
I have a shop in the Multiversal Trading Center.

In the toughest moment of Robin's life, a beggar sells him a ring. after wearing the ring. A think-call system told him that he had become one of the shop owners of the Multiversal Trading Center and gave him two choices: if he wanted, he could become the owner of the shop, or he could just ignore it and go on with his life. Robin has nothing to lose, so he accepted the offer. Robin finds out that in the Multiversal Trading Center, there are a lot of different kinds of creatures, and they are buying, selling, and exchanging various types of technology and materials. Follow Robin and see how he became different after building a business empire. Can Robin stay as a moral human being, or will he become a corrupted human being in this unforgiving world in order to follow his dream of going to the stars?

Ahad_Sheikh_8685 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Shop Update and buying a house

"Ding," the Multiversal Trading Center system has detected that the host of the rising star has reached a $50,000 Universal Coin achievement. The host will be given permission to go to the next level once. After your shop reaches level 5, you can permanently move to the next level. Good luck, host; do your best. I was surprised to learn that I could only go to the next level once for the time being. That means I can buy at least one technology, based on which I can start my company on Earth.

Master, this is a very nice opportunity. Please try to use it effectively. Thank you, little fairy. But fast, we need you to take care of our shop; there are a lot of people who want to buy various technologies from here. After that, I start getting busy. I didn't mind if we sold out because I could simply copy other technological data onto a large number of memory cards, and I could simply copy the same technological data over and over. Many people from an uncountable number of planets desire this technology in order to advance their civilizations. I also have a question in my mind: Did Albert Einstein also come here? I mean, he is the biggest pillar of our science on Earth. I stopped thinking about anything because there was a line of people. I start helping the little fairy. I also decided that only the universal coins would be used for exchanging anything. If not, there will be a lot of stuff lying around here and there. If I want any of these materials, I can just buy them from another shop.

We are selling small memory cards with tons of data. One hour has passed in the blink of an eye. "Ding," the Multiversal Trading Center system has detected the rising star reaching level 1; congratulations! Just do your best to become the biggest shop in the Multiversal Trading Center. But I did not stop; I kept selling. After 3 hours of selling, we have sold everything in our shop. A lot of people were discouraged that we didn't have anything. I go out in front of the shop. Everyone, please do not be discouraged; tomorrow we will have more technical data that we can sell. Please do not be discouraged. I told them. Today I discovered the Multiverse's Mega Number. I reminded myself that there are infinite planets and people and that I, too, am just a human living in a small world.

I closed the shop and told the fairy I was going to the next level to check things out. Including today's sale, I have earned around $650,000 from the shop. I touch my ring again to go to the next level. I open my eyes and see a completely different environment. But one thing was still common on there were a lot of people. I start walking around the place. Everything was the same, but the difference was that it was luxurious. I thought I had come to a royal palace where there were small shops selling different kinds of things. I saw a big shop and got inside it immediately after a creature like an octopus came in front of me and said, "Sir, welcome to the shop of Octa civilization."

Thank you. Can you show me some technology from your planet? Of course, sir, please come over here. He brings me in front of a large screen. You can find any kind of technology on our planet here. Thank you. You are welcome, sir. There was a lot of stuff, but it was all oceanic. two technologies that caught my eye. The first technology can translate any kind of language immediately; it is basic software but works very fast and effectively; you just have to put all of the data languages into it. Another one is software that can compress a large amount of data into a smaller size. Because the software was written in the Octa language, there is nothing fair about someone stealing it; this means I can market it anywhere on the planet without fear of someone stealing it from me.

I go to the same Octopus; hey, how much will these two software programs cost me? This software will cost you around 500,000 Universal Coins. I would love to buy these two pieces of software. Thank you, sir; I will be preparing everything. After that, we both come to the cashier to pay the universal coin. After paying, they gave me two fruits. I looked at him with surprise, and he smiled and told me I just had to eat it; all the information would be in my mind, and it would be very easy to use. Thank you again. I ate both of the fruits in front of them. In my mind, I realize there is a lot of information about that software. Basically, if I want, I can make them immediately.

I smiled and went back to my shop. The fairy was sleeping again. I did not want to wake her up. But I wanted to ask some questions, so I did. Hay Fairy, can you be updated? Master, you want to update my functions. So you can be updated, yes, you have to talk to the administrator. Hay System I want to upgrade my shop fairy "Ding." A request has been detected; the analysis is complete. Yes, you can upgrade your shop fairy; it will take 100,000 Universal Coins. Yes or no. Yes, please update your shop fairy. It will take a day; please be patient.

It appears that I will need to be present in the shop tomorrow. The fairy is fully asleep. I also come back to earth. I didn't need to do anything; I got more memory cards, so I copied the same data again. I did the same thing, opening my shop and selling all of the memory cards' data, but today's earnings were less than 500 thousand Universal coins. The fairy woke up the master, my update has been completed, and now I can completely operate the shop. You don't have to worry about it; you just have to provide me with the products every day. very good news I also want to focus on some other stuff, and by the way, the shop reached level 2 today. This is very good news. The fairy started dancing around the shop; it looks like she is happier than me. Ok, you can take care of the shop. I will send more data to you. You can just copy it and sell them, am I right? Yes, master, you are right; you don't have to copy all of this stupid data onto small memory cards.

I return to Earth after abdicating all responsibility to the fairy. Today was very busy for me. I want to take a break. It is very advantageous for me that the fairy can take over the shop. I ate my dinner and went to bed. "Let's buy a house tomorrow," I thought to myself before falling asleep.

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing, and it was Rafid on the other end of the line. Hello, come to the cafeteria beside our college. I've got some very good news for you.

Alright, come here quickly. I am coming; just wait for me. I got ready and came to the cafe around 20 minutes later. I see Rafid. He was eating something and talking to a girl. He will never change because every month he has a new girlfriend.

He is good-looking and also has money, so I can understand. Hay Rafid What are you doing here? I thought you were in the mountains. I came back to Dhaka yesterday. What the hell happened to you, Robin? You look much taller and more handsome than before. What happened? I expected you to cry like a baby after Eva left. I did cry. I told him that my life had changed. He smiles at me. But you're the same person.

So who is she—your new girlfriend? No, she is my cousin Chaiti. Hi, I am Robin; it is nice to meet you. I shook hands with her. She is a beautiful woman, I have to say.

Listen, Robin, the good news for you is that Eva is not marrying anyone. "Stop!" So, why did she tell me that? Because of her father, she wants to study medicine in the USA. I stood up and tried to run, but Rafid stopped me and said, "Don't just run, stupid." Sit down; she has already left Bangladesh. She wants to become something, so why are you stopping her?

I did stop, but I looked angrily at him and asked, "How the f****** do you know this?" Oh, my genius, it was a pity that I just called her best friend, that's all. Robin, she will come back for you if she loves you, but the question is why she will come back for you. I will step up and tell you that you are nothing, so she is trying to become something, and you also should try to become someone that she will spend the rest of her life with. I know it doesn't make sense, but I think you'll get what I mean. What if she doesn't return because you don't deserve her and she's better than you?

And by the way, the USA is not the best place to study. A person goes to the USA and comes back as a different person. I know you don't count me as your best friend, but I do count you as my best friend. That's why I am telling you all of this. I know that you haven't had a guardian your entire life. I'm surprised you're here, but don't squander it. And one more thing, my father told me that you made over $500 million—what the hell was that?

I came down and looked at him. I told him I wanted to buy a house; he started laughing, and his cousin also started laughing. What is funny? You are stupid, Robin.

Ok, let's go meet someone now. Where are you going? Some people will help you buy a house. Do you want to go with me, or just sit here and cry like a baby? Rafid came in front of me and told me, "Brother, life is tough for everyone."

What do you know about life? I asked him. He just stood up. He looks like a bulky man. No one can tell he is 18 years old. He looks like a middle-aged person with a handsome face.

He took off his hat. I was surprised at what the hell happened to your hair. He did not say anything, but his cousin started speaking, saying that the locals from the village in the mountains had cut off his hair because it looked uncultured.

Both of us start laughing at him. He was so embarrassed that he didn't say anything after a few moments, okay, and after laughing, let's go. Chaitra began to speak. "Sorry, brother, I have to go back home." "Robin, nice to meet you." I bid her farewell through both of you.

We come to a house management office that basically sells houses. I know someone who can help you buy houses from here—a friend of my father—and it will be cheaper. Rafid told me. And tell my friend here, who wants to buy a house, that I think you know a good house for him. Well, I do know a good house, but what is the budget? I have a hundred million dollars.

That's a lot of money. Rafid told me in surprise. Rafid's uncle showed me a house. There are numerous embassies from various countries in that area. That means it is pretty safe, and this house has all the modern utilities, so what do you say? I told him I'd buy it once I moved into my new house. Whenever you want, you just have to pay that money. that's all. Yes, that's all. I pay the money, and he gives me the house keys and documents. We both left Rafid's uncle's office.

Rafid inquires if I intend to start a business. Yes, I will in a couple of days. Alright, Robin, I have to go. And can I come over to your house? Yes, just you, not the entire party. After Rafid left, I went back to my hotel, packed everything up, and moved to my new house. The feeling of owning a house is very nice, and this house is very big. It even has a swimming pool. A swimming pool in a house in Dhaka City—that's a luxury.
