
C28 °•○● Hi, System Lady.

Eren entered his girlfriend Melisa's room and saw that it was empty. He learned that she left work early after he asked the staff around.

He looked at the clock and gave up on seeing his girlfriend that day.

I have excuses so I'm going home. It's not because I'm afraid to face her.

Even making a call on the phone that would take 5 seconds seemed very scary.

He grabbed Mel's hand tightly and walked her around a little more. Then they set off for home.

Eren was living in the old house he had just acquired since his family had moved to the village. It was a two-story house and was magnificent when it was first built. Nowadays, all parts of it were worn out and there were problems with the water and electrical installations.

After entering the garden gate with his car, he closed the iron door behind him.

"I have the keys. Wait for me.." He saw Mel try to open the door without waiting for him, and laughed.

Mel didn't even know such a basic thing as "lock the door" yet. When they left the house the day before, Eren's smell and body were so dizzy that she hadn't paid attention to anything.

Now seeing the process of opening the door with a metal key, the girl with puffy cheeks looked in amazement. The innocent girl had never heard of stealing in her life. Why would she think that doors can be locked?


"Yes, Eren?"

"Now I'm going to show you a black magic where little people are kidnapped and imprisoned inside."

Mel's eyes hardened as she stared at him. She didn't like the idea of ​​enslaving living things.

But a few minutes later, as she watched TV, her anger had completely vanished. When Eren told her what television was, she excitedly took the remote from his hand. Then she started wandering randomly in the unlimited channels.

Eren felt like bad parents distracting their children with television and tablets. But he wanted this girl to have good times on Earth if they ever came back to Evon.

Leaving Mel on the giant sofa in the living room below, he went upstairs.

He entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Then he sat on the edge of his bed and studied his body.

With the effect of heavy painkillers, his leg and arm did not hurt. His body was already at least twice as strong and resilient as a normal human. That's why he had no trouble moving even if he was injured.

The severed flesh on his left arm and leg would take a long time to heal. But apart from them, he could be back to full strength in a day or two. But if he had the choice, he wanted to spend a full week sleeping in this bed.

A sudden yawn escaped his mouth.

He was a little sluggish and sleepy because of the drugs he took at the hospital.

But he had two more things to do.

First, he abruptly turned his eyes to the side and looked at the door that led from inside the room to the bathroom. He glanced at the bathroom door, which now seemed to be making fun of him.

This door to the upstairs bathroom didn't exist until Eren opened a door to the Evon Universe. Now he couldn't guess whether it was a good or bad thing that the door was there.

Eren stood up and took a few nervous steps. He grabbed the handle of the door excitedly. Then he opened it slowly.

The door opened into the bathroom, as it should in a normal and logical world.


He touched, licked, kicked and even spilled water all over the door. Thinking it wouldn't work because he ran out of energy, he even thought of trying to plug in a gas or electric cable.

But no matter what he did, he didn't feel like this door would open a door to the Evon Universe again.

"It has been 22 years since someone from Earth passed into the Evon Universe," the system said.

Eren hadn't given up on his plan to attach an electrical wire to this door yet, as he had other theories. After thoroughly examining the door and the bathroom, he sighed and closed the door.

He had no other choice. This was indeed his last chance.

"F*k it. Just do it!"

Eren whispered the word he had been afraid to say since he had come to Earth.



The smell of the hot bedroom, which had been without airflow for nearly a month, bothered Eren. As he stood up and opened the window, he waited for something to happen.

Then he tried again.


But again, nothing happened.

I guess I'm not lucky. I should have guessed though. Why would a system belonging to the Evon Universe operate in a different Universe? It would make sense if we were in the same Universe.

But clearly, the Universe with the Earth and the Universe of Evon with the System Lady and the Elves are completely different places.

Eren slumped onto his bed, struggling with a sense of helplessness. Then he let go of his whole body and began to lie down. He had a strange throbbing in his head and extreme weakness all over his body.

He tried to suppress his feelings by sleeping.


Eren tried to sleep with tears in his eyes, knowing that he would never see Emily again. He didn't know when he had fallen asleep.


He slept soundly all night and the first thing he felt when he woke up in the morning was the smell of perfume.

Since when does my bedroom smell of women's perfume?

He could have sworn that the scent he smelled wasn't from his girlfriend's perfume. He opened his eyes, grimacing at his still-aching head. And what he saw was the sleeping body of a tall young girl hugging him.

Long green hair, shapely big breasts visible through her shirt that has slid up to her breasts, and long legs with pale skin under extremely short underwear.


Eren had a hard time understanding what he saw.

Of course, he knew Mel personally. But until that moment, he had seen this girl as a child. A very sexy and sweet child, but in the end ..a child!

Now, Eren could only see a careless woman who had taken off her bra before going to sleep and slept in the T-shirt Eren had given her.

Although Eren didn't know what kind of sleeping habits Mel had, he was convinced that she was one of those people who liked to sleep in as few clothes as possible. Maybe even naked.

At least she didn't sleep all over me like Emily.

She must have wanted to sleep just by touching the only person she knew in this scary universe. Mel is very young after all. She is far from her family and the Elven village where her whole life is waiting.

I need to repay her kindness and I want to do it.


How do I say I can't take her back home?

Hello Everyone. Like I said, two chapters a week and every eighth day will be re-editing on all the previous chapters.

Just know that I will try harder in the future.

Have a great day. :D



Tolunaycreators' thoughts
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