
Constructing the basic Summoning Pool *updated*

[bronze grade aether core]

{an aether core is formed from the gathering of aether either from the atmosphere or formed in an aether enhanced lifeform}

[can be evolved

Gather: the aether core has sat absorbing aether in a moderately aether rich environment. Evolves into a green bronze tier aether core]

Looking at the aether core that I held in my hand, I contemplated what I would do. The only experience I had with evolving something was with Ali and she had two options for her evolution.

'Why was this core different?' I asked myself, scrunching my eyebrows as I thought about it. 'Is it because it is not sentient, is there another reason?' I question, the mechanics of my talent were a mystery to me and with the meager amount of times that I had evolved anything I could not establish a pattern. 

The only way to rectify my ignorance of my talents mechanics was to evolve and evolve some more. 

With that thought I looked back to the screen and clicked the gather option. In a flash of green light the core disappeared from my hand. My vision flickered for a second before settling down.

However, in the corner of my eye I could see a small screen, focusing my attention on it, the screen filled my vision. It was like a window into another world.

In that window I could see a whole new world, or more like a whole plane. It wasn't as big as I thought it was on second glance. 

Judging by the altars that sat at the center of the plane and the relative size of it compared to the setter core it could only be maybe 100 or so miles in diameter.

However that was only an afterthought because the more pressing thing was the motes of colorless light particles that were gathering around the altar. 

All that light particles that were going into the four corners of the altar where it would circulate around then pump back into the aether core.

Over what seemed like an eternity to me, the aether core grew bigger and bigger before it suddenly expanded in size dramatically.

A wave of particles flew into the core and with a silent bang the aether core compressed into a round ball that was smaller than the aether core that I had sent in.

The once full gray orb that I had sent to evolve was now shining with a green bronze luster.

In a flash of light, just like how the core had disappeared, it reappeared back in my hands.

Looking at it another screen appeared.

[Green Bronze Grade Aether Core]

{originally a Bronze Grade Aether core but after absorbing large amounts of aether it has evolved into a green bronze grade(can be evolved)}

My eyes widened in elation as I read the description of the aether core. It seemed like I could evolve it even further, unlike how with Ali, it seemed like there was some sort of metaphysical barrier that had not allowed me to evolve her again.

During the walk to find my territory I had tried to evolve her but I was unable to.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head I celebrated a little then started to evolve it again, activating my talent.


[green bronze grade aether core]

[can be evolved]

{Aether: the core has continuously absorbed aether. Evolves into an Iron tier core

Nature:the core has continuously absorbed nature aligned aether. Evolves into a nature aligned Iron tier core.

Polluted: the core has continuously absorbed polluted aether. Evolves into a polluted Iron tier core.}

I looked at the choices that had appeared before me and thought. Before the core didn't have any other options other than to evolve to a green bronze tier core but now it had two options.

I frowned, thinking about the implications of this, of course I had seen that there was a choice but I had discarded that as a quirk of my talent but now I wasn't too sure. Would there be more options after I revolve it further, would one evolution lock me into one type of evolution.

I didn't know the answers to any of these questions.

Those questions just kept on popping into my head but I shook them out, trying to focus on the core before me.

'I can overthink this later' I thought to myself, and with that those thoughts were over.

I focused back into the options, weighing the pros and cons of each option.

However there really was only one choice that made sense. I don't know why but I felt a great feeling of disgust for the polluted option. I had always had a connection to nature, from my childhood to now, the outdoors was my home and the critters my friends.

To pollute that would be a travesty, that left me with the nature aligned core, the only option that called to me.

'Evolve' I commanded, choosing the nature aligned path.

Just moments after I had decided on the nature aligned route the green bronze core disappeared from my hands in a flash of light. 

Looking to the corner of my vision, I saw another screen. This time instead of the relatively small plane that I had seen, it now showed a vast forest. 

However I could tell that this was no ordinary forest, just like how I could feel the energies that accumulated into the aether core in the last evolution, I could feel the overwhelming amount of nature aligned aether. Even ignoring that I could tell that it wasn't ordinary by the giant tree that sat at the center of the forest. With branches that touched the clouds and a canopy that pierced the heavens, the tree was magnificent. I only felt a sense of awe when I looked at it. 

Eventually though my vision changed from the tree to the small altar that sat at the outer edges of the forest. Compared to the rest of the great forest, it was underwhelming. The altar pillars that I knew to be at the very least dozens of times taller than I, only reached the stumps of the trees around it. 

The bronze colored aether core in the middle of the altar, seemed even more insignificant. When I held it in my hand previously, it felt like an endless well of energy but now compared to the vast aether that surrounded it, piercing the core, it felt like nothing. 

I was captivated by this energy, for what felt like an eternity I did not breathe my whole body taking in the overwhelming aether.

However it was not to last as soon after the core underwent a transformation again before landing in my hand. The once bronze core turning a dull iron color, speckled with gleams of green.

[Nature aligned Iron tier core]

{Originally a green bronze tier core the core absorbed the vast nature energy of a great forest transforming it into a Nature aligned Iron tier core(Can be evolved)}

Again a panel of information had appeared before me, and again I was mildly surprised that it could evolve again. 


Before I could command it to evolve again a series of notifications rang out.

[Realm announcement the Crown Aofe has successfully advanced their territory to tier/level 8/1 FAME +1]

{Current rankings}

Darwin (FAME 1)

Aofe (FAME 1)




Looking at the notifications, it seemed like this Aoif person must have either awakened some territory enhancement talent or more likely a resource gathering talent.

'Wait' I thought to myself, thinking back to the initial summoning token. Whoever this was they most likely got a powerful creature like my Ali, or something that allowed them to gather resources incredibly quickly.

'No need to think about this now' With that thought I shook any more thoughts about this Aoif out of my head, focusing on the Iron tier core in my hand.


I smiled at the final product in my hand. It had taken several evolutions but finally I had evolved it to the maximum that the core could be evolved. The core looked like an emerald that was dusted with specks of white all around it. 

The core in my hand shone with color. At this point I could not even sense the aether that was emanating out of it, but I was sure it was there. The plants around me rapidly grew, their size growing rapidly. 

While I was inspecting it an information panel popped up just how it had for every evolution prior to this one.

[Nature aligned White Emerald tier core]

{Originally an emerald tier core the core absorbed the nature aligned energy of the great Yggdrasil evolving it into the highest tier core(can not be evolved further)}

I smiled, the core in my hand was exactly what I wanted, although my head felt a little funny I ignored it in favor of taking out the blueprint that had me evolving this blueprint originally.

[Basic Summoning pool]

{The most basic summoning pool. Allows the owner of the blueprint to construct the basic summoning pool(10 units of stone, 10 units of wood, 1 aether core)}

With a flex of my will, the blueprint and the materials flew out of my warehouse, disappearing in a flash of light. Weirdly enough the aether core stayed in my hand despite the other materials disappearing.

Immediately after the light was gone, the ground near me was dug out. The hole looked to be a couple feet deep but before I could inspect it further wood started to line the outside and walls of the hole. After the wood had lined the hole a staircase made from the stone was made. Next the very middle was broken as a pillar of stone, polished, was made facing the sky. In the middle of the pillar a hole was dug out in the perfect shape for the core that I held.

As soon as that was completed another notification rang in my ears drawing my attention to it.

[Please place the Aether Core in the altar to complete the Basic Summoning Pool]

After reading the instructions I started to walk down the staircase and down towards the pillar. Once I had reached it I placed the aether core in its rightful place.

A silent burst of light that blinded me for a second, before another series of notifications rang out.

[Basic Summoning Pool complete]

[Due to the high quality materials used in construction the Basic summoning pool has automatically risen to a tier 1 nature aligned summoning pool]

[As the first to construct a summoning pool you have been awarded with +1 towards the quantity of summons]

[Realm announcement the Crown Darwin has successfully completed the first summoning pool FAME +1]

{Current rankings}

1. Darwin (FAME 2)

2. Aofe (FAME 1)

3. N/A

4. N/A

5. N/A

After reading the series of notifications that had rang out I checked the information of the summoning pool.

[Basic Nature Aligned Summoning Pool]

[tier: 5]

[level: 1]

[Skill: Allows owner to summon 5(+1) nature aligned troops per day]

[Created with the highest quality nature core but limited by the poor quality wood and stone the summoning pool was elevated to tier 5(can be upgraded: 10 units of gold tier wood, 10 units of gold tier stone)]

"Tsk" I clicked my tongue, 'It seems that the poor quality materials limited the tier of the summoning pool' I thought to myself. At the same time I chastised myself. If only I had been patient, I could have thought of evolving the materials, maybe then I could have had a perfect summoning pool.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head as there was nothing that I could do right now, I initiated the summoning.


[You have summoned 6 Kitsune]

[Tier: 5]

[Level: 1]

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