
I Found Myself Buried In The Darkness

Evan was an ordinary man who's given up on life, however, he finds himself in another world as a 5 year old kid whose name is "Damien Maxwell". Follow him as he travel the world and witness the scary yet oh so beautiful world. Witness how his kindness crumble as the past that he wished to forget haunts him once more. Cover isn't mine, please inform me if it's yours and want to take it down.

DaoOfMadness · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Are You A Monster Or A Genius?

(Geovanis' PoV)

It's been a 2 years since I met this brat, and the surprises he shows me hasn't slowed down one bit. I swear this brat will be that death of me.

The first time I thought this brat, he showed me a goddamn magic eye. That shit took me a long time to achieve and yet this kid did it quickly and naturally too? How unfair is the world to do this to me?

Everytime I teach this brat, he shows more than what I expect. Seriously, there's a limit to being a genius you know? Perhaps this kid is a monster? Shit, did that bastard Destesius fuck a monster?

During this 2 years, we focused on physically enhancing his body to hold a sword, and giving him a few basic magic knowledge along the way.

Hell, does this brat even struggle? I've been working him like a horse that even my knight order always complain about this training schedule and yet he didn't complain once? The hell is with his abnormal tenacity and perseverance?

'Bastard must've inherited his grandfathers mentality, no, isn't this brat the reincarnation of that devil?'

I saw the brat looking at the wooden sword I gave him and swinging it. He seems to be satisfied with it. However, after that, he started swinging mindlessly. Although his form sucks, the distribution of force was almost the same. Meaning, he's steadily swinging his sword with the appropriate amount of force so he doesn't run out of steam fast.

'Crazy bastard.'

"Oi brat, we haven't even started yet, and you're already going to tire yourself up?"

"I'm not."


I couldn't really retort to it as this bastard practically finished half of the things taught in beginners. The only thing to teach him right now is form.

"Brat, hold the sword more tightly, you'll lose it if you hold it lightly like that in a fight. Posture your hips and legs like this."

"Brat, do you know why swordsmanship isn't just done by swinging a sword and cutting your opponent to death?"

"It's because you'll exhaust yourself fast if you don't manage your strength well. The posture of the swordsman is also a key to balance yourself when holding a heavy weapon like a sword."

"Correct, if a swordsman only learned how to manage his strength, he will not be able to quickly react to an opponents move. Whether it's offense or defence. He'll need a good posture, footwork, and body coordination to react instantly to unexpected fights."

"Afterall, swordsmanship is like dancing. You'll need a certain amount of flexibility and practice to do your moves more efficiently."

After guiding him here and there, I wasn't the least bit surprised at what I saw.

Surprise, surprise, the brat has successfully did it after a few tries once again. At the rate of his growth he'll finish everything by 10. Freaking hell, I'm jealous.


It's been 5 years since I've met this brat and taught him magic and swordsmanship. Every year, this kid surpassed and reach an imaginable level.

I've already taught him every thing I've learned throughout the years. The only thing he can do now is hone that and surpass me.

"Day, your training is done. I've taught you everything I can."

"Huh? But I'm still not satisfied with what I've achieved."

"Brat, your foundations are already good. The reason you aren't satisfied is because you think you haven't learned enough. But that's wrong, swordsmanship isn't like studying. Trying to learn everything will just turn you into someone who can do anything but not proficient enough to compete with others."

"Sure, it's not bad to learn a lot, but listen, if you don't hone your swordsmanship and learn a lot instead, you'll be surprised by how everyone who's put everything to one particular thing will completely obliterate you."

"As a person, you might have more tricks in your sleeve. You can survive more in harsh situations because you've learned more things. But most of the time, you'll get overpowered in a flash, unable to even unleash your full arsenal."

"Oftentimes, people think that having a lot more things you can do is better, in most situation, it is. But well, that can't be said for swordsmanship. Are you confident that you'll be able to beat someone who dedicated their entire life to the sword with your half-assed swordsmanship?"

"Unless You've practically learned everything to a masterful degree, learning a lot just isn't worth it in swordsmanship. Learning things to a degree of being called a master will take time. Humans don't have a lot of it. It already takes a lot of time to learn one thing and mastering it, how much would it take to learn other things? Even if you're a monster that can learn faster than 99% of humans, you won't be able to learn and master a lot."

"But teacher, I only need to learn it to a level where it can be useful."

"Even just that will take a lot of time."

"It's better to learn this things on the side and focus more on swordsmanship and magic. Got it, brat?"


"Good. You already have a lot in your plate, don't try to eat everything."

"Well, it hasn't been that long, but I enjoyed teaching and being surprised by you."

"Thank you as well, teacher."

After exchanging our farewells, I headed to the Destesius' work room.

"Is it finished?"

"Yeah, but he'll need some experience."

"Should I hook him up to the adventurer's guild?"

"No, the adventurer's guild is dangerous. Let him come to one of your expeditions. At least, in there, he'll have almost no chance of being tricked or betrayed."

"Got it."

After talking about some important and minor matters, we exchanged our farewells.

"Damn it, why did I decided to go back during the night?"

I walked through the main gate as the cold night breeze greeted me. I decided I would go to an inn and depart in the morning.

"Heh, looks like a fun future is in store. I wonder how that old bastard from the Academy will react to him after he gets admitted after he turns 16?"


I'm sorry guys, I couldn't update because my phone entered a boot loop over and over again. After I fixed that, my phone was stuck in recovery mode because my volume down button is stuck. After getting that fixed, my power button was the one who got stucked now.

Anyways~~ did you like the chapter? I'd appreciate it if you rate my novel and tell my a few things I could Improve on. After all, I'm a beginner in this. Don't be shy to comment, I'm getting lonely here you know?