

"By the way, Professor, why is this fight? What do you win in the game?"

"A vacant piece of land in another part of the state The battle is against the architecture firm Dawn Splendor. They want to build more offices there, and I want to install another research lab. Whoever wins the battle will get the building rights on the land."

"And who will I fight against?"

"You'll know."

In an old aircraft hangar, several people gathered, and at the entrance, a man wearing a red suit and a ponytail was waiting.

Venomus and Lincoln arrived at the barn and got out of the car.

Venom walked towards the man who was waiting for them. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Ramslake."

"Professor Venom. I see you've finally found a new fighter. Although he seems a bit young."

"I think you have to see the result; otherwise, it won't be fair to you and your fighter."

"You're talking a lot, considering what happened to your fighter in the last match."

"The death of my former fighter was unfortunate. But we all know the dangers of Dracoviam's fights."

Ramslake sees Lincoln and questions him. "Tell me, boy, do you know that these fights are not a game?"

"I'm aware of that, but it doesn't scare me. I came here to win."

"You're too confident. This is a common mistake for beginners."

Venom chuckles. "Trust me. I've seen him fight. And Lincoln's not one to bark and no bites."

"We'll see Venom."

The three enter the barn. In it, all the people formed a circle in the center, where the confrontation would take place.

Lincoln enters the circle where his opponent is, who is covered in a red robe.

The referee stands between them and introduces them.

"This day begins the confrontation between Dawn Architecture and Venom Industries."

"Architects represent the splendor of dawn. Red Serpent. Andy Gerseven."

"vs. a new representative of Venom Industries. The White Wolf. LINCOLN LOUD."

"Fighters, ready. Fight!"

The referee started the fight. The first to throw the first blow was Lincoln, but the boy in his robe jumped up, standing on the albino's arm, and then kicked him, causing the albino to fall.

While Venom was watching the fight, he said, "I know it will happen. Despite being the same age, Andy has won six fights, counting the ones he had to face to enter the Dracovium battles. Still. I'm confident that Lincoln can beat him."

Lincoln stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth. 'He's fast. I have to pay more attention to the movements I make' Listening to the bottom of the voice can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Once again, the boy in the cape ran towards Lincoln; this time the albino heard him arrive and struck a direct hit, but Lincoln only hit the cape. Andy had taken it off to distract Lincoln, but the boy wasn't aware that the albino was blind, so Lincoln could hear him coming from behind, so he was able to hit him hard on the jaw and then try to subdue him with a judo move, but he wanted to grab his arm and only found a shallow space. And cold air, as Andy took the opportunity to kick Lincoln in the jaw, sending him flying and landing on his back.

"What the hell? In the position I was in, he should have his arm in front, but I didn't feel anything there." Lincoln tapped the ground with his fingertips to create a mental image of the environment and the boy in question. "What the hell? You don't..."

Andy started laughing softly. "Ha ha ha. I see you already figured that out." Andy's body was finally exposed completely, or almost entirely, because the boy lacked forearms.

"your...your arms."

"Oh, you seem a little confused. It's normal; everyone reacts this way when they find out about my condition. But let me tell you a story to clear up your doubts. When I was five years old, I lost my arm in a car accident. I was luckier, as my parents died. In the same incident, since I had no relatives, the state sent me to an orphanage, and after that, everything went wrong. The children there bullied me for being different and threw my things on the floor to see how I picked them up and laughed. And those who came for adoption, when they saw me, put their hands on their faces as if "they saw a monster, and the others ignored me, as if I didn't exist despite the fact that I spoke to them."

"And the nuns were worse. They were ridiculous bigots. They said I wasn't a child, that I was a monster, a phenomenon, and should have died. But Sister Constance was the only one who treated me well. She was the closest person I had to a mother—the only one who accompanied me through those years I spent there. The other nuns found out about this and accused her of breaking her vow of celibacy and excommunicating her, just to make me suffer. But this was the biggest mistake."

"The anger I felt at being left alone was the engine that drove me to change."

"I exercised my legs and torso every day to make them stronger. I ran and kicked and did all kinds of exercises that gave me strength in my torso and legs superior to everyone else. I ran in the mud and the water, in the sun and the rain, until I achieved the strength I wanted. And one day I was able to put all the damned in their place. When By the time I was eleven, I had finished this disgusting place, using the strength of my legs."

Andy takes a rock between his toes and squeezes it until it breaks. "Thanks to that, I gained this power without the need for weapons. Hence my name. Red Snake. Or, as I prefer to be called, La serpiente roja."

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