
I Have Three Mates

Lillian thought asking others for anything will burden them and others also left her out but her only wish is to be loved. What happens when she get three times the love she wished for will it be everything she asked for,will she finnally have a place to belong.

Sia_lin75 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs



   I know it was the right decision that lucas marks her first because we still had two days to get back our wolves which will make us strong and will be able mark her.But the pain she feels when she change will definitely make me desperate but she knew that and wanted to become like us.Although Lucas's mark will make her pain little bit less, and his mark will give her a little strength of his to help her change fast.

     All i need to do is protect her and make her never feel sad or afraid.We all love her and I can already feel the love we have for her.Because if i see anyone hurt her even little then no one can control me because i have always been considered as dangerous person because of my power and for my rude character unlike Julian who have the same power as me but he was always a cheerful person and only person who had kept me sane till now but now i have three people who i love and will do anything to protect them and i know it's the same for all three of us.

    We prepared everything that Lillian need while she change and went to call them and saw them talking which made us stand outside and wait for them because unlike us who have been with her since she arrived here lucas only met her yesterday so he too needed his alone time with her.After few minutes we stepped in and told them the room was ready and soon reached our room.

      Lillian slowly sat on the bed and Lucas sat near her as Jullian sat down near her legs and me on the other side of her.I can now feel the little nervous between us.The only thought is that we all loved Lillian and we will do everything and anything for her.


    we all felt a little nervous.Killian held my hand and pulled me closer that I felt my back touch his chest as he hugged me from which made me sigh and felt Jullian placing both his hands on my knee and rubbed gently relaxing me.Now starting to feel myself relax from their touch i looked at Lucas who was staring at me as when I looked in his eyes I can already see love and happiness seeing that made me smile at him as he gently placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me, This time the kiss was very gentle as if he was telling me everything will be okay and soon parted and looked at him. 

     "Just know that we are here fo you Baby, Marking you will make you mine and show others who you belong and after Marking you, you will feel little light headed but that lasts only few seconds which will be when i will start to change you as you will gain your powers when my mark and my blood makes contact and the pain will be over within an hour and when you wake we will be here with you all the time, Let the feeling of love for us inside you and your body accept and you will be a vampire and that too a powerful one like me"Lucas said as he pinched my nose as he smiled at me and i mirrored his.

       I nodded "Well hurry up let me become a vampire.Lucas i love you and love you guys too very much so i am ready to change and am damn proud to have a mark of you guys on me"I said as i smiled at them proudly which they laughed and looked at me lovingly.

     Lucas face was now in my neck as I felt him lick my neck and bitted me few times gently which made shiver sending shocks throughout my body and i felt him continue licking and felt him now sink his teeth  into my skin hard and can feel pain but soon it turned into pleasure but i can still feel some pain but the pleasure made me forget it.I moaned loudly as he finished marking me and licked the area where he marked  the sensation of each lick made me moan loud.

  And felt him kiss me and felt something and tasted blood which i was Lucas and knew he was now changing me.I felt normal until a few seconds but started to feel burning sensation all over body as soon as he released me at first it was bearable but it become little painful which made scream but felt myself becoming unconscious and soon all i saw was dark.