
I got reincarnated into the body of notorious CEO's Bed Warmer

“What is happening?” I held my aching head and looked around the darkroom. My eyes were blurred and all I could feel was that someone was lying right next to me. I rubbed my eyes vigorously to get used to the darkness around me but it did not help much; only making it worse than before. With great difficulty, I moved my body and walked towards the small light at the end of the room. When I opened the door, I found myself in front of a huge mirror. The image in it made me scream, ‘I got reincarnated into the body of the notorious CEO's Bed Warmer!’ “Then the one who was lying next to me earlier is that 'MAN' who I hate the most in this whole wide world? Why? Just why?” I screamed and my body slid on the floor like jelly. ......................................................... The book cover doesn't belong to me. Credit to its owner.

Darlene_Virginia · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

What have I got myself into?

The clouds in the sky turned darker just like her life which had become pitch-black and gloomy overnight. She walked passed several familiar college students but without meeting anyone's eyes. Right when she was about to reach the end of the campus where that flashy car was waiting for her to get in, she heard a ruckus nearby.

'No! Just walk away… go… go… Do not stop for anything or anyone. This has nothing to do with you... Come on! keep going. You can do it. You are just a few feet away,' She reasoned with her brain.

"Go... Go... Go..." She kept mumbling those words several times.

She tried to remind herself that she should never interfere in others' business anymore. Right now, her life is not hers anyway. Her soul had already become someone else's. The more she tries to go back to her original self, all it would do was to put her on a very dangerous path.

But NO! Even after strongly trying to control and bury her inner temptations, her legs did come to a stop. That too exactly in front of those idiotic people whom she had once brought down with a single kick. With no effort to walk past them, she lifted her head and glared at the leader of the gang who was bullying a fresher without any fear for his life.

"Take your hands off her, You B*ch!" She lifted her bag and hit that bulgy guy without a second thought.

His face got a scratch and the corner of his lips started to bleed. He lifted his hand and rubbed his aching cheeks.

'Did I put too much pressure while I hit him with my bag?' She wondered while staring at that guy with fearless eyes.

She already knew that whatever she had done can't be reversed. Just when she was about to go full-on, a part of her body stopped her.

'No no no no no… What have I done?' Her mind screamed as she tried to think of a solution to escape this situation unscathed.

'Should I just run away from here?' Her brain immediately gave her an easy and very simple idea.

Just when she was about to take off, he caught the collar of her shirt and pulled her body very close to his face. He lifted his right hand to slap her but then unexpectedly, several well-dressed bodyguards appeared out of nowhere. He was brought down very easily in a few seconds.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! I am done for…' She thought as everyone around her was in awe after what had happened.

Without looking back, straight away she took a sudden flight and disappeared from there. She ran towards the B-block which was believed to be haunted and no one ever dared to go. She held the wall with both her hands and took several deep breaths.

"Ok! I am alright… I am going to be okay. There is nothing to worry about. I think I did well… yes, I did do very well. I controlled my anger so nicely and did not even try to get him hospitalized at all. I just hit him only once with my bag and also I did not bring him down… But the bodyguards did… yes, it's them! So, I am safe… I am safe, right?" She mumbled as she stared at the disgusting designer leather bag that hung loosely on her shoulders.

She squatted on the ground and opened the handbag. From inside the bag, she took out a dark brown diary and flipped the pages hurriedly. Her hands trembled as she closed it immediately and threw it on the sides.

"No! I did not do well at all… What should I do? How can I escape from this mess now? Should I just dig a hole and bury myself? Anyway, I will die if he finds out. So, it's better to kill me rather than facing that d*uchbag…" She kicked her legs in frustration on the ground.

Then after starting at one spot for several minutes, she lifted her head with determination. She then punched the wall in front of her and said,

"Why should I kill myself? I should just kill him and live my life however I want! Anyways, killing him won't be a problem as he will be always alone with me at night as I am his bed... bed... bed warmer."

She could not even finish that word properly as her lips moved up and down several times in disgust. And her face turned bright red from embarrassment. She had never once faced such a revolting situation until now.

She then started to devise a plan on how she should kill him without getting caught. She thought of several ideas but then everything seemed like a flop.

"Maybe I simply could strangle him while he was asleep. But then it would leave my finger marks on his long, smooth neck," She murmured as she daydreamed.

For a second, she got lost in her thoughts as she imagined touching his neck. Her hands slowly slid down from his neck and reached his thick chest. As she was about to drool, she vigorously shook her head to bring her out of the imaginary world she had just created.

"No, that's not a good idea. I will get caught before I could even touch his neck. He is a very light sleeper and always kept an eye on me even in his sleep." She grumbled as she banged her head against the wall.

"Or maybe I could buy some sleeping pills and overdose him?" She talked to herself as she hatched her plans further.

"No! I always have someone following me all the time. They will for sure report me buying them to him right away. In the end, he might even force me to eat them to watch me suffer," She kept on hitting her head on the wall as she felt defeated.

She could not devise any more plans as she received a message on the latest model phone. She picked up the phone and read the message loudly.

"I am coming early... Make sure to warm the bed enough!"

"Hahhhhhhhhh," She shouted and stood up from the ground.

She picked up the diary and dusted it before placing it inside her bag carefully. She wanted to curse at him very badly but then she somehow managed to stop her tongue from rolling the words.

"What have I got myself into? WHY? WHY? WHY?" She almost screamed in desperation.

Slowly, she pulled her tired body and moved towards the luxury car that she did not get in earlier on time because of her disobedient mind. Just when she reached the campus gate, her eyes shone as she saw the boundary wall. But before she could attempt her escape stunt, the beam in her eyes reduced a lot.

"Why did they make these walls so high and unreachable? How do they expect their students to bunk classes if they build them in such a way? Do they think we are only here to stay inside the campus throughout our college life? Useless fellows!" She muttered through her gritted teeth.