
I Isekaid and Got a Yandere Demon Wife!

'I isekaid into a fantasy world and got an instant beautiful wife! What could go wrong?' Paralyzed since he was 14, Vince decides to bet on his luck when he finds out he's dying at the age of 36. He discovers a time machine in the basement of his house and aims to go back in time to stop the accident that ruined his life 22 years ago. But instead of traveling back in time, he is transported to Demon City in a fantasy world and wakes up as Vince Rosen with his young and healthy body. Chosen as the mate of a royal demon lady, he is shunned for being a fallen noble and having a dormant power core. But what Vince doesn’t know is that he is destined for a greatness beyond anything he ever imagined. [Additional tags: yandere, vampire, werewolf, demon, non-harem, anti-hero, slice of life, single FL, no yuri/NTR] THIS IS NOT A SMUT NOVEL.

greenmind · Fantasi
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53 Chs

Mother and Son

"I've been with you since you were an infant, Master Vince. You are so disloyal."

Hearing Fiona say that, Vince wondered how long it would take before the cat realized he wasn't the real Vince. Fiona wasn't slow-witted for a demon cat, and she had been with the old Vince since he was a child. Sooner or later, she would realize something was amiss with his character or preferences.

Or maybe she already knew? She hadn't asked for a doctor to check on him or suggested he take any medicines.

But if she already knew, why wouldn't she confront him?

'Hm, it is suspicious.'

However, the cat wasn't showing any signs that she was becoming suspicious of him, so Vince thought he should get his act together.

Since he was having this 'little amnesia,' he asked Fiona about his past life, his preferences, and if he had any friends he shouldn't forget.

The cat replied to every question nonchalantly while eating her precious peanuts.

'Maybe she finds it hard to notice that I'm a different person because the old Vince and I are similar in some way,' Vince thought.

Not long after, the coachman notified them that they had arrived in the town of Bellmory.

Vince stepped out of the carriage with a bag filled with gold coins. He wasn't familiar with the streets, so he let Fiona lead the way. Compared to the capital, where the richest of the city lived, the town of Bellmory was a humble place.

As twilight approached, people started lighting lanterns inside and outside the buildings and houses. Families with young children hurried home for dinner, while young adults appeared to have just left their houses for a night stroll.

While walking, Vince slowed his steps when he saw some people ahead, about 20 meters away.

There were a few men wearing fine clothes and the same black capes with a brooch on their collars. The brooch seemed to be a crest, and Vince realized it was the same brooch Raine always wore. The men stood in front of a building, talking to a few people as if they were interrogating them.

"Are they city guardians?" Vince asked Fiona.

"Yes. That's the trademark of Demon City's guardians—black capes and the city's crest on a brooch. If you pass the entry exam, you'll surely look good in that uniform, Master Vince."

Vince smirked.

"I know. Anything will look good on me."

"Tsk. It's just a little compliment. You're too arrogant. What can you do with your looks anyway? It takes more than a pretty face to survive in our world."

Vince hissed, "You are so noisy. Just lead the way so we can return to the capital sooner. Raine is waiting for us."

Fiona led Vince down a narrow alleyway. At the end, there was another pathway, and they continued farther to the main streets until they stopped at a particular house.

"This is your family's house after your father sold the manor in the capital," said Fiona.

It was a decent house made of bricks, but much smaller than any house in the capital Vince had seen.

He sighed and nodded, then walked up to the door and knocked three times.

Vince heard footsteps approaching from inside the house, the sound of someone descending the stairs. While waiting for the door to open, he caught a glimpse of the unkempt front yard.

There was a haystack near some empty flower pots. It made him wonder if winter was coming, and if that was why his parents were keeping a haystack to put on the roof. Otherwise, they wouldn't have kept it here, since it was usually used on farms to feed livestock.

When the door opened, Vince was greeted by the face of a middle-aged woman who had the same chestnut hair as him.

Surprise soon registered on her face when she realized who was in front of her.


From her appearance and reaction, Vince knew she must be his mother.

Before he could say anything, she immediately hugged him.

"Where have you been? I haven't heard from you since you left for the capital to join the Selection! What happened? I heard you were chosen by Lady Raine, how true is that? I had my doubts, but I couldn't stop thinking about it! I was worried sick that something had happened to you! It was the capital, after all, and you haven't awakened yet..."

Vince couldn't follow everything his mother said. He felt a little awkward because, in his human life, he had never had a mother figure.

His mother cried on his shoulder, and he slowly patted her back, trying to comfort her.

"It's alright, Mom. I'm fine, you don't have to cry."

He gently pulled away and smiled at the woman.

"Hello, madam," Fiona greeted Vince's mother. She addressed her as she usually did, even though the woman was no longer considered as a noble. But having served the family for a long time, the respect she had for its members remained. "It is true that Lady Raine has chosen Master Vince as her mate. He is now living in her manor."

"Really? I can't believe it! When you left, my dear son, I never imagined you would actually make it to the finals of the Selection. Now I am relieved that you weren't harmed in any way! And you were chosen as a mate by Lady Raine?" Vince's mother became teary-eyed at how her son managed to do it, even though he was a dormant.

"Yes, Mother, and she is treating me kindly. Where is Father?" Vince asked, showing her his bag of coins. "This is my prize money. We'll pay off our debts with this so that loan shark will stop harassing our family."

"I couldn't be happier if we paid off our debts!" Mrs. Rosen laughed through her tears. "That bastard Mr. Hughes kept harassing your father and me while you were away! I was so worried they would really kill us, and I couldn't sleep at night. I'm so happy you found a solution for us, Vince. It's your father's fault! He gambled away all our money and left us with nothing. I'm really sorry, Vince. Your parents have failed you… and you've suffered because of us."

Mrs. Rosen pulled Vince inside the house, and he found the place shabby, but he didn't say a word about it. He didn't know the whole story, but it seemed like Mrs. Rosen wasn't a bad person.

"Your father is at Mr. Lockwood's inn. The man promised him a job there, and today is his first day working. I've started working as a cook at Mrs. Dune's house too, but fortunately, I don't have work today, otherwise, we wouldn't have met. Everything is fine with me and your father, Vince. The only thing that worries me is that scum of a loan shark!"

"It's fine now, Mother. Look, I have the money," Vince reassured her with a smile.

"Oh, it must have been a long way from the capital! Wait a minute, I'll get you some refreshments and snacks."

As Mrs. Rosen headed to the kitchen, Vince's head snapped to the door when he heard footsteps approaching the house.