
The Eye Of Gaya

The forest enveloped Kazuma in its verdant embrace as kazuma prepared to embark on his journey for further growth. The Cat-System's voice echoed in kazuma's mind, guiding him toward a mysterious item that awaited within the depths of the Black Box.

With anticipation coursing through kazuma's veins, kazuma opened the box, revealing a mesmerizing artifact

[Item name: Eyes Of Gaya

Type: Cat Collar(Bond item)

Rank: Mystic

Description: The eyes of Gaya (the eyes of the world) it's an item that has seen everything and and can show everything


1) It's an item that shows you the status window of any item, skill, or species.




(need higher level to unlock all effect) ]

"Soo cool! If you are a cat what do you need a cat collar why was I expecting a sward, I mean I'm a cat even if a sward comes what can I do with it. And this thing is Mystic Rank I thought it didn't exist. Cat-system can you explain this why it's a mystic rank? Is it fake? "

[ cat-system

"I put a lot of effort to get this using the 1st time reward bonuses and by using new system birth authority and here you are calling it fake"]

for the 1st time cat- system shows it's emotion clearly

Kazuma: "oohk!!! I'm sorry I was just surprise seeing the mystic rank "

[ Cat-system

The answer to your question is that it is indeed a real item even I don't get to decide what comes out of the black box you are extremely lucky to get a mystic item and as it is a mystic item I don't know anything about it ]

The cat-system testified for the items legitimacy.

"Wow this thing is for sure is a mystic just it's presence is something I don't know what I feel but it feels amazing"

The Eyes of Gaya. This item, a cat collar imbued with mystical energy, radiated an aura of ancient wisdom and boundless knowledge. As kazuma held it in his paw, he could feel the weight of its significance, as if the very essence of GAYA itself had been captured within.

The Cat-System's voice resonated within Kazuma unveiling the true nature of the Eyes of Gaya.


"These Eyes of Gaya are no ordinary adornment. It possess the wisdom of the world, allowing you to perceive the truth hidden beneath the surface. With them, you will gain insight into the status and essence of items, skills, and even species."]

Awe washed over kazuma as he comprehended the power that rested within this mystical collar. The Eyes of Gaya had the ability to unveil the essence of everything it encountered, illuminating the secrets that lay concealed to ordinary perception. It was a tool that would shape kazuma understanding of this extraordinary world.

Kazuma fastened the collar around his neck, the Eyes of Gaya settling against his fur like precious gems. The moment they made contact with his being, a surge of heightened perception coursed through kazuma's senses. The forest seemed to come alive with a vibrant energy, each leaf and blade of grass revealing its own story.

With newfound insight, kazuma ventured forth into the untamed wilderness, the Eyes of Gaya serving as kazuma's guide through the mysteries that lay ahead. As kazuma encountered various items, skills, and species, the collar illuminated their true nature, granting him invaluable knowledge.

Curiosity ignited within kazuma, and he turned his attention to a nearby object—a Mushroom. Its vibrant colors and enticing aroma belied its true nature. With a mere glance, the Eyes of Gaya revealed its secrets through a status window that materialized before kazuma.

[Status Window

Item name: Delusional Poison Mushroom

Type: Fungus

Rank: Common

Description: Looks delicious, like a freshly baked bun in a bakery.

Effect: Instant death ]

"this delicious looking mushroom is deadly luckily I didn't eat it"


"Even if you were to eat it nothing would happen because of your skill 'poison is nothing' but I will still recommend you to not it eat as it will not be beneficial in any way"]

Even if I is not poisonous to him kazuma was impressed bye the eye of Gaya as it really looked seemingly innocent mushroom.

Eager to test the collar further, kazuma turned his gaze to a swarm of minuscule creatures—a group of Mosquitoes. Their small size belied their lethal capabilities. Again, the Eyes of Gaya granted kazuma a glimpse into their essence through a newly formed status window.

[Status Window

Name: Vampire Mosquito

Type: Insect

Rank: Magic

Description: Just a few of them, and you're dead.

Effect: Sucks blood and mana]

"Mosquitos are a problem even in this world"

Kazuam shuddered at the thought of falling prey to these bloodthirsty insects. The Eyes of Gaya had revealed their true nature, providing him with the knowledge to avoid their deadly embrace.

Empowered by this newfound perception, kazuam turned his attention to the ethereal beings that floated through the forest"yaa let's check what these are" a group of White light. Their presence had always fascinated him and now the Eyes of Gaya granted me insight into their essence.

[Status Window

Name: Wind Spirit

Type: Spirit

Rank: magic

Description: They are the ones who maintain the air supply in this world.

Effect: I) Naturally flow with the air.

II) Move in response to mana when wind magic is used.]

The intricacies of these ethereal beings became clear to him, their role in the delicate balance of GAYA unveiled. "SPIRITS!! So those are spirits" kazuma shouted surprisingly The Eyes of Gaya allowed him to appreciate their significance, fostering a deeper connection between myself and the world around him.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge, kazuma shifted his focus to a vibrant flower that caught his attention—a Blue Lily. Its captivating fragrance beckoned, but the Eyes of Gaya offered a glimpse into its true potential.

[Status Window

Item name: Blue Nectar Lily

Type: Flower

Rank: Rare

Description: It smells really good, but that's not all. Eat it and witness the magic.

Effect: When consumed, mana can be recovered.]

A sense of wonder washed over kazuma as he realized the healing properties hidden within the delicate petals of the Blue Nectar Lily. " so in short Mana recovery potion I should store some in my inventory" The Eyes of Gaya had unlocked its secret, bestowing upon kazuma the knowledge to harness its rejuvenating power.

With each revelation, the Eyes of Gaya deepened kazuma's understanding of GAYA. They empowered me to make informed decisions, to see beyond mere appearances and uncover the true essence of everything kazuma encountered.

But the true extent of the Eyes of Gaya's power remained shrouded, awaiting the unlocking of its higher levels. Kazuma knew that as he grew in strength and experience, the collar would reveal even more profound insights, granting him the wisdom to navigate the complexities of this world.

With the Eyes of Gaya adorning kazuma's neck, he delved deeper into the unexplored realms of GAYA. Each step forward unveiled new wonders and unveiled hidden truths. The forest became his classroom, the creatures his teachers, and the Eyes of Gaya his guiding light.

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