
I got reincarnated as the Dragon of Death: (IGRAAS, Overload, WIGRAAS)

DarkDragon2261_GC · Komik
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6 Chs

The Next Test and A Small Discussion

==== Third Pov ====

"Ok, Luna, I want you to hit this training dummy with your Fire Ball Spell."

"Ok, will do, Hinata. [Fire Ball]!"

A fireball was emitted and lunched for Luna's left hand at a fast speed. The fireball hit the training dummy.


The dummy was still intact, but parts of the wooden figure did catch on fire.

"OK, so you will need to train with your fire magic. Alright, now use your Thunder Shock, then use your Water and Air blades on the other two dummies." Hinata said with a straight face while her voice had no emotion behind them.

Luna aimed her left hand up at the following three dummies.

"[Thunder Shock]!" A lightning bolt shoots out from Luna's hand and hits the wooden dummy hard. When it made contact with the dummy the dummy was shared into tones of tiny splinters.

Then Luna lifted her hand and swung her hand down as fast as she could. "[Water Blade]!"] Then she swung her hand upwards at a fast speed. "[Air Blade]!"

The water blade and air blade flow at their target incredibly fast.

"Shin!" The water blade hit its target first before the air blade hit and when it did, it sliced the fourth wood dummy cleanly in two. 

As for the air blade when it made contact with its target it made a lot of deep cuts and gaseous all over the dummy. 

A smile formed on Luna's face after seeing the results of her spells. She looked at Hinata and Luminous waiting for their praise of her spells, but they didn't give any to her.

==== Hinata Pov ====

I was looking at the results of Lady Luna's attacks on the five target dummies and by the state they are in. I have to say it is her first-time using magic. She is not that bad, but she needs to learn how to parley and control her magic. Also, the nature of her magic is acting wild and chaotic. In contrast, Lady Luminous's magic acts more orderly and calm. The complete opposite of her daughter's magic.

"OK Luna, I want you to use some of your breath attacks on the metal target now."


Luna took a deep breath and blew out her fire breath at the first target. When her flames hit the target, the target became a pile of molten metal. 

I looked at the pile of molten metal and said "Huh, interesting your flame breath just melt the metal. Your flames got too early hot to melt that."

Luna then took another deep breath and used her frost breath on the next dummy. She froze the dummy in a block of ice.

Next, she used her thunder breath. Her thunder breath came out as a beam of electrical energy. It carved a hole through the dummy and the wall behind it straight to the outside.

Then Lady Luna used another of her skills on the other dummy.

"Death Fire! Blood Fire!"

Then two target dummies catch on fire. The first dummy was engulfed in a bright blue flame with black outlining on the flames and the other dummy was engulfed in a dark crimson glowing flame with black outlining on it. At the same time, looking at these two differently colored flames. My instinct was telling me to stay the hell away from these two flames at all costs.

I looked over at Lady Luminous and found she had an expression of interest as she looked at the two flames.

==== Luminous Pov ====

"Amazing." That was the only word that came from me when looking upon two different flames my daughter just produced. I could tell these two flames had a different property from the normal flames Luna produced earlier. From what I can tell the black-blue flame the death fire has the ability to burn the soul of the person who touches it, but it is not able to burn anything else only the soul of the person it touches in an instance. But I can also tell it cannot burn the soul of the person who cast it. In other words, this flame cannot burn Luna's soul only if she is the one to cast it. Also, when I think about it, I believe her death flames will have a significant effect on spirit entities like spirits, demons, and angels. For the black-red flames, the blood fire has the ability to burn anything thing normal flames do, but they can only burn a thing that is alive in an instant, but it has the ability to heal anything dead or undead.

Then out of nowhere, my daughter cast another flame that was golden and black. When I say this, I could tell that golden black flame was a fallen-holy element. 'If I remainder one of the fallen arc angles is the only one with that ability. The ability of a fire to burn the undead and heal the living.'

I looked over at my daughter and I thought to myself, 'Her abilities and skills are very impressive for her age, and with time and training her skills can evolve further where no one will be able to beat her, but the problem is that people with try to exploit her power for themselves. For Pete's sake, even if I want to exploit my own daughter's power for my sake, I feel like that is just wrong. She is my own daughter. I want to see her happy and smile all the time. And for that to happen I need to ensure she gets stronger where even I don't have chances to hurt Luna.'

"Luna come here my little dragon," I said in a loving tone to my daughter.

"Ok." my daughter said as she walked over to me.

When she approached me, I picked her up and put her on my lap. 

I brushed her long silver hair and soft silver mane on her back.

As I brushed her hair and mane, I thought to myself 'I need to take her to see Guy with me. He might have some insight about what seeds of death are, because when I looked at her status. It said she is the holder of the seeds of death. I never heard anything about the seeds of death before, but I bet Guy has heard about the seeds before. Also, I need that frost bitch dragon that he calls a partner. I need to ask her how I go about raising Luna. Because she will become a true dragon later down the line, I think that I should ask my sister Sylvia if she can help teach Luna how to control her magic, because I am not the best when it comes to teaching someone, I am not the best.'

Then all of a sudden, I remembered one of the titles I saw on my daughter's status during her first test.

I looked over at Hinata who was still in the training room. "Ha, Hinata do you mind if you leave us for a bet, there is something I need to ask Luna in private."

When I said that Luna looked up at me in confusion.

"Yes, mama. I will leave you two alone." After saying that Hinata left the room.

Then, I looked down at Luna who was sitting on my lap.

"Luna what is this about you being a reincarnation."

==== Luna Pov ====

'Holy Shit! How does she know that I am a reincarnation? There is no way for people to know about that right? Or are reincarnations more common here than I originally thought?'

I looked up at Luminous. "What are you talking about what is a reincarnation," I said with a tiny hint of anxiety in my voice.

"Luna I can tell when you are lying. Remember I am a vampire. I have enhanced senses. Also, I am your mother I can tell when you are lying Luna."

I looked down at the ground with my shoulders shrugging down to my sides. I signed.

Then I started acting like my old 16-year-old matured self from my pasted life even if I was in the body of a 5-year-old.

I looked at Luminous and asked, "What do you want to know."

"Are you the reincarnation of death?"

When I heard that first question I was confused.

"I don't know if I am or am not the reincarnation of death."

"Are you from our world's past?"


"So, in other words, you are reincarnated from a different world?"


"So, you are just like Hinata then."

"I am like Hinata?"

"Yes, she also comes from another world, but she didn't die and get reincarnated. I think the word her friend used was transmigrate. She showed up in this world by accident."

"So, there are others like me here in this world."

"Yes, there are otherworlders like you here. They are the summons, transmigrators, and reincarnators like you. But, out of all of them, reincarnators are the rarest type of otherworlder, because a handhold of souls can withstand the pressure of reincarnation. But you Luna are the rarest type of them all because you didn't just reincarnate in this world, but you were born in this world as well. So, you are also part of our world now too."

"Ow, I see."

"Also, Luna how did you die in your that life."

I looked down at the ground with darkness in my eyes. "Mom, I don't want to talk about that. For now."

"Ok Luna, take your time. Tell me when you feel like talking to me and when you are ready to."

"Thank you, mom."

Then Luminous picked me up and carried me out of the training room and to my room.

"Luna tomorrow I am taking you to an acquaintance of mine. He might know some more about your powers and their origin about them as well. So, get some rest Luna we will be leaving tomorrow to meet them."

"Ok, can Mom see you tomorrow."