
I Made Scientific Magic

Lynn traveled to a magical world similar to the European Middle Ages but possessing magical powers. Here, magic can affect and control elementary particles. So…a scientific theory is a magic formula! Wizards called spellcasters who are actually scientists, under the siege of the Holy See, struggled to explore the truth of the world, until the arrival of Lin En, which set off a renaissance of an alien version…

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181 Chs

Basic Principles of Magic" and "Analysis of Elemental Magic"

Chapter 64 "Basic Principles of Magic" and "Analysis of Elemental Magic" 



  Lin En wrote out the formula represented by the grid game with magic power, and then looked at the apprentices who had not yet recovered from the horror of exponential growth, and said loudly.

   "Why don't you write down this formula?"

Johnny and the others hurriedly turned the page, picked up a quill and copied down the formula they couldn't understand at all. Ai Luoke, who was stunned by the side, was the best example, that is the end of not learning the Olympiad !

   "Professor Lynn..." Eloque looked at Lynn and shouted tremblingly, his eyes filled with tears, and he was about to cry.

   "Aylok, I just heard from you that you are good at math?" Lynn asked.

  I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense...

   Eloque shook his head hurriedly and wanted to deny it, but Lynn waved his hand and continued to speak.

   "Well, as long as you can accurately calculate the sum of the thirty-six squares of copper coins before class tomorrow, then the bet is over!"

   "Of course, you only have one chance to speak!"

  Lin En glanced regretfully at the large amount of coins piled up on the square table, but he didn't intend to accept them.

  First of all, it is impossible for the other party to get the money, and secondly, it is a bit too scary to make a group of apprentices spend all their savings with a single game.

  After that, who would dare to come to his Math Olympiad class?

  Ai Luoke stared blankly at those floating magical fluorescent lights, completely unable to understand what these arithmetic symbols were, and he even began to doubt whether he could count...

  Pierce, who was still envious of Ellok before, immediately became gloating. Fortunately, he hesitated for a while, otherwise he would be the one who made a fool of himself now.

   Unexpectedly, Lin En changed his voice, looked at the people present, and continued to speak.

   "You too!"

   "If I remember correctly, when Ellok borrowed money from you, he said [If he can fill all the boxes, he will return it twice]."

"It's a pity that Eloke failed to do this, so the promise is invalid. Not only will you not get more gold coins, but the money you have suppressed before must continue to be with me!" Lynn reached out and picked up a few gold coins. The gold, silver and copper coins on the square table, said playfully.

  Hearing this, the classroom of Mathematical Olympiad was filled with wailing, and Pierce and the others stomped on Eloque in anger. This kid is actually cheating!

  Lin En raised his voice a little, and pointed to the exponential summation formula floating in the sky. "There is a simple way to do exponential addition. If it were me, if I knew the last number, I would be able to calculate their sum in ten seconds!"

   "The task I gave you after class is to find the law and solve the formula I wrote! When do you get the answer, and when will you get the money back!"

  Lin En looked around at the students who were holding quill pens and bowed their heads to calculate, and nodded in satisfaction. Only this kind of personal experience can make people truly feel the charm of Mathematical Olympiad!

   In addition, he is also using this game to find out the mathematics level of these apprentices.

   Judging from Eloke's performance, they have already learned the most basic algorithms, and maybe they can start teaching with slightly more difficult formulas next time!

  The two-hour Mathematics Olympiad class is over soon.

  Although they didn't learn any new magic, all the students were forced by the idea of getting their deposit back, and they maintained extremely high enthusiasm, and even couldn't wait to share what they saw and heard in class with others.

  In just one day, the name of Professor Lynn's cube game has spread.

In order to let more people understand the charm of exponential growth, Lynn directly moved the square plate to the gate of Iyeta Academy, and changed the square into a total of forty-nine squares with seven rows and seven vertical lines. A sign was erected on it, and the rules of the bet were rewritten.

  If anyone can fill these squares with corresponding copper coins, he will give away the alchemy formula used to destroy Harbor Town.

That's right, you only need to start with one copper coin, and fill it up according to the rule that the copper coins in the next grid are twice as large as the previous grid. receive!

   This time, not only the wizard apprentices, but even several professors of the college were a little tempted.

   Is there such a good thing?

  This kind of alchemy formula that requires a lot of preparation to explode its powerful power may seem troublesome, but it can exert special miraculous effects in some special occasions.

   You must know that the power of this thing can be compared to five-ring or even six-ring magic!

  In the evening, when a group of students were leaving school or returning to the dormitory, Professor of Plastic Surgery Kevin sneaked up to the merged square table by himself and studied the rules on the square plate.

  Does each square have double the number of the previous one?

  Kevin stroked his chin, pondering inwardly, and just as he was thinking, a familiar voice came from behind.

   "Forget it, it is absolutely impossible to fill these squares!"

"Do you know how much savings I have, Professor Philip?" Kevin asked a little dissatisfied, and he knew a lot of friends. Anyway, the money is just used to fill in the grid, and you can take it back after filling it out. borrow a little.

   Are these squares really the same as the rumors, and putting all the wealth of the entire Iyeta Harbor into it can't be filled?

   Kevin scoffed at this statement, this rumor is simply too outrageous!

   "Do you know how many copper coins are needed to fill in the last square of these seven rows and seven columns?" Philip said rather helplessly. "It's two hundred and eighty-one trillion!"

   "2.81 million copper coins, that's quite a lot..." Kevin was somewhat surprised, but after a pause, he suddenly realized that the unit Philip mentioned seemed to be...billion...billion?

   "Wait, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Kevin was stunned.

  It was the first time he heard that there was a unit of trillions.

"Of course not! I've verified it myself..." Philip said angrily. He was also a little surprised when he heard the apprentices talking about it before, and then he used a whole nine manuscript papers to calculate all of them, because those numbers are too big. long.

  Kevin silently calculated in his head. Although it was just the simplest multiplication, the amount became larger as he calculated it later.

  According to the experience of the first few columns, the amount will increase about ten times for every three to four grids.

  There are a total of forty-nine grids, that is...at least one hundred trillion times!

  Kevin couldn't help taking a breath, this kind of growth is really terrifying!

   Not to mention the Iyeta seaport, even if the entire continent is emptied, it is impossible to raise so much money!

  Fortunately, he deliberately chose to sneak out to try when there was no one around, otherwise he would have made a fool of himself in front of the students.

  Kevin rejoiced secretly in his heart, and then found that besides rows of squares, there were some strange characters engraved on the square table in front of him.

  q≠1, Sn=a1(1-q^n)/(1-q)

   "What are these runes? Some kind of magic symbols?" Kevin asked puzzled.

"This seems to be... the summation formula of geometric series? It should be called this?" Philip said uncertainly, "Professor Lynn said that as long as the last number is calculated, he can calculate the sum of these squares within ten seconds." How much do the copper coins add up to?"

   "Can such a large amount of data really be calculated within ten seconds?" Kevin frowned.

   "Master Heralam seems to have unlocked the meaning of this Olympiad formula!" Philip said with a sigh, "It's only an afternoon. You really deserve to be Your Excellency the Great Wizard."

   "Did the master tell you what these Olympiad symbols mean?" Kevin asked eagerly. After doing exponential calculations, he found that the so-called Olympiad seemed quite interesting.

"Not at all..." Philip shook his head regretfully, "Master Heralam only asked me to come over and add a small reward to this game. Whoever can solve the meaning of this formula first will get twenty magic gold coins." award!"

   While speaking, Philip took out the gold coins and fixed them on the square table with magic.


At this moment, the person everyone is talking about, Lin En, the new professor of the Mathematical Olympiad class, is sitting leisurely on the sofa in the room, eating the dinner brought by the goblin, while checking the "Magic Basics" borrowed from the college library. Principle", "Analysis of Elemental Magic".

  Although the life of the professor at Iyeta College is very comfortable and he does not feel the slightest crisis, Lynn will not slack off because of this.

  Everything in the Land of Wizards is unfamiliar to him. Once he encounters any trouble, the only thing he can rely on is his own strength.

  In addition, dressed as a professor, he also had to catch up on some basic magic knowledge.

However, these two books on the principles of magic written by legendary wizards made Lynn's head big, because the books were filled with a lot of things such as [Thuru], [Enzexi], and [Keze], which made Lin En feel dizzy. The vocabulary that he can't figure out at all can only be verified bit by bit according to the description of these nouns in the book.

   It took more than three hours to analyze, combined with his little knowledge of magic power after time travel, Lynn barely understood the first half of the book.

   First of all, his previous guess was not wrong, wizards did release magic through manipulation, influence, and mimicry elements.

  However, the ability of official wizards is very limited. Not all elements can be controlled, and the precision is not enough. At least they cannot smash molecules or atoms, and can only perform simple arrangements and combinations.

   "Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus..." Lin En silently thought about the four elements he had manipulated, and he couldn't help but have a few guesses in his heart.

  First, the difficulty of manipulating elements may be related to the cycle of elements. For example, formal wizards can only manipulate the short-term elements in the first three rows of the periodic table, but cannot control the long-term elements in the fourth to seventh rows.

  The second is determined by the number of nuclear charges in the element.

  The third is to divide by metal and non-metal elements.

   On this point, Lynn once conducted an experiment, trying to use zero-ring magic [elementary material deconstruction] to disintegrate the steel long sword in his hand.

   As a result, he obviously failed!

  No matter how hard Lin En tried, the long sword remained motionless.

   This means that with the ability of an apprentice wizard or even a formal wizard, there is no way to directly affect metal elements.

   Of course, great wizards and legendary wizards are not necessarily the same.

  Because according to the "Basic Principles of Magic", [Elementary Material Deconstruction] also has two advanced magics.

   Four-ring magic [high-level material deconstruction] and seven-ring magic [big disintegration]!

   Coincidentally, the fourth ring and the seventh ring are the dividing line for being promoted to a great wizard and a legendary wizard!

   While thinking, Lin En asked 071 to record these contents in the research file, and then turned to the second half of "Basic Principles of Magic". The above descriptions of magic power are more mysterious.

  This legendary wizard regards magic power as the origin of the entire universe, the most basic thing that makes up all matter, and is the real power of creation!

"Is it the source?" Lin En frowned. According to his observations these days, magic seems to exist in every corner of this world, but unlike elements, he can only perceive but cannot really 'see', unless it is Only by using magic like [Magic Missile] can the magic power be materialized for a short time.

   Forget it, this is obviously not something he can study at his current level...

  Lin En touched his aching head, decided to put this question aside, and then opened "Elemental Magic Detailed Explanation".

  [Fireball], [Corrosion], [Bright Curse], [Touch of Ice], [Secondary-Hand of Balrog], [Pyroblast], [Very Poisonous Domain]...

  The entire "Analysis of Elemental Magic" records a total of seventeen kinds of magic from the first ring to the third ring.

  Lin En glanced at the so-called second- and third-ring magics for a few times, and then stopped paying attention, but focused on those first-ring magics.

  With the help of his intellectual brain, although he was able to accomplish magic mimicry as an apprentice wizard, something that only formal wizards could do, he was limited to learning and using one ring of magic.

  For example, the principle of the three-ring magic and highly poisonous field is to use magic power to transform into some kind of toxic gas, which may be chlorine gas or fluorine gas. In short, they are not elements that he can get in a short time.

  If he can't analyze it, he can't convert it. His mental power is far from enough to cover such a large area.

  In the case of close range, it is better to simply reduce or increase the oxygen content in the air, which can also achieve similar effects.

  With his current abilities, learning and improving a ring of magic is the most worry-free.

   And the first-level magic also has ordinary and high-level points.

  The so-called high-level magic is actually a simplification of higher-level magic, or an enhancement of low-level magic.

  For example, his [White Phosphorus-Fireball], strictly speaking, belongs to the upper-level magic of the first level. It is only because of the highly poisonous and indestructible characteristics of white phosphorus that it has reached the level of second-level magic in terms of power.

   Another improved magic [White Phosphorus-Hand of the Balrog] has a destructive power close to that of the three-ring magic.

   But Lynn is well aware of the limitations of white phosphorus fire.

  Don't look at him using this thing to kill all directions in the Sekas Empire, and even killed An Ruoke, who was comparable to a three-ring wizard.

  Lin En knew very well in his heart that this thing was okay to bully those uneducated bishops, but once it was used to deal with wizards, its power would be greatly reduced.

   After all, the two important characteristics of white phosphorous fire can be dealt with by official wizards. Once the information is leaked, it will not be so easy to achieve good results.

  So, he must learn more magic to increase his hole cards...

  (end of this chapter)