityi didn't care, and flung his bangs in a dashing manner, raising his chin proudly.

The feeling of winning the Rival is cool!

Lin Sheng: "..."

Chen Yun: "..."

Gu Xin: "(o—o)"

Bai Qianqian's face turned redder, this is pure anger!

Pretty! How can you pretend that you are not going to heaven?