
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

I only saw that truck drifting around the corner.

"Something happened!" Zhang Mengyu and others looked at each other.

Almost every year, various accidents occur due to the setting off of fireworks, and obviously this time the situation is particularly serious!

The exploding fireworks were almost the largest fireworks that could be purchased on the market, worth tens of thousands of yuan. Although they could not be compared with Zhang Mengyu's "Chinese Jade", the scope of the explosion could definitely spread to dozens of meters around. The power is not even weaker than some homemade bombs!

Nearly ten injured people lay on the ground wailing. They all had burns of varying severity. The two most seriously injured people were very close to the center of the explosion when the explosion occurred. Even the bones of their arms and legs were damaged. Open wounds.

"I'm studying first aid, let me see!" Two girls who looked to be in their early twenties immediately rushed into the crowd, "Spread out, everyone, spread out, let some fresh air come out! Has anyone brought water?" "

"This injured person's blood is very low and the bleeding must be stopped immediately!"

"No! The wound is too serious. We don't have instruments and equipment. We can't stop it!"

"How long will it take for the ambulance to arrive?" the girl looked up and asked a passerby.

"It'll take about 20 minutes!"

"20 minutes? It's 40 minutes! It's too late!" The girl looked worried.

"Xu Yu, the burns of these patients are very serious. If they are not sent to the hospital, they will cause widespread infection. I'm afraid they won't be able to survive today!" Next to another girl was an injured person covered in blood and flesh.

This was a group of very unlucky middle-aged people. They were drinking and laughing together. The impact of the explosion directly shattered the bottles, igniting the alcohol. They were sitting right next to the pile of bottles.

The flames quickly ignited their bodies. All their hair had been burned, their faces had lost their original appearance, and their bodies exuded a burnt smell.

This degree of burns is completely fatal!

"No! It's okay for a few patients with minor injuries, but the injuries of these four people cannot be delayed any longer!"

"Today is New Year's Eve, and there are fewer doctors on duty. The doctor on duty just now said that there was a case of collective food poisoning in Dongyayuan Community. The ambulance has already passed and must be dispatched from a hospital farther away!"

"It's New Year's Eve, why are all these bad things piled up together?" The two girls who were learning first aid suddenly felt helpless.

"Ye Yin, how long will it take for our medical team to arrive?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid it will take half an hour to go back and forth!" Ye Yin replied, "How about I send them to the hospital directly!"

"No!" Zhang Mengyu said, "How will you explain it then?"

"It's too late, we have to drive them there!" said the two girls.

"I'll come!" said a young man.

"No, such serious patients cannot be piled together, they must be spread out! They must be sent to the hospital within 15 minutes at most!" a girl judged.

"And there can't be too serious bumps on the road. The patient's condition is very bad. Any vibration may cause massive bleeding. By then, the patient will be dead on the road!"

The young man suddenly showed a fearful look.

It's not that he isn't confident in his driving skills, it's just that the situation is special.

This seaside park is located in the suburbs. There is a very difficult road to the main road. If you want to avoid bumps, you must lose speed. If you want speed, it is impossible to avoid bumps.

Even those experienced drivers who have been driving for 20 or 30 years dare not say that it is 100% possible.

Moreover, it is a 20-minute drive from here to the nearest hospital, and it takes 15 minutes to get him to the hospital. Even with the cooperation of the transportation department, this is simply a gamble with his life.

"I'll do it!" Zhang Mengyu thought for a moment, then his eyes fell on the truck not far away, "Put the patients on the truck, and I'll send them there!"

"Truck?" Everyone looked at the young man wearing a mask and hat.

Yes, trucks are the best choice to transport all patients at once, but trucks cannot compare with cars in terms of speed and performance.

"Why are you still standing there? Send it up!" Zhang Mengyu shouted.

"Let's go together too!" The two girls looked at each other. They could see the deep confidence in Zhang Mengyu's eyes. "If there is any accident on the way, we can help deal with it."

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu didn't refuse. Although it was his first time to drive a truck and he didn't even have a truck driver's license, he had no choice when it came to life and death.

Besides, Fujiwara Takumi's driving skills are definitely no joke!

"Boom!" There was a roar from the truck's engine.

"Damn it! Could this noise be made by a truck?"

"I heard my former coach say that this kind of manual transmission car, no matter what kind of car it is, even a truck, as long as the accelerator, brake, and clutch are perfectly coordinated, the engine power can be maximized. With the sound waves that erupt from this kick of the accelerator, he must be a master!"

"Isn't he a professional racing driver?"

"But even if you are a racing driver, you are still driving a racing car, and this is a truck..."

"Is he going to be okay?" Chen Qiuyi and Xing Zhe looked at Zhang Menglong worriedly. During the summer after graduating from high school, Zhang Menglong took the two of them out for fun in his father's car. When reversing the car into the garage, he directly put someone else's The car got scratched, and it was Zhang Menglong's father who came to wipe it.

In their impression, Zhang Mengyu was an out-and-out road killer.

"Ying...should everything be fine?" Lu Yiyao's tone wavered a little.

"Boom!" With the cooperation of the people around him, the most seriously injured people were carried into the car. Two girls who were learning first aid also sat in the back to take care of several patients. Zhang Mengyu stepped on the accelerator, and the truck started to move. He flew out quickly.

"Slow down! Slow down!" Feeling the strong sea breeze, the two girls felt that the starting speed had reached at least 80 miles, and was even continuing to increase!

But Zhang Mengyu didn't, and still stepped on the accelerator crazily.

"There's a sharp turn ahead! Slow down!"

"Madman, we actually got into a madman's car!"

The two girls suddenly panicked.

The car has reached the turning point, which is a large curve close to 120 degrees, but the speed on Zhang Mengyu's dashboard has soared to 140 yards!

"Dudududu!" Zhang Menglong honked the horn to warn a car in front of him.

The car turned sharply to the side, and a blue shadow suddenly passed over from the side.

brake! accelerator! Clutch! Shift gears! Zhang Mengyu controlled the truck calmly.

"Squeak!" With a harsh friction sound, the truck actually performed an extremely elegant maneuver at this corner!

The two girls had closed their eyes just now, but they only felt the car body shake slightly, and they had already passed the corner!

"He...did he drift just now?"

"It seems so...but I didn't dare to look."

"I really wanted to not feel it. It just seemed like it passed all at once."

"He is really a master!"

The bright car behind stopped on the side of the road. The couple in the car looked at each other, and they saw deep shock in their eyes.

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"Honey, did you see that truck just now?"

"I...I only saw that truck drifting around the corner, and I couldn't even see its rear taillights and license plate!"

"Damn it, you dare to drive a truck like this. Is this person the Akina Mountain Car God?"