
I Grow Stronger With Scars!

Jin Scar could do nothing but obey the human limits on earth. One day he decides to go and test his swordsmanship after training for 2 decades. He eventually dies after an encounter with a bear and gets reincarnated into a world populated by magic users. only few people know the way of the sword and his path will undoubtedly not be easy. However he has a helper.. his scars. The more scars he gains the more power he will receive. Watch how Jin becomes the most respected and powerful swordsmanin the world! - 1-2 chapters everyday [20 Power stones = 1 extra chapter]

VanTan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

New World & Powers

Jin opened his eyes and was met with light. He was no longer in a dark room with an intimidating man.

He immediately knew he had been reincarnated like someone had planted information into him.

"F-fuck what's wrong with my body?" He groaned and sat up in pain.

He immediately looked at himself and was surprised to see that he was young. A 13-year-old to be specific. Then the questions started flooding in.

"How did a 13-year-old get these severe injuries?"

"Why am I in the middle of a thick forest and bleeding?"

He had several more questions but they could not be answered.


Ding! The system has been finalized!

Say status window to see your basic information...


Jin stared at the white holographic rectangle hovering in front of him in shock.

"There's no way I have one of those systems from webnovels right?" He murmured and opened his status window.


[Basic Information]

Name: Jin Scar

Age: 13

Title: ?? ..???

Scars: 2 + 6.5 stat points

(1 medium-scale scar +6)

(1 small-scale scar +2.5)


Strength: 8

Vitality: 7 (-2 injured)

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 5

Aura: Locked


Scar Regeneration: Heals Scars 70% faster.





100 Scars: 30% strength boost

250 Scars: Unknown

400 Scars: Unknown

700: Unknown

1000: ???


"W-what is all this? I get stat points from Scars??" He said in disbelief.

"This is unbelievable" He continued making sure to read everything.

"If I'm correct this means I can become stronger by getting Scars. But what if I self-inflict them does it count then?" He asked himself but soon got an answer.

["Inflicting yourself with Scars does not contribute to the system. Only futile beings commit those activities"] the system said out loud.

"Tsk, whatever" He replied to the system.

Jin would like to have more time to get used to this body and system however he couldn't as night was making its way in.

"Let's get up first," He said while groaning.

Jin stood up and once again took a look around him. He was surrounded by trees and a man who seemed to have died a few hours earlier.

"Who is this?" Jin asked himself curiously while walking towards the body.

As he was gonna take a step forward he received a severe headache and had to sit down.

"What the hell is happening now?" He murmured and sighed.

A few minutes passed and the pain stopped but memories were somehow forcefully inserted into his brain.

"Huh? My name is Jin in this world too.. how odd" He said and continued shuffling around with his memories.

He recollected himself and was deeply disappointed in this world's laws and actions.

Apparently, he had been born with no magic affinity and therefore got ridiculed by his family. They were strong believers in magic supremacy and therefore exiled him when he reached the appropriate age.

"But why the fuck would you send a kid to the forest? This is a death sentence!" He exclaimed furious in his father's and mother's decision.

Jin had countless memories where he cried alone and was abused increasing his hatred even more.

Jin reminded himself to get revenge and pay back the act tenfold.

"Fuck I can't be like this, man up!" He shouted and approached the dead man standing a few meters away.

"So you're the one who protected me until death.." Jin murmured and gazed down at the body.

"Rest in peace whoever you were," He thought and grabbed the sword he was holding onto in his last moments and some basic necessary items like a waterbottle and a small knife.

Jin was now ready to explore and find a place to call home. He took one last look at the guard before leaving the opening in the forest and going deeper.

The forest was dead silent as only his footsteps and the crunching sounds of the leaves could be heard.

Jin slowly but surely made his way around the forest with caution. He knew there were monsters in this forest from his memories and would be prepared to take them down. Even though the bear might have killed him in the past, he was a new man.

10 minutes passed and Jin could see some light in the distance. From a campfire or torch of some sort, he thought.

He steadily approached ready to protect himself but then realized that wasn't needed. He was approximately 30-40 meters away from the cave and finally saw another living being.

"Green? Ugly nose? Short? Goblin" Jin thought and decided to not continue his approach.

"From what I know goblins kidnap humans to breed?" He thought to himself and continued looking at the goblin.

"This might be a chance for me to use my newly acquired powers" He murmured and decided to go closer.

Goblins are dangerous in groups but now it was alone. A seemingly perfect kill for him.

Jin had no idea when another goblin would come out so he had to act fast. With his superior intelligence, he devised a plan to distract it with a rock and then go for the kill.

He picked up a small rock from the ground and continued walking slowly to not make a single sound.

"Alright.. here we go," He thought and threw the rock onto the natural stone walls.

The rock could be heard and the goblin went to check the sound.

"Bingo" He murmured and leaped onto the short but fat goblin.

"Rrkh!" Could be heard when Jin's blade decapitated its head.

"There we go" He murmured and checked its body for any valuables.

"Huh, a ring? Looks pretty nice" He said and put it on.

"[+4 Agility]" the system said in his head.

"Nice!" He almost shouted in happiness.

While Jin was having a good time enjoying his newly acquired loot he completely forgot there was an entire goblin cave behind him hearing him...