

Suhan is an 18 year old orpan living with his adopted aunt , one day he got the power to travelling another world . the life journey of suhan weak to strong started by using his advantages in both world and embracing beauty back and fourth

VRvillager · perkotaan
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The mercent is here to trade food but after recent clash the supply almost burned for nothing and without the owner the city is in chaos . suren thought to himself and decided to give some food with the mercent as a payment for the details . he takes out a canned meat and give to the mercent . the mercent was shoked seeing the unique food and asked " sir are you interested in selling this food i can give you best price . " after negotiation suren desided to sell some of hus supply with this world currency . he found that this world currency made of gold he thought himself "i can sell this gold in my world and get rich quickely" . the mercent said " sir you are a good person i can give you a tip this town is currently has no lord the city councill selling the title of lord for 100 gold coin" after raking 250 gold coin exchange payment for half of the supply Suren decided to visit the city council office . the mercent also decided to go to impiral city to sell his supply and gain the profit. " hehe my luck today is very good in this shitty town who thought i will gain unique food supply , with the noble person in future " . suren found the mercent name was Robert . After walking some distance suren found the city council office . maybe it was the only building in the city which was indecent condition . suren walk into the building only to found a man dosing on desk . He asked the man news about selling citylord title , the man's eye lit up " yes yes we post that advertisement for selling the title " , suren asked why there is no buyer and give him a caan of meat as a bribe . The official said "the town is located in border area also have very less resources some paddy field and a river also a hilly area started after some distance after that boarder of the rivel kingdom started . So this town is basically a wall between two kingdoms and one with right mind wanted to dig his grave by buying citylord title " . Suren after thinking he desided to buy the title because he is new to this world also he has no identity . He took out 100 gold coins and handed it to the man in exchange of citylord title . The man took him to the lord castle and announced "from today this city will have new citylord suren " . After the announcement the people start to discuss about the announcement, someone said " another leach who will drink our blood " someone " shhh do you wanna die , you know the punishment for slandering a Nobel " so what " " hey you guys waana die , die alon don't drag us into it " . Suren listen to the conversation, he didn't react first , the councellor decided to give him details about area , current situation, economic policies of current city , " what 60% tax no wonder people are so poor and angry with noble , they thought suren is also one among the other Nobel who exploid the poor people . He councellor decided to report the selling citylord title news to top management first so he thanks Suren and leave for capital city . Suren decided to win the will of the people first said " hello from today I am the new citylord