2 Chapter Two

The princess is almost there, the cave where the dragon had taken her only love was so close, she could almost smell the smoke form the dragon, almost see her prince she had always wanted to be saved by, not be saving. All she needed to do was climb the mountain and defeat the dragon, and she would be there. Everything she and dreamed and hoped for, everything she had blead and almost died for, would all be in that one cave, high in the mountains, in the Dragons Keep.

Iris herself could almost feel the same as the princess was described, scared, yet excited for what is to happen, freaked out, yet relived that it'll all be over soon. Iris looked away from the book, trying to imagine what will happen next. Maybe there will be something to stop her from getting to the prince. The book suddenly felt thicker. What was that about? Back to trying to predict the ending. Well maybe it was going to be smooth sailing from here, and that the dragon won't be there. The book went thinner. What's going on? Maybe the dragon will be there, and there will be an epic last battle? The book went a little thicker again. What is this?

She finally decided that there will be an epic final battle, and re-opened the book. The words looked as if they were deciding where to be. They were moving around the page or molding into a different word. It looked mesmerizing, and confusing. Why were the words moving? Why was the book changing in thicknesses before?

Iris was about to go running to her mum, when it stopped suddenly. It looked as if nothing happened. It look as though it had always been like this.

"Must have just been imaging it," Iris told herself.

She sat back down and continued to read.

The princess decided that it was time. She climbed with no problem. Once she got there, she could smell smoke. That's not a good sign, she told herself, but continued. I've come too far to stop now.


"The end battle has to be my favorite part," Iris finished explaining the entire story to her mum. She got so into the story that she forgot all about the weird happenings.

Mrs. Bloom was half awake the entire time Iris was re-telling her story.

"I didn't get to finish the book though, I still have two chapters to go. And, and..."

Her train of thought ran off thought ran off the tracks. The thoughts of the weird happenings all came flooding back.

"Hey mum..."

"Yes?" Mrs. Bloom responded absent mindedly.

"The book, it- it. The size shifted in my hands, do you know what that means?'

"Hm? I don't know..." Her mother trailed off, not apparent to the conversation at hand. Iris noticed this, and decided to let the topic slide.

"What are you guys talking about?" Alice piped up. This sudden addition to the conversation seemed to bring Mrs. Bloom back down from the clouds.

"Oh, um... I-I don't actually remember. Sorry Iris"

"Oh, it's OK". Iris felt sorry for her mum feeling apologetic.

"I trailed off at your favorite part, sorry. I was just in my own little world then"

"It's OK, it's OK... It wasn't that important anyway"

"Oh, I'm sure you really wanted to tell me, didn't you?"

"It's nothing, really"

"OK, fine. But you will tell me at least one thing I missed"

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes. You seemed to full of energy when you came back. Like the book magically gave you energy for the day ahead"

"What's happening today?"

"You're going to meet your new homeroom teacher!"

Iris groaned. How could she have forgotten? She would have to walk into all of her classes to say good-bye, in front of everyone, with a third of the school day to go. After, as her mother so rudely reminded her, she would meet her new teacher, with whom she would be with for the next semester. What a nightmare, Iris thought.

"Don't make that face. This is exciting! This is a new opportunity to make friends! To learn. To make new beginnings!" Mrs. Bloom said a little too excitedly.

"You know how much I hate talking to new people!"

"This is an excuse to help change that!"












"YEESSS—-oh..... Yes..."


"Good. This is the last we will talk about this."


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