
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · perkotaan
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370 Chs

She’s Getting Married

That night, Han Jinyu sent Zhang Menglong a statistical table, which contained more than a hundred items, all of which were the topics and main contents of the teachers.

  Han Jinyu was indeed very responsible and estimated the cost of each project, which totaled more than 30 billion Chinese coins!

  Including the few instruments promised before, Zhang Mengyu almost spent close to 10 billion US dollars today!

  "Should we go to other schools next time?" Zhang Menglong thought, but he immediately gave up the idea. He also had selfish motives. After all, he graduated from Jiangnan University of Science and Technology and hoped that his school would become more and more outstanding. The better. If we invest in other schools, wouldn't that create competitors for their own scientific research?

  "Come, junior brother, have a cup of milk tea!"

  "Junior brother, are you tired? Take a rest for a while. Senior brother will help you look after this instrument!"

  "Junior brother, are you free tonight? Senior sister will treat you to dinner!"

  After Zhang Mengyu's scientific research funds arrived, Han Jinyu generously paid two months' labor fees to his students.

  When he found out that this fund was sponsored by Zhang Menglong, he became the darling of the entire research group.

  The senior brothers gave him detailed procedures and explanations about the literature and experimental procedures, and handed them over to him, eliminating the heavy task of reading and translating foreign literature.

  As for the experiments and tests that took several hours, Zhang Mengyu didn't need to do it at all. The brothers and sisters almost rushed to help him do it, and even the data was processed and analyzed directly for him.

  While other students were racking their brains for their graduation thesis and doing experiments all night long, Zhang Menglong was lying on the teacher's chair in the laboratory, drinking milk tea and watching the S10 World Finals. It was simply relaxing and enjoyable.

  Of course, he spends a lot of time every day studying how to spend money. Of course, playing games with "Double Sweet Frappuccino" is also an essential event for Zhang Mengyu every day.

  "Zhang Menglong, didn't you say you would start working on your graduation thesis in October? Why do you still have time to play games with me?" The sweet female voice was still in the team's voice.

  "Have you ever seen any rich second generation who wants to write their own graduation thesis?"

  "You're a rich second generation! I don't know who failed the interview last time and almost cried at my place."

  "Wow, brother, your mentality is broken. Don't say it. That was all in the past."

  "It's not even half a month yet, why has it happened in the past? But seriously, how is your job search going?"

  "I can't find it anymore. I inherited several companies from my family. Now I eat, drink and have fun all day long. It's impossible to work part-time. It's impossible to work part-time in this life!" Zhang Menglong smiled and said, "Otherwise, don't work either. Yes, I will support you!"

  "Get out of here! Are you worthy?" the girl laughed and scolded, "I only accept Hu Ge and Peng Yuyan. Engineering students like you might not even have hair!"

  "Damn, I was worried whether you were Aunt Qiao with the voice changer on!"

  "Zhang Mengyu, if you are looking for death, my labor force will tear off your head! For a beautiful girl like me, who is invincible in the universe, to be able to play games with me, that is your blessing in your previous life."

  "Okay, if that's the case, I'll come to Gusu to play with you in a few days, so why don't you treat me to a Haidilao meal?"

  "Ah? Are you coming over?" The voice of "Frappuccino Double Sweetness" suddenly became a little nervous.

  "What's wrong, you don't welcome me?" Zhang Menglong smiled, "Are you afraid that you will no longer be able to hide your true face after you become gay?"

  "Okay, you can come, as long as you're not afraid of me acting like a gangster! I'm going to take a shower first."

  "Then I'm going to turn on your bathroom camera."


  Zhang Menglong put down her phone with a smile, her heart full of expectations. What kind of person is she? Is it exactly what you think?

  At this time, Zhang Menglong's cell phone rang, and Zhang Menglong's body trembled when he saw the caller ID.

  Wang Yujia is her roommate. Since the two of them broke up, Zhang Menglong has never had contact with her roommate and friends.

  "Hello? Wang Yujia? Are you okay?" Zhang Mengyu tried to keep his tone calm.

  "Siqi is getting married this Saturday."

  "Oh, really?" Zhang Mengyu had already thought of this possibility when he answered the phone, but when he heard it with his own ears, his hands still clenched into fists involuntarily.

  "Are you going? Siqi asked me to inform you. She said this was the agreement you two made at that time."

  "Haha, let me go to the wedding and then humiliate me again?" Zhang Menglong sneered.

  "If you don't want to go, then I will tell her..."

  "It doesn't matter. Just tell her that I will go. I, Zhang Menglong, am not someone who keeps my word."

  "Zhang Menglong, do you really want to go?" Wang Yujia was just a messenger, but she originally thought that Zhang Menglong would not be able to go anyway, but she did not expect that he would agree so readily.

  "I'll be there on time."

  Zhang Mengyu hung up the phone directly. The expression on his face was sometimes solemn and sometimes tormented. Even if he had gone through something, how could some people remain indifferent when hearing certain news, even if they had no feelings?

  "Hey, I'll see you in Gusu on the weekend at the end of the month. If you let me go, you'll be dead. I'll go straight to Jiangnan City to kill you!" When Zhang Mengyu saw the message, a person he had never met before appeared in his mind. Image, he seemed to have let go of something for a moment, and his whole person became suddenly enlightened.

  "It's just an ex's wedding, not a dragon's den or a tiger's den, just a person passing by in life." Zhang Menglong was immediately relieved.

  Xie Siqi, Zhang Menglong's ex-girlfriend, was also the only girlfriend he had ever had. The two had a very good memory, and they even promised that even if they didn't get together in the end, they would definitely attend each other's wedding.

  It seems that this thing is going to become a reality.

  In fact, the story is very simple. Xie Siqi's family conditions are not very good. Starting from the summer vacation of her sophomore year, she used all her free time to work part-time.

  Last summer, she worked in a medium-sized Internet company, but she didn't expect that the son of the boss of that company would actually fall in love with her. At first, Xie Siqi could keep her heart, but as the other party's pursuit became more and more fierce, , Xie Siqi finally wavered.

  Until Zhang Mengyu once saw her getting off a Panamera and kissing an unknown man downstairs in the dormitory, he knew what "I saw raindrops falling on the green grass" meant.

  That night was also the first time Zhang Menglong lost control of his emotions since elementary school.

  He went to see Xie Siqi once, but was humiliated beyond recognition by her and the second-generation rich man. If his roommate hadn't pulled him back, Zhang Menglong might have gone berserk.

  "It just so happens that this past thing should be settled." Zhang Mengyu thought deeply. He couldn't always stop being trapped in the past. If he couldn't say goodbye to the past, how could he welcome the future?

  "Hong Yi, come to my room and help me arrange some things."


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