
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

You all know about the richest man in the world. It’s annoying to death.

 In the end, Zhang Mengyu could not be stubborn. He refused to follow Gu Yuanwu back to China through the special channel, but decided to take his own private plane. In order to protect Zhang Mengyu's safety, Gu Yuanwu could only choose to return to China with Zhang Mengyu.

 As for Lei Jun, he knew very well what he would encounter on the way back if he met those who came to snatch the elixir, so he directly chose to part ways with them. He was patriotic, but it did not mean that he was not afraid of death.

 Along the way, Wang Ling and others were talking and laughing, eating and watching movies, while admiring the rare treasures Zhang Mengyu bought this time. However, Gu Yuanwu stood solemnly and meticulously in front of the window of the plane, as if he was deeply worried. generally.

 Most awakened people and mutants cannot fly in the sky. Once they fight in the sky, it will be very dangerous. Even if Gu Yuanwu can barely protect himself, he is not sure of Zhang Mengwu's safety.

 "Hazy, why is he like the old monk in trance?" Lu Yiyao looked at Gu Yuanwu curiously. He had kept this action since he got on the plane and almost never moved.

 "I don't know, maybe I'm in a daze, or maybe I'm surfing the Internet," Zhang Menglong said with a smile.

 Of course he knew what Gu Yuanwu was worried about, but his worries were obviously unnecessary, because the group of mutant people had been plundered by him and thrown into the Mediterranean Sea. Of course, he could not tell Gu Yuanwu about this.

 "Mr. Gu, are you worried?" Zhang Menglong walked up the mountain and asked, "If you are really worried, I will call two to three hundred fighter jets to escort us back to China." "

 Mr. Zhang, you don't understand. "Gu Yuanwu smiled bitterly, "The threat to these people from fighter jets is too small. They are not ordinary people. There are some things I can't tell you, but you must understand that you are in a very dangerous situation now."

 "Oh, then continue." Zhang Menglong was speechless. Why is Gu Yuanwu so stubborn?

 "Oh?" Gu Yuanwu looked at Zhang Mengwu with incredible eyes. Even if a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but he repeatedly emphasized the danger to Zhang Mengwu, couldn't he still realize how dangerous his situation was?


 But what Gu Yuanwu imagined did not happen. The plane spanned half of the world and passed many easy-to-be-targeted places on the way, but they were still safe and sound until Zhang Mengyu's private plane landed at the airport. , Gu Yuanwu still looked in disbelief.

 "How is it possible? Are they all crazy? Just let him return to the country unharmed?" If it weren't for the magical energy fluctuations in Wangcai's body, Gu Yuanwu would have even suspected that Zhang Mengyu had secretly become a traitor and handed over the elixir. To people from other countries.

 "We're home, Mr. Gu," Zhang Mengyu patted Gu Yuanwu on the shoulder, "I told you nothing would happen. Now is a peaceful era and a society ruled by law. You are really too worried."

 Gu Yuanwu didn't know why. Let's talk about it, although the world seems peaceful on the surface, secretly, the second world human organizations in my brother's country are engaged in cruel battles, and countless people die every year, but these things are handled very well and are not leaked. Just a little bit of news.

 Behind the peace, there are many unknown heroes carrying forward with heavy burdens.

 "Ah! I know!" Zhang Mengyu roared suddenly, which scared Gu Yuanwu to the point where he almost instinctively showed a defensive posture. If those people didn't choose to take action abroad, could they have quietly followed them to the country? It's impossible. This is already Jiangnan City in China. If you dare to take action here, it's no different from seeking death.

 Gu Yuanwu looked at Zhang Mengyu in confusion, wanting to hear what he was going to say.

 "It can't be that your Longxia organization didn't give you enough travel expenses!" Zhang Mengyu joked, "So in the name of protecting me, you want to use my private plane to return home!" "That's

 not the case, Sir, you are nationals. The special department doesn't have this little funding, right?" Zhang Menglong shook his head, "How about I donate a sum of money to you first? From now on, when you go out, you can take the prepared planes and stay in the best hotels. Don't ask me why. Rich and patriotic!"

 Gu Yuanwu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Zhang Mengyu's imagination was a little too rich, but now that they returned to China safe and sound, there was no need for him to continue to protect Zhang Mengwu.

 "Mr. Zhang, since there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Gu Yuanwu said. He pressed a few times on his watch, probably contacting his organization to report the situation.

 "Ah!" Zhang Menglong stretched, "It's better to be in your own country!"

 "Captain He, the Chinese New Year will be here in a few days. There won't be any flying missions recently. Please take a good rest during this period!" Zhang Mengyu greeted Captain He Liang, and then led Lu Yiyao and others out of the airport.

 "Kacha kacha!"

 They had just walked out of the airport when a large group of reporters came around like zombies, immediately surrounding Zhang Mengyu and others.

 "What the hell, what's going on?" Zhang Menglong was dumbfounded. No one should know about his return to China. Why did these reporters look like they were here to block him?

 "Wang Ling?" Zhang Menglong cast his eyes on him.

 "Ah haha, I just posted a Weibo. Your private jets and private airports are so awesome. I couldn't help it when I triggered it a week ago!" Wang Ling laughed, "Who knew they could block it here? So many days."

 "Damn!" Zhang Menglong swore, but he was also a little strange. Even so, it wouldn't be enough for hundreds of people to squat here, right?

 And what's the big deal? I was having too much fun during this period, so what did I miss?

 "Mr. Zhang, how do you feel after becoming the world's richest man?"

 "Mr. Zhang, how much are your total assets? So far, the Forbes ranking has only announced a new ranking, and has not announced your specific assets. "

 Mr. Zhang, are the sources of your assets legal?"


 "The richest man in the world? Me?" Zhang Mengyu knows that his family is definitely the richest in the world, but it has never been on the Forbes list. There is no mention of him or his parents' names.

 "Old Zhang, the Forbes rankings have been updated!" Wang Ling held the phone in front of Zhang Mengyu.

 It turns out that Zhang Mengyu's high-profile behavior during this period has long attracted the attention of interested people. Especially after the incident in Qingqiu Country, normal people know that there is definitely a huge loophole in the current ranking of the Forbes Rich List.

 Forbes magazine immediately began an investigation. Although they didn't know how much Zhang Mengyu's property was, the numbers published in the Qingqiu Country incident were not necessarily true.

 However, various signs showed that Zhang Mengyu's background and wealth were absolutely terrifying, so they directly ranked Zhang Mengwu's name at the top of the Forbes list.

 Three days have passed since the new list was announced, and not one of the rich people on the list has raised any objections. This proves that no matter what the reason is, they recognize Zhang Mengyu's status as the world's richest man!

 They knew that at that auction, all the richest people on the Forbes list were present. Their wealth might not even be a fraction of Zhang Mengyu's, and they could easily collect more than 100 billion euros in cash at once. If Song escapes, who dares to push harder?

 This incident instantly caused a sensation in China and even the world, but Zhang Menglong was on that island and did not pay attention to these things in the past few days, so he only learned about it now.

 It is not difficult to understand why these reporters are blocking him here like crazy people.

 The richest man in the world in his early 20s, how important is this first-hand interview information!

 "Quiet!" Zhang Mengyu was speechless. He had only been away for a few days, and he was really embarrassed to be in such a big spotlight when he came back.

 "Mr. Zhang, can you tell me how you feel about becoming the richest man in the world?"

 Zhang Menglong sighed, and immediately said "funny words", "TMD, you all know about the richest man in the world, and I'm almost bored to death. !"