
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

Let’s talk about an 8-digit business with you.

Bolinas was originally an ordinary engineer at Qualcomm Electronics. He is 35 years old and joined the company after graduating from college. However, because of his average skills and abilities, he never became an intermediate engineer after he reached the level of mid-level engineer. Promoted.

But over the past ten years, the people around him have changed one after another, but he stayed until the end for various reasons.

Although he was not good at flattering others, he found some sense of superiority in the junior engineers and assembly line workers, and unexpectedly became friends with them.

When the Qualcomm Electronics union was established, he actually won the support of most workers and became the president of the Qualcomm Electronics union!

Trade unions exist in companies in many capitalist countries. Trade unions are not established by the company, but are organized voluntarily by the company's employees and are not directly managed by the company.

The significance of the existence of trade unions is to fight for the rights and benefits of employees from the company. Even now, organizations like trade unions are gradually appearing in many large companies in China.

As the president of the union, Bolinas not only has an extra income, but his status in the company is no lower than that of some senior engineers and executives, because he represents the interests of 80% of the company's employees. His words , has a very strong influence among employees, and even the leaders dare not offend him easily.

Relying on this status, Bolinas lived a very comfortable life in the company.

But that day, he received an anonymous call. Someone asked him to meet at the Mogat Bar in the evening and asked him to go alone and not bring anyone with him. The other person emphasized that it was a good thing!

Bolinas's life is actually quite good, but people's desires are always endless, and the meeting place is in a bar, a place where people come and go, so he doesn't have to worry about the other party having evil intentions or Have other ideas.

With a bit of anxiety and a bit of expectation, he came to Mogat Bar as scheduled.

"Is this Mr. Bolinas?" As soon as the door of the bar was opened, a bartender stepped forward and asked.

Bolinas nodded,

"Here, please, there is a customer who has been waiting for you for a long time." The bartender led Bolinas to a seat by the window, where he saw a strange young man sitting there.

"Thank you for your hard work, come on down!" The young man took out a stack of money from his body and put it on the wine list.

The corners of Bolinas' eyes twitched. There were at least dozens of bills in the stack of money. Although this bar was the best bar in this town, the consumption level was only average. The most tips the customers could give were only a few dollars. Ten dollars, no more than 100 dollars at most.

And this young man had thousands of dollars at his disposal, so he was so generous!

His eyes immediately swept over the young man's clothes. His clothes did not have any logo, but both the material and workmanship were very fine.

"You don't have to look, the clothes I'm wearing are all custom-made," the young man said with a smile, "Sit down!"

Faced with such a strong aura, Bolinas instinctively obeyed the young man's command and sat down, "Sir, did you ask someone to call me on that phone call?"

"Are you Bolinas? President of the Qualcomm Electronics Union?"

"Yes." Bolinas nodded.

"Let me introduce myself first." The young man took a sip of the red wine in front of him. "My name is Otto Dubber. You may not know me, but you should have heard of my father. His name is James Dubber!"

"Huh!" Bolinas stood up immediately when he heard the name, and his face was full of surprise.

"You...you...you are the son of the DuBo family?" No wonder the deal is so generous. The surname DuBo is almost like a royal surname in the entire United States!

"Mr. Otto, you are looking for me..."

"My husband wants to see you," Otto said.

"Your husband?" Bolinas's brain started to work quickly. Is it his father? Or his grandfather? Or other core members of the DuBo family?

But why look for him? He is just an ordinary engineer. Although he has some status in Qualcomm Electronics, if the people above him really want to deal with him, he is of little use as the president of the union. After all, even if those employees support him, everyone will If you work as a worker, you still need to have enough food.

And in front of the Du Bo family, he is as small as an ant. What ability does he have to attract the attention of the Du Bo family?

"It should be clear what I said on the phone. My husband has a business to negotiate with you. If the negotiation is successful, you can get at least an eight-figure reward!"

"Eight figures?" Bolinas's eyes widened. That's ten million dollars, at least that's the number! He wouldn't be able to make so much money even if he didn't eat or drink at this time!

"Are you interested? Come with me if you are interested!" After saying that, Otto stood up and walked towards the second floor of the bar.

The second floor of the bar is full of private rooms, which are very private. Of course, the security is much lower. On the second floor, if anyone from the Dub family wants to do anything to him, they will be completely unaware of it.

But when I think about it carefully, I am just an ordinary person. Even if I offend the Du Bo family, I don't have the ability to do so. I will fight to gain wealth and wealth in danger!

He bravely walked into a private room on the second floor. In this private room, besides Otto, there was an Oriental young man of the same age as Otto.

Is this the "sir" that the young master of the Du Bo family was talking about just now? But it looks too young, right?

"Mr. Bolinas, please sit down!" Zhang Menglong pointed to the seat in front of him, "Introduce yourself, my name is Zhang Menglong!"

"Are you Zhang Menglong?" Bolinas stood up suddenly.

Zhongtong Electronics was once one of the upstream companies of Silicon Moonlight. The wafers they produced were sent to Silicon Moonlight for packaging and testing. He also knew that Zhang Mengyu, the current richest man in the world, acquired Silicon Moonlight and even drove him away. Several former American shareholders.

These shareholders are actually the top executives of Zhongtong Electronics!

If they insist on having a relationship, Zhang Mengyu and Zhongtong Electronics are definitely on opposite sides! How could anything good happen if he came to find me today?

"Don't panic," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Even if I have a grudge, it's only with Zhongtong Electronics. What are you worried about?"

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"That's right!" Bolinas calmed down a little.

"Then Mr. Zhang found me..."

"Not long ago, several of your senior executives from Zhongtong Electronics teamed up with people from Jie Peng to cause trouble in my company, instigating our Silicon Moonlight employees to go on strike, and also reported fire hazards and tax loopholes," Zhang Mengyu listed them one by one. Broken things, "These things make me very unhappy, so I plan to come back with revenge!"

Although Bolinas didn't say anything, he already complained about Zhang Mengyu in his heart.

You said you are the richest man in the world, how come you are so small-minded? If someone does something to you, you will come back in revenge? Are you still in kindergarten? Only those children are so serious!

But he suddenly remembered what Otto said just now. Zhang Mengyu wanted to negotiate a business deal with him. If the negotiation was successful, he could earn at least tens of millions of dollars!

"What does Mr. Zhang want me to do?" Bolinas said.

"Aren't you the president of the labor union? I believe your prestige among employees should be quite high, right?"

Bolinas's eyes lit up, and it turned out that what Zhang Mengyu saw was his influence among employees! He knew that Zhang Mengyu must want him to use his prestige to do something.

Although the target is my own company, if the money is in place, what's wrong with it? He will never earn ten million US dollars in his lifetime. If this business really succeeds, he will be able to live a comfortable life without having to work!

"At Qualcomm Electronics, I won the position of union president with more than 80% of the employee votes." Bolinas immediately showed his value. "Mr. Zhang, what do you want me to do for you?"

"It's very simple. I want you to lead your workers in a massive strike!"