
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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The head coach is starting to warm up.

 "What the hell, what kind of operation is this? Why are the players in the lsp club so strong?"

 "I know that the Chinese team is very strong in Dota and Warcraft, but fighting games like King of Fighters and Street Fighter have always been the home of European and American players. !"

 "Who is that Chinese player?"

 "I know, her name is Luo Ling, she was the Street Fighter champion in the Mainland China Internet Cafe Competition last year?"

 "Internet Cafe Competition? But opposite him is last year's world champion. This is a Heavyweight?"

 "What kind of world champion? Have you ever seen an Internet cafe champion press the world champion on the floor and rub it? This is simply outrageous!" "

 Yeah, he was about to be beaten three times. This world champion is so wet. It's too big!"


 "The game is over. Congratulations to China's lsp team for winning the gold medal in the Street Fighter event! Unfortunately, the American mvp club can only place second, and Qingqiu's GMP team won the bronze medal. Let us support them. Cheer!"



 "Old sex critic!"

 "Damn, why do I feel like they are scolding us!" The expressions on the faces of the members of the lsp team were a little embarrassed.

 "Next, let's interview the players of the lsp team," the host walked to the championship team, "I would like to ask the players of the lsp club. They won the gold medal for the first time in such a large-scale competition, and even had zero seals. Former champion team, how are you feeling now?"

 Luo Ling touched his nose: "Uh... I don't think we are too strong, but the opponent is a bit weak, and they fell before I even put in the effort. Got off!"

 Wei Weihai shook his head: "I don't have any special mood. You may not be qualified to be a sparring partner in our LSP team at this level. To be honest, I don't have much sense of accomplishment."

 Player A: "Win two out of three games . I didn't even have a chance to play in the game, so I have nothing to say."

 Player B: "I never thought about winning the world championship. I have no interest in the world championship at all."

 Substitute player: "I just want to say In a word, the head coach is awesome!"

 "As expected of the team led by Zhang Mengyu, every one of them is an old Versailles."

 "What are you talking about Yin and Yang here? I think they all look like members of the Demon Cult."

 The scene. Everyone in the audience was laughing so hard that they were on their feet with laughter, and all the MVP players were livid.

 In the last World Championship, both Luo Ling and Wei Weihai participated, but their skills did not even reach the quarterfinals. They never expected that after a year of not seeing each other, the skills of these two people actually improved to the level of To this extent.

 "This head coach must have some special training methods, he is very strong!" The MVP coach did not blame the players. He watched their games throughout the game. The opponent's skills almost completely crushed them, whether it was effective per minute. The ability to operate or seize opportunities is definitely not comparable to their players.

 "Head coach, if this continues, all the gold medals in this e-sports Olympics will be taken by the LSP team!" "

 No! We must not let the Chinese people be so proud!"

 "But they are too strong. In a head-to-head confrontation, We are not sure about the remaining events," said a coach.

 He studied the video of almost every game of the LSP team, and the conclusion he finally analyzed made him feel desperate.

 "Then don't go head-to-head with them!" MVP's head coach Steve said with a gloomy face, "No matter what, we must not let the Chinese win all the gold medals. Their reputation is already too strong in the world and we cannot allow them to win anymore. They have risen, no matter which field they are in!"

 "What do you mean?" "

 Next Monday is the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game. This game is not a fair match," Steve said. "I think several other countries have been It must be very uncomfortable to fight like this, right? Tonight, you go and invite them for me, and I'll treat them to a drink!"


 The game was in full swing, and the members of the lsp team showed that the cheat was turned on Usually running rampant on the field, they are ahead of the curve, have extremely fast hands, and their teamwork is simply flawless.

 Among the ten events, LSP Club has won gold medals in five events, and in four of the remaining events, LSP Club has also shown terrifying dominance.

 The last project, League of Legends, is because the lsp team and the sk2 team of Qingqiu Kingdom are assigned to different competition areas, so there is no way to see the difference in strength between them for the time being. In their respective competition areas, they almost all have strong dominance. ability.

 The lsp team and the sk2 team both controlled the thunder and lightning in their respective divisions. The lsp team except for losing a small game against the veteran Chinese team RDG team, won all other games!

 And sk2 is even more terrifying. Player Li He's performance this year is even more terrifying than when he was at his peak a few years ago. In their division, they directly advanced to the finals with a record of 0 losses!

 As the most representative e-sports competition, the live tickets for this final have been sold out a week ago, and the online price has even been tripled to three times the normal price!

 The spectator seats, which can accommodate 20,000 spectators, were packed. In the center of the stadium, the game was broadcast live on a huge LED screen.

 Twenty thousand people watched the game live, and more than 100 million players around the world watched the game through live broadcast. This championship game is even more valuable than the S game!

 "The ban selection on both sides has ended, let's officially enter the game!" The commentators also began to explain this exciting game nervously.

 "We have seen that sk2's players are very aggressive, and they have already entered the jungle of lsp as a team!" "

 Oh no, the soa player of the lsp team is alone, and Li Ge's Galio actually learned taunting at level one! "

 "soa is under control! He was killed!"

 "The teammates behind are also coming up, but there are five enemies!"

 "Oops! The first-level group lost three heads, and the wild area was also invaded , lsp's start is very unfavorable!"

 sk2 is indeed a veteran team. They have rich experience in competitions. Although the lsp players have been trained by Zhang Mengyu, you must know that they were just formed a month ago. Yes, the cooperation between teammates has not yet reached a tacit level.

 And most of them have not been professional players before. Under such high pressure, it is difficult to fully display their skills.

 In the first game, with a huge disadvantage, the base was directly leveled by the sk2 team in just 18 minutes.

 "Okay! Hahaha! What's the LSP team, what's the Light of China, our Qingqiu country's team is the strongest!" The coach of the sk2 team looked at his players with a red face. Other projects have been beaten in the past few days. Damn it, they finally got some scenes back today!

 "It's okay, everyone, perform well and try to make it back in the next game!" LSP's coach comforted the players, but this was the final after all. After losing one point first, the players' emotions became quite low.

 In the second game, lsp's performance was even more unsatisfactory. The team members made frequent mistakes and even got into confusion. Li Ge and Tui Tui Bang's operations were bold and showy, while the other was as steady as an old dog. They directly eliminated these players. The game reached match point.

 What made the Chinese audience most excited was that at the end of the special match, sk2's top laner actually used only one hand to operate, while holding a cup of milk tea with the other hand, he directly knocked out the LSP team's base!

 "Damn! Let's just play the game. What do you mean by insulting people?" "

 Nah, the quality is extremely poor. This is still considered an international team?"

 "It's so embarrassing!"


 The SK2 club, which was so complacent, directly He made some risqué remarks on his team's social platform:

 Team LSP can start thinking about what to have for dinner in an hour.

 The rest time plus the game time of a League of Legends game generally does not exceed an hour. This final is a best-of-five game. They have already won one game. The implication is that everything will be over after the next game. Now, they will beat the LSP team 3:0.

 This seriously provocative tone immediately aroused the disgust of countless Chinese audiences, but faced with such a situation, they did not have much confidence to refute.

 The top laner of lsp went even further and directly posted a message on his social platform:

 In the last game, I plan to fight them with my feet!


 "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry." The team members returned to the training room one by one dejectedly.

 "It doesn't matter, your performance is already very good," Zhang Mengyu comforted the team members, "I didn't plan to take action, but they made dirty words to provoke us, and I couldn't bear it anymore." ... "


 to The news from the lsp team is that they will replace a substitute player at the last match point. It seems that they are preparing a big move!" "

 Oh! They came out, let's see who their substitute player is. ?"

 "Huh? Isn't that their head coach?"

 "Look, the head coach has started to warm up!"