

Lucien Luther happened to be the leader of the Lycan clan in this book. He is a cold blooded man with no feelings for anyone, most especially a human. He is also a very famous business man in the human world that there's barely any one in the country who haven't heard of his name. Calina Cee on the other hand happened to be a very rich young lady. Her parents died, leaving enough wealth to last her for her lifetime, but not many people knew this. She wanted to start from the basics, so she disguised as just a regular and normal young lady leaving no trace to be suspected. She was treated like waste by her boss, Shirley, who was doing just anything to get into the company Calina owned. Things started getting interesting when the cold heartless Lucien met with the fascinating lady Calina and they fell in love. Calina found out that Lucien was no ordinary man and with the help of Lucien, she was able to discover her true self and maybe she was no ordinary

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The contract

"I have an offer," President Luther said.

"For me?" Calina asked.

"Mmm," He replied.

"What kind of offer?" She asked.

President Luther brought out a contract paper and gave it to her.

Calina scanned through the content and then raised her head to look at him. "We get to date...for two months...and I have to move in with you and stay for two months...and after that we go our seperate ways?" Calina asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes," President Luther replied.

Walter already had a guess of what the content of the paper was all about, but he was unaware that the President had changed the content. He had removed the part where they didn't get to meddle in each other's private affairs and had added the part where the lady had to move into the house and stay for two months.

'Did the President have an interest in this lady?' It was the thought on Walter's mind.

But, the Calina lady was too bold for a simple lady.

"How do I benefit from this?" Calina asked. 

"You'd be paid, and you get to live with me, " President Luther replied. 

Normally, he lets Walter do all the talking, but it was different now.

"I know I look poor, but I'm not in need of extra money, " Calina replied. 

"So...you're saying?" He asked. 

"I'm not interested , President Luther, " She replied as politely as she could.

Walter went pop-eyed and even Lucien raised a brow.

No lady had ever rejected the President's offer. 'Where did this lady get a boldness from?' Walter had never been this surprise in his life.

"Why?" Lucien asked. His voice didn't carry the usual coldness, and it wasn't warm either.

"I have never dated before and even if I have too, it has to be with someone I love," Calina replied.

"Really?" Lucien asked.

"Yes, and I can't just date for two months, my first relationship must at least last for six months," she said.

"So, what if I extend the time to six months?" Lucien asked.

Calina turned to look at him, and even Walter couldn't help staring either.

He wasn't sure this was his boss anymore. He wasn't even sure this lady was simple either.

"Will you agree if I extend it to six months?" Lucien asked again.

"I really have to go now, President Luther," Calina said and turned to leave.

Just then, Lucien took her arm and held it in a very strong grip.

Calina felt his long fingers wrap around her wrist and a jolt pf something like electricity shot up her arm.

"Answer me," Lucien said. He wasn't used to being ignored and she felt the pressure of his fingers as they wrapped around her arm.

Calina turned to face him. "I..."

Walter realised he had to excuse himself. He left the office leaving the two.

"President Luther, I'm so sorry, but I have to date someone I love," she replied.

"Oh! Is it just that? Or you are scared of me?" He asked.

"I..." Calina replied.

"So, you are scared of me?" Lucien released her wrist.

"I'm so sorry President Luther, but there are many other girls that would die to date you for just a day," Calina said.

"It is you I want," Lucien said.

"Huh?" Calina was surprised at his last statement.

"Don't get the wrong idea. The statement didn't mean exactly as it sounded. But, Iget you are scared of me," Lucien said and returned back to his seat.

Fine, I'll think about it "Calina replied.

Lucien raised his head to look at her ."And when do I get a reply?" 

"Maybe tomorrow," she replied.

"Here," Lucien gave her his card. "Call me," He added.


"You know my name, what's yours?" Lucien asked.

"Calina cee," Calina replied.

'Cee? The name rings a bell' He thought.

"I'll leave now," Calina said

"Mmm," Was Lucien's reply.

Calina left the office and Lucien told walter to escort her down. He returned back to his office work.


After Walter had called for a cab, he decided to talk with Calina.

"I am so sorry miss for interferring, but, no lady had ever turned the President's offer down and the President has never been this persistent with any lady before," he said.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," she replied as she opened the door of the cab and got in.

"Take care miss," Walter said and bowed.


Calina laid sprawled on her bed. What a morning it had been. She had only planned to return his suit jacket and then all this happened.

What would she really gain by dating President Luther for two months? She asked herself.

Was it the money? She wasn't poor. Was it the fame? If she wanted it, she wouldn't disguise herself as an assistant.

She had all she wanted, except a family and someone to love her. She woukd luke to date, she had never done that. She would like to experience what it felt like for someone to make your heart race, to be in love. She was too busy for that anyways.

Other girls would have taken the opportunity she had and just date President Luther, but, she wasn't any girl.

And, why is President Luther this persistent? She herself knew he wasn't someone to do that. Could it be that....? No, it couldn't, she was thinking too much.

Calina decided to go to sleep. She was sure that when she woke up, she'd know what to do. She closed her eyes, slowly drifted into sleep and entered into her world of dreams.

Everyone's faces were blur. The fight continued, more slashing, more biting, more screaming. Blood spilled everywhere. It soaked the ground like rain and the atmosphere was scary. In the midst of it all, a lady was running. Panting sounds could be heard and more biting. The faces became clearer and tge lady happened to be Calina. She saw vampires and wolf-like creatures fighting. The whole atmosphere was tense. Calina was scared to death, when suddenly, someone came to her rescue. His long jet-black hair was a mess on his head and it covered his face. He had blood stains on his body and he radiated a chilly aura. He stretched his hand and Calina took it. She was too scared to think. A light breeze blew, and the hair covering the person's face was lifted by it. Calina saw the person's face clearly now, and it happened to be.....

Calina woke up. Her heart was pounding in fear and her face was covered in sweat. She had the same dream she usually had, but, why did President Luther have to appear in it? He happened to be the one who had rescued her.

Did he show up just because she was thinking about him before she slept? Or was there more to it? 

Since he had appeared to save her in her dreams, maybe there

really was more to it. Especially with the way they had both met, it felt more than a coincidence.

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