
I Saw That One Ghost

A best friend; that one friend who knows you wholesome, who loves you and who you love, with whom you think of doing everything together- from the baths in kindergarten to being your partner in crime. That one friend becomes the most important being in your life. Amila, a young girl, wants to avenge that one friend's death. She has a perfect plan, a perfect partner to perform it with but with many unexpected events coming across her. Will Amila be able to hold onto her plan? What if someone finds out her plan... will Amila be safe? Will her parents support her? Moreover, can Amila actually be successful when more people are discovered learning the truth about her?

Ayushi_Gosavi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The Memories~


''So, you do remember me.. Ami..."

''What do you mean by "remember you"?'' *Frowned and confused*

''You still do not believe?''

''Wait, a-are you really my best friend?''


''But she died 7 years ago. How can it be possible?''

''Ami, it is me your late best friend. I came back to see my family and you. I was missing you so much. And the rose that you cherish? Thanks for keeping it blooming and taking care of it.''

''Of course I would take care. Afterall it was given to me by Liv.''

''So sweet of you Ami.''

''But, who are you? And how do you know that rose plant? How do you know me, like you know me from years? And none of this is getting in my head! And if you are playing with me, I am telling you no! I am warning you don't even joke about my best friend like that! Seriously you are gonna regret it-''

''Yes. I am your best friend, Ami."

''But Liv-, I mean to say, you, girl, how can it be possible?!"

''You are still the same Ami, a short-tempered girl you are.''

''Okay, okay, now stop laughing you are irritating me.''

''Okay, now listen to me Amila, your best friend Livia, is in front of you. I came to see you and my family for the last time before I go to peace in heaven.''

With a blank face Amila is wondering off to the heaven the girl in front of her is talking about.

''Hahahaha.. O my god! You're really the same no change! I know you are an atheist but believe it for once, for me Ami."

''Okay, I will believe you cause you are bestie after all. Livia, I missed you so much!'' Amila's voice cracked a bit at the end of the sentence as she kept looking at her with her now innocent eyes slowly getting filled with fresh tears.

''It's okay Ami, I am here now, don't cry.'', said Livia as she tried embracing her and luckily, she did!

Both of them were crying now, not because of sadness but because of the relief of seeing each other and feeling happy to be together. Liv wiped Ami's tears and Amila did the same to her. Livia told her story of her accident, while Amila patiently listened to all the parts carefully. They both were sitting on the grass like they used to when they were little and now, they are 16 years old. They were really joyful and used to tease each other very much but the sudden change in their life made them miserable.

Flashback~ 7 years ago~

The children, everywhere to be seen. The beautiful park is filled with the most beautiful innocent souls and their happy laughers. Parents were watching their children play and fall, but getting up to play again. It is so peaceful in there. But something doesn't seem right? Something caught the attention of Livia. She was watching something horrible from the broken old window, which was made of wood. The house was not so fashioned too, it's a old house, actually a very old house. The height of the house was not that big because of the flooring was a little deeper than the actual ground. From the inside, it was looking like a big house with enough fertilities. But what caught the attention of Liv? The window was open and the insides could be clearly seen- a man near his forties beating and yelling at a woman, who seemed to be his wife. The lady was crying but not because of the pain, because of the anger and frustration and looking like she was done with man now! She kept yelling and yelling for him to stop but the man didn't budge. When she caught his hand, he slapped her with his other hand and what was even more terrifying? There stood a little boy, nearly 9 years old shedding his tears in fear and watching everything from the door of, maybe bedroom. He was looking so terrified and was shaking because of his parents, particularly his father, looking so determined to kill his wife, his mother, at any chance provided. The man looked at his son and shouted at him.


''WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO MY CHILD?? HUH!? HE HAS DONE NOTHING TO YOU, YOU BETTER KEEP IT TO YOU ONLY AND NOT MY CHILD!'' The woman shouts back with her cracking voice but still confident while her hairs were being pulled, but the pain was nothing to her when it came to her son. She still shouted-became even more stronger for her child, so that he will not get hurt and become strong like her. She stands up for her child, and took his hand out her hair and slapped the man, her husband, a terrible father, right across his so-not-smooth-face and his cheek turned red, in fact of the small hairs, it was visible. He was fuming with anger and that's when his eye caught a wine bottle and he said,

''You slapped me.''

''I know'', with her red eyes she spoke and scared but confident, she spoke.

''I am sorry... Because of me you have to face all of this. I hope you forgive me'', the man said with a low voice. The lady's eyes softened but then turn wide open for what seemed like a second and she closed her eyes feeling it, the pain.

The man was just diverting her attention and soon caught a hold of the quarter filled wine bottle and smashed it, hard, real hard, on her head, the backside. She held her head with her palms and then weakly again opened her eyes and looked at her son and smiled and said, ''I love you my son, always take care of yourself'''. And she was again smashed with the broken bottle and she landed on the ground with a thump, her only child watching her now with terrified eyes and full of fear, he is shaking so badly and fell down too, watching his mother for the last time. She, then, never opened her eyes again and that's when everyone presents at the scene knew she died.

Her beautiful face once covered with the happiest smile ever is now covered with dried tears, but the last pair of tears fell down making the pale face wet, which is already with the blood dripping down her head and slowly covering the wooden floor in its embrace lovingly. Her hands which once cherished the young one were now covered in her blood, and the body with which she once used to fetch her son from school is now lying lifeless, dead, at present. And she died not because of the sadness she was in or loneliness she was facing but because of her own husband, whom she trusted her life with and dreamt of happy moments as a small family. She lay dead, her son watching her lifeless, horror filled in the veins of him as he looked at his father, or his mother's killer, his mother's murderer, with eyes, now, full of anger and betrayal.



''SHUT UP OR YOU WILL BE LIKE HER TOO!'' The man spoke with a tint of seriousness in his voice. And the boy kept quiet but not leaving his eyes for once and the man yelled again, ''KEEP YOUR EYES DOWN YOU LITTLE USELESS BRAT! DON'T YOU DARE SHOW ME THOSE EYES!'' Now Liv was sure that this man is scared. By the time Livia would leave, Amila came shouting her name, as she was searching the whole park for her, but found her near an old house which was not so good.

''LIV!! What are you doing here in this area?'' Amila said looking around because it was creeping her out, still it was peaceful of the quietness. Before Amila could walk any further Livia stopped her by her hand to be quiet as much possible, but was of no use as the man already caught her face and yelled at her, ''Hey you! You have seen everything, haven't you?'' He was going to chase her but then Liv shouted, ''Ami! Run! And fast! We have to reach our parents fast!'' Amila asked her nothing and did as she said. They both ran from there faster, hand-in-hand and called out for their parents. Their parents asked them why were they running like that, but they said nothing and Ami looked at Liv for an explanation. When got out of the park, Livia explained everything to her best friend and Amila also became worried. But they promised to each other that they will fight for the boy and punish the man. They went to an ice-cream parlor as they loved ice-cream and what happened today in such a short period of time was so drastic and horrifying. It terrified the two, but mostly Liv because she saw it with her own eyes, but also Ami, cause her best friend is a victim of the horrible scene. Once they got ice-cream, Liv went out of the store, the road was empty, their parents were waiting for them but there was a car which stood their motionless. The car suddenly moved and hit Livia so hard, that she flied and landed with a big thump, the car didn't stop and soon was out of sight. Ami ran towards her, held her head in her lap and said with tears continuously flowing out, ''Liv!'' ''Hey... Don't cry you look ugly!'' Were the last words said by Livia with a bright smile. She was taken to the hospital by the ambulance which soon arrived after that. She was directly taken to the emergency room and treated with every possibility but the outcome was none, only the lifeless body, but with the wires around her. The doctor came with a sad and disappointed face, with lowered head. He stood there to speak but nothing came out of his mouth. With great difficulty and a heavy broken voice Liv's mother spoke,

''What happened? Why are you not saying anything doctor? What happened to my child?''

''I am sorry, the child couldn't make it to you... Her brain was damaged badly, she lost a lot of blood too. Her spine was broken due to the force, when she fell, I am sorry...''

And the doctor's tears left from his eyes and he left from there. The formalities were done and the body of Livia was taken to the grave. Amila was so depressed then. She didn't talk with anyone and kept quiet all the time. But there was a boy whom, Liv has seen before closing her eyes and she did saw the driver indeed, who killed her. Amila didn't see anything as she wasn't aware of anyone wanting to kill her bestie except the man, but he lost them before he could even catch them. Amila's brother was also feeling bad as they both were inseparable and very close, but now the condition was opposite. Amila sat there lifeless and out of soul, even her brother who didn't bother to ask her about her life is now trying to make her smile. Even Liv's parents also tried to make her smile as they considered Amila as their own daughter, but nothing could be done. After five years Amila found Omilia, as she was her seatmate. But Omilia knows all about her, after gaining trust of Amila. Amila went back to her original self and she keep visiting Livia's parents, her mom and dad. And Amila always took care of the special rose plant given by Liv to her on her 9th birthday as a symbol of their friendship.