
I shouldn’t have...

There is always a thin line between sanity and insanity...we just don’t realise it but what if... You have to struggle every single day in your life to remain sane...with the fear you will slip away in any minute into the eternal darkness. The darkness needs light...but not every one have it. Still we are always searching the non existent light in our non existent darkness...confusing?? The darkness we thought that exist is never existed...we decide what we are...it all in your hands. It’s not our ability that shows what we are...it’s our choices. Here our Zay Heldon struggles in her own darkness...unable to cope up...she lives a dead life. Afraid of everything that happens in her life but still she faces bravely...but as the day goes she too became tired...tired of everything. We always need someone...right? To rely on...to cry on...etc. Here he comes...our Asher krighsten, the sunlight of our Zay. Of course our male lead has handsome, God took extra time for his face phases to his looks. I am not giving up on that...lol.He took her out to show the world she didn’t see...she is his weakness..hush Don’t tell his enemies..okay? It’s a complete romance fictional story. It’s not based on any true story. If any resemblance to true incident it’s coincidence. Even names of the fictional characters are not real. The story is original. The cover is not mine.

EternalMortal · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

I Miss You too…

"Oh god…nevermind just tell me who is he…I just know he is ice ba— I mean he is from business management" she changed when Zay glared at her.

"Well…I don't know…I just know he is currently on his own…like he is taking care his own expenses. He has family who I never know…but he is not simple as he seems" she said with a thoughtful expression.

"What!!..you don't even know who the hell he is…then why??"she asked with sigh as though nothing can surprise her anymore.

"Because I know he is not dangerous…more over he has that warm feeling around him whenever I am with him" she said with daydreaming expression.

"Warm?…seriously!! Nevermind you are unbelievable anyway…But I will never date someone who is so cold who knows I may even freeze to death" she shuddered at the thought.

"Don't know why….but suddenly I had this intuition that you will date someone who is colder than my boyfriend" Zay laughed uncontrollably.

"Zay Heldon!!!!" She said with gritted teeth before pouncing on her. The room filled with their laughter…)

"Boss we are here" Mel voice snapped her out of it. Indeed they have came to NEON. All of them entered their company to continue their job.

At the Aziel mansion…

The moment he entered he was greeted by his butler…he said nothing just nodded his head and directly to the room next to his room.

"Good morning Cara…How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?" he asked sitting at the edge of the bed and gently caressing her face who is now lying on the bed. He sight went to curtains.

"See…if it's not for me I am pretty much sure you won't even bother to open them" he said while moving to open them. Then he went back to the bed and held her hands in his hands.

" You know what love…I met Zay today…she is still annoying as ever…it's all your fault! How can you say you love her more than me…your boyfriend…nevermind I will get back when the time comes …ahh see I forgot to ask her something…nevermind you can ask her yourself…I am pretty much sure she will readily tell you anything if its you who are asking her. Ash told me Zay is afraid of someone to the point of shivering…I wonder who that is…anyway forget about it she agreed to celebrate your birthday with us…see so many people will be here on your birthday…Don't you wanna go to shopping with her to buy your birthday dress?? How will you do that if you don't wake up? Don't you want to spend time with her?? How will you do that if you don't wake up? Didn't you always say you want your Zay to be happy? But as far as I can see she is clearly not happy…how could you hurt your Zay like that… I can clearly see she is missing you terribly…I miss you too" he choked on his last words

"Didn't you say you would never leave me…Didn't you say you would never let me be alone…then why are you breaking your promise to me?" tears filled his eyes " Is this your way of getting back at me?"he chuckled with tears flowing down his eyes " if it is then it is terribly working okay…enough with your silly games" wiping down his endlessly flowing tears " please…wake up…please wake up…hug me like you always do" he pleaded painfully with endless tears " Is it because I was fighting with you whenever you say you love Zay more than me…then I will stop it…as long as I am part of your life…I don't mind being second" he chuckled.

"So please….wake up it's so lonely without you…please wake up…it's so cold without you…you don't have to do anything..please…please…just wake up…is it because did I do something wrong? Is your way of punishing me…it hurts though…you can do whatever you want with me…as long as you wake up…wake up please…please.." he begged her with ever stopping tears.

Just now a knock interrupted his breakdown. He quickly wiped down his tears and went to open the door only to his butler waiting for him with a phone in his hands.

"Young master you have a call" he politely told giving the phone.

"Alright I will be coming" he finished his call and gave the phone back to butler. He returned to his spot and bent down to place a loving kiss on Cara forehead who is sleeping peacefully without any care with the medical equipments on her bed side.

"I will be going away for a work love…I will be back before twilight darling" he said once again placing a lingering kiss on her lips and caressing her head gently. With that he left the room but not before turning his head towards her direction one more.