
I Made Scientific Magic

Lynn traveled to a magical world similar to the European Middle Ages but possessing magical powers. Here, magic can affect and control elementary particles. So…a scientific theory is a magic formula! Wizards called spellcasters who are actually scientists, under the siege of the Holy See, struggled to explore the truth of the world, until the arrival of Lin En, which set off a renaissance of an alien version…

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181 Chs

Are these questions really human-possible?

Chapter 172 These questions can really be done by humans?

  The powerful monsters that inexplicably appeared in the magic stone mine recently and the doomsday sect that suddenly appeared made Lynn smell a hint of danger.

  The former is not something he can worry about. If the legendary wizards can't solve this problem together, it won't help him.

The latter is an issue that the current manager, August, needs to consider, but Lynn will not completely entrust his own safety to others, so finding ways to improve his own strength and deal with potential threats freely has become a problem. an urgent matter.

It is undoubtedly the best choice to continue to advance to the wizard level, but he has just been promoted to the second-ring wizard not long ago. Even though the huge power brought by the [Death Eye] has not been completely exhausted, the magic power is still in the stage of rapid growth. But there is still a long way to go before the next promotion.

  So Lynn can only choose to start from other aspects. For example, like when he was fighting against Herram, with the help of the computing power of nine third-ring wizards, he can even briefly compete against a fifth-ring wizard!

  Although Herram was tricked by him at that time, and he was backlashed by magic, and the strength he could display was only about 30% to 40% of the original strength, but that was enough to crush ordinary official wizards!

   It is precisely because of this that during the days when he arrived in Greenriel, in addition to preparing materials for speeches and experiments, Lynn spent most of his time making the new [Ring of the Secret Law].

As a distinction, these newly made rings are not as gorgeous as the ones given to Harov, and they will not transport the person carrying them to [Beyond Time and Space], but on a certain planet in the magic field. They are frantically rushing to get the location of the second meeting out as soon as possible.

  In the end, Lynn set the number of people in the magic field at twelve!

  The reason for limiting the number is that his brain has limited capacity, and the more computing power he mobilizes, the better.

  Secondly, the magic power field is in the stage of just being built, and too many people are recruited at once, and it will be difficult to deal with it in case of passing through.

As for the legendary wizard Harov who had entered the magic field before, Lin En didn't dare to let the brain try to decipher the other party's mental frequency. The wizard was his real target.

   At that time, with [Deflecting Force Field] as protection and [Space Vibration Wave] as attack means, even if you face a great wizard, you will never be helpless.


  Two days later, at noon, Greenriel City, a temporarily leased magic shop, had already been besieged to the brim.

"Is this a glass mirror?" A young witch picked up a palm-sized round mirror in amazement. The smooth and flawless mirror reflected her beautiful face perfectly, with white skin and red lips. Even the loose strands of hair on the forehead can be clearly seen.

  In almost an instant, the witch was captured, looking over and over again, she was reluctant to put down the mirror at all. Apart from being able to clearly reflect the face, the glass mirror itself looked like a work of art.

  However, the high price still made the young witch hesitate. The more high-end and larger the glass mirror, the higher the price.

  The price of a life-length glass mirror is as high as 20 magic gold coins!

   Not a small amount, even for a wizard!

"Beautiful lady witch, the number of this magical glass mirror is very limited, and the production process is extremely complicated. For example, there is only the last piece of the largest full-length glass mirror left. It is not known when the next batch will be produced. If If you miss today, you don't know how long you'll have to wait..."

Darren, who was in charge of the sale, was eloquent, explaining the scarcity of glass mirrors to the witch in front of him, and repeatedly emphasized that the output of this item is very low, and there are countless people rushing to buy it. If she comes a minute later, Just one mirror is gone.

Seeing this scene, the young witch dared not hesitate, gritted her teeth, and immediately took out all her savings, a total of 30 magic gold coins, and bought the largest mirror and a small portable mirror. round mirror.

   Darren opened the drawer happily, and put the magic gold coins he had just earned into it. In just half an hour, the entire drawer was already filled with glittering gold coins.

  Master Lynn's hunger marketing method is so good!

Aiming at those apprentices and commoners with insufficient purchasing power, in addition to the best-selling glass mirrors, they also made many equally exquisite glassware-teapots, teacups and even trays, usually ranging from seventy silver coins to five magic gold coins. , but compared to the extremely low production cost, it is no different from stealing money.

  But in the eyes of the rest of the wizards, this is not the case. This kind of glass products, which are exquisitely crafted like works of art, is undoubtedly a symbol of status and status, so there is a wave of buying glass products in Greenriel City soon.

   There are also many shrewd wizards who want to buy them in bulk, and then resell them to other cities in the wizarding land at a high price.

   Also sold out, there are two books [Introduction to Mathematical Olympiad] and [Advanced Mathematical Olympiad]. In addition to wizards who are curious about the thin and white pages, there are also many people who are rushing to Mathematical Olympiad.

Tik is one of them. When he listened to Lin En explaining the Olympiad class in the port of Iyeta, he was deeply shocked by the delicacy and rigorous logic of this subject, and he was also very grateful for the Olympiad. interest.

So this time, after learning that a master of arcane mathematics from the [Secret Society] intends to invite twelve official wizards who are extremely talented in mathematics to discuss a big problem in arcane mathematics, Tick came immediately interest.

  He is very confident that he can become one of the twelve. After all, compared to other wizards, he has attended the Mathematical Olympiad course two months in advance and laid a solid foundation.

  Thinking like this, Tick didn't even look at the so-called "Introduction to Mathematical Olympiad", and directly opened the more advanced "Advanced Mathematical Mathematical Olympiad". However, after seeing the first question, the whole person froze.

  [Find the sum of the exponent formula 1^2+2^2+3^2+4^2...9999^2! ]

After repeatedly confirming that he did not misread the exponent symbol, Tick couldn't help but take a deep breath, adding from the quadratic power of 1 to the quadratic power of 9999, and asked him to calculate the sum. This is just a complete write down of the formula Dozens of sheets of manuscript paper can be covered, and I am afraid that even ten days and a half months without sleep may not be able to get the result!

  This is the first question!

  Is it so difficult?

  (end of this chapter)