
I shouldn’t have...

There is always a thin line between sanity and insanity...we just don’t realise it but what if... You have to struggle every single day in your life to remain sane...with the fear you will slip away in any minute into the eternal darkness. The darkness needs light...but not every one have it. Still we are always searching the non existent light in our non existent darkness...confusing?? The darkness we thought that exist is never existed...we decide what we are...it all in your hands. It’s not our ability that shows what we are...it’s our choices. Here our Zay Heldon struggles in her own darkness...unable to cope up...she lives a dead life. Afraid of everything that happens in her life but still she faces bravely...but as the day goes she too became tired...tired of everything. We always need someone...right? To rely on...to cry on...etc. Here he comes...our Asher krighsten, the sunlight of our Zay. Of course our male lead has handsome, God took extra time for his face phases to his looks. I am not giving up on that...lol.He took her out to show the world she didn’t see...she is his weakness..hush Don’t tell his enemies..okay? It’s a complete romance fictional story. It’s not based on any true story. If any resemblance to true incident it’s coincidence. Even names of the fictional characters are not real. The story is original. The cover is not mine.

EternalMortal · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

If only...

In the middle of the night a woman is screaming her lungs out..the same woman who were standing beside window yesterday night.


The middle aged woman who was drinking water in the kitchen startled and rushed to the room where the screaming is coming. In the room, in the middle of the bed a young woman is shivering under the blanket. It broke the woman heart. She rushed to the bed and tried to wake up the young woman.

"Miss... wake up...please wake up!" She shook the young woman's shoulder.

The young woman was pulled out of her nightmare. She blinked her tearful greyish blue eyes and scanned her room with fearful eyes. She saw her housekeeper Ann looking at her with concern.

"Miss...are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I am fine" she said wiping her sweating face with her palms.

She laid on her bed again covering herself fully with a blanket. The housekeeper sighed and left the room closing the door behind her.

Morning came. The sky is grey white....the sun refused to show up early in the morning and clouds are supporting the sun. But it's doesn't change the rushing hours of the city...people are going for the their work. Street vendors started their business. School children are waiting for their bus.

Amidst the all the rushing...there is one building where people already started working...a black Mercedes maybach stopped in front of the building. A tall handsome man with cold and aloof face stepped out from the car. His black eyes can penetrate your soul if you look at them. He entered the building and directly went to the private elevator with his assistance following behind. Along the way everyone started greeting him. After he entered the private elevator everybody sighed in relief.

"phew...I thought I would freeze from coldness..."one said wiping his sweat.

"I just can't stop shivering even after working for almost 3 years...haa"

"He is so scary...I am still getting goosebumps"

Inside the elevator

"Boss...the schedule for today—"

"Give it to me"

While going through the schedule a particular name caught his attention "CEO of NEON.."

"Yes sir..CEO of NEON have an appointment with you at 2.00 pm"

"Oh..how come I don't remember this?"

"Sir that time you were on important business trip so you left it to me"

"Oh..I see"

After reaching his office he went to sit in the chair behind his desk. His assistant Kay left the office to go his cabin which is right outside the office. Inside the office...after making sure his assistant left his office he locked the door using remote control and then he picked his personal phone dialed his one of his best friends. After ringing for some time a charming voice heard from other side...

"Hey...what's up Ash? It's really rare for you to call us..."

"I am finally gonna meet her..."

"Whoa!...who's that?"

"My Zay..."

"Oh..her..so wha—wait WHAT!!!!"

"Yep...I have an appointment with her today"

"Really!!!...That's great...Do you need me to help you?"

"Urghhh..no need thanks bye"

"Hey don't underestimate m—tut tut tut"

Inside a private room

Ken looked around to see his two friends looking at him with questioning gaze...he sighed he really has to tell them.

"He is gonna meet her today...do you think he will be okay?"

"He has to be...it's not like he hadn't seen her after that incident" Aziel said.

"Yeah...Azi is right in fact he is seeing her pictures every now and then...it became his habit" Jim said.

"Don't worry Ken he will be fine" Azi said.

"I hope so...if only he knows..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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