
Chapter 341: Jiang Yi's Counterattack

Wen Ruofei must have opened the perfume bottle first, pouring most of the perfume into her own bottle, then broke Jiang Yi's perfume bottle to create the false impression that the perfume bottle had shattered and everyone would think all the perfume inside had spilled out.

Unfortunately for her, what she deemed to be a clever act was something Jiang Yi could see right through.

Yang Liu, still not over it, turned to look back at Wen Ruofei, but Jiang Yi turned her face back and said, "Can you prove that the perfume she's wearing is mine?"

Yang Liu was stumped by the question, while Jiang Yi went on to say, "She could simply claim it's one she bought herself, or a gift from someone else, and so on and so forth..."

"But how could it be such a coincidence?" Yang Liu persisted.

"Well, if she insists it's a coincidence, what can you do about it?"

With that question from Jiang Yi, Yang Liu was at a loss for words.

She indeed couldn't do anything, except glare sulkily.