
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

This is all a misunderstanding.

At this moment, Murray's head was buzzing, and there were probably countless question marks in his bald head. Who was the person who called him? Why do you dare to speak in such a tone to him, an investigator who is directly responsible to the central government? 400 missiles aimed at their presidential palace? Is this person not awake yet?

The surrounding onlookers and reporters only heard a loud noise coming from the mobile phone, but there was no way to hear clearly what was being said. However, it was not difficult to tell from Murray's expression that this was no ordinary phone call.

Could it be that the phone call Zhang Mengyu made just now worked? This question arises in everyone's mind.

"Although I don't know who you are or how you got my number, I solemnly warn you that if you continue to talk nonsense, I can hold you accountable for causing social panic. You should know, It's so easy for the country's power to look up a number!"

After all, he is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. After a while, Murray regained his composure.

As the Minister of Defense, Busmulin was once a soldier. He had a very fiery personality. It was not until he reached the position of Minister of Defense that his temper calmed down a little.

He has probably not been as angry as he is today for many years. A small investigator, because of his arrogance and ridiculous self-esteem, has actually brought such a huge threat to the country's security. If Murray stands now In front of Busmulin, he promised that he could definitely blow his dog's head off with one shot!

And now, not only did Murray not realize how dangerous he had done, he even posed his official authority in front of him, which instantly turned him into a ignited explosive bag.

"Okay, let me tell you who I am! I am Busmulin, the Minister of Defense!" Busmulin roared, "I tell you, there are now 52 intercontinental missiles in more than 40 countries and regions in Europe, 386 ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, all aimed at our presidential palace now!"

"What? How is this possible?" Murray's brain, which had just recovered a little, suddenly entered a state of shutdown.

Although Murray had never met Busmulin in person, he was very familiar with his voice. At this moment, he finally matched this voice with a voice in his memory.

Busmulin is a famous figure in Frank. Although he has a big temper and a fiery personality, he is meticulous in doing things and has always regarded the security of the country as his lifelong mission. Not only for the people of the country, but also in the heart of Murray, he is like a hero. The presence.

Now, this hero actually called himself, but just now he thought Busmulin was a lunatic who hadn't woken up yet!

But what happened to these 400 missiles? I am just an investigator. Even if this kind of thing really happens, Busmulin should be the one to find a solution, right? Why would he call himself? And judging from Busmulin's tone, it seemed that this matter had something to do with him.

"You...are you really Minister Busmulin?" Murray's tone suddenly became awed.

Everyone around him heard what Murray said. The person who called him was actually the Minister of Defense?

"Who is Busmulin? Minister? From their investigation department?" In the eyes of most Chinese people, this is an unfamiliar name.

"Damn, I found out. Former Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and Minister of Defense. This title is a bit awesome!"

"I've heard of this man. He was born into a military family. The elders in the family have experienced two world wars. He's a big deal!"

"But what is going on? Did Mr. Zhang just make that call to their Ministry of National Defense?"

"It's possible. Otherwise, why do you think this guy's face looks like he's eaten shit?"

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone pricked up their ears to hear the content of the call, but this was not easy? They could only guess what they were talking about through Murray's expression.

"Nonsense, can you find anyone in the whole world who dares to pretend to be me?" Busmulin scolded.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Murray was convinced of this at this moment. It's not that he deserves to be scolded. If this person can talk to him in a gentle voice, then there is really a ghost.

"Minister, what does the missile thing you just mentioned...have to do with me?" Murray himself doesn't know why he is so awesome. What has he done to make all Europe's intercontinental missiles target? them?

It is not something that ordinary people can do to push the whole of Europe to such an extent.

"Do you know what you are doing now?" Busmulin asked.

"What to do?" Busmulin glanced at Zhang Mengyu. In his world view, it was difficult for him to connect Zhang Mengyu with the more than 400 missiles aimed at their country. "I am investigating a case." A recent public safety incident."

"Investigation is rubbish!" Busmulin scolded, "Now, immediately apologize to Mr. Zhang, and then send Mr. Zhang back respectfully! No matter what his request, obey unconditionally, otherwise, I will immediately arrest him for treason. you!"

"Treason...treason?" A huge hat was placed on Murray's head. He just investigated a public security incident, how could he be treason? What ability does Zhang Mengyu have that he actually asked their Minister of Defense to personally protect people?

"But Minister, this man led a group of mentally ill people to cause trouble on the Champs Elysees yesterday, causing serious economic losses. If we let him go, how will we explain to the public?"

"Excuse me!" Busmulin said, "I tell you, even if he led this group of people to cause trouble in the presidential palace yesterday, we have to pretend that nothing happened today!"

Murray's face suddenly turned pale. How could he alone make them and a country compromise? This is not Qingqiu Country! This is Frank! A developed country with an extremely strong economy and military!

"I know you want to ask why!" Busmulin said bluntly, "I tell you, I don't know him at all! This is not my personal decision!"

"Then you..." Busmulin didn't know Zhang Mengyu at all, why did he force him to release him?

"But the whole of Europe can't afford to offend him!" Busmulin said, "Those more than 400 missiles were prepared by his people. As long as you dare to touch him, these more than 400 missiles will be launched within a few minutes. They are all heading towards our capital, and even one third of our country's power cannot stop them!"

Murray's face suddenly turned pale.

He originally thought that Zhang Mengyu's phone call was at best asking someone from the Frankish Kingdom for help, but they didn't take anyone from their country seriously at all. Now it turns out that he is a king!

Do you want to touch him? Then you must first consider whether you can withstand the onslaught of more than 400 missiles! Not only did he not play his cards according to common sense, he didn't even have any martial ethics!

"I...I'll release him immediately!" Murray's three souls have already been lost, and he actually dares to let people point a gun at Zhang Mengyu's head!

Just a shock warning, more than 400 missiles have been used. If Zhang Mengyu really has three advantages and two disadvantages, I am afraid that the entire Frankland may be wiped off the world map!

"Who is he?" If Murray knew that Zhang Menglong had such terrifying power and resources, he would not dare to detain Zhang Menglong even if he had a hundred courages! "


"Damn? Are you done with the phone call?"

"But I didn't hear anything!"

"Who isn't! I didn't hear anything clearly!"

"Look, he's coming over!"

I saw Murray, who was still arrogant just now, walking cautiously in front of Zhang Mengyu, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, everything just happened is a misunderstanding!"