

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

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The Lonely King, Suspicious Aizen

Best-selling author: The dying frozen broken ball, are you... a character from The Wandering Earth? Or are you a Cambrian existence?

Best-selling author: And Gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows, are you Scáthach? The Rune Master?

Frozen Breaking Ball: I, I don't know what you are talking about, hurry up, help me, I'm freezing to death.

Gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows: Rune master? It fits other's perceptions of me. Hello, I am Scathach

Gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows: So, strange people among strange things, can you tell me now what your purpose is?

Gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows: Some kind of exciting conspiracy, or some special and interesting trap. If you can kill me, please use any means!

Captain of the Fifth Division: Desire for death? Some kind of immortality that results in immortality at a price?

Gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows: Oh, another friend has appeared. Although this strange thing has blocked all my ability to predict, I can feel that you should be a strong man. Maybe you can try to kill me. .

Captain of the Fifth Division: Although I work as a god of death, it is really boring to take other people's lives at will for no reason.

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: In addition, after joining this group, we cannot harm each other. This is the basic rule. If you want to cross this rule and kill other group members, only one person may be able to do so.

Gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Shadows: Oh? The God of Death is a god. Unfortunately, the possessor of divinity cannot kill me.

Gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Shadows: Who is the other person you are talking about? It is incredible to be able to cross the set rules, and maybe he can actually be killed!

In the Kingdom of Shadows, on the luxurious purple throne, a girl wearing tight purple clothes is sitting, showing off her hot figure to the fullest. She is leaning sideways, turning her hands in a bored way. The one that fell from the sky seems to be called Strange things for mobile phones.

As the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Shadows, the oldest legendary warrior, queen and legendary hero of Celtic Ulster....

She once had too many titles, fame, power, and even power. She lacked nothing, but it was precisely because of this that everything seemed so boring13.

People who climb mountains have longing and drive in their hearts. Every time they conquer a mountain, their hearts are filled with unspeakable achievements and excitement. However, after reaching the top of everything, what follows is emptiness.

This emptiness of reaching the highest peak may be solved by some means in the first few hundred years, but after hundreds of years it will be hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands of years.

Everything is passing by with the passage of time, except for myself, sitting on this so-called throne forever, watching everyone and everything, former enemies, friends, interesting, boring, everything are dying, Only he is eternal and will not even change in the slightest. The only thing that can accompany him is a cold gun. After that, even if his last companion penetrates the spear of death, he will no longer be able to find it. When it comes to the opponent taking action...

Loneliness replaced emptiness and became eternity~~

I gradually became numb in loneliness, and even my emotions gradually became indifferent. Now, there is only one thing that I am still interested in, and that is... death!

But now, even if something she couldn't understand appeared in front of her, Scathach did not have the slightest fear or care. She was not worried about any conspiracy or the like, or in other words, maybe she was actually... Looking forward to the conspiracy, looking forward to what kind of guy can kill her behind this. That should be the most interesting thing~

However, what disappointed her was that although this little brick-like thing was very magical and seemed to be able to contact many people, none of those people seemed willing to kill her. There was only one guy who made her vaguely feel that there was some danger. , is just a god of death.

It's just a mere god, it's impossible to kill her~

The last trace of interest also dissipated, and now Scathach only had the last trace of interest left, that is, the guy who the God of Death said could break the rules.

Breaking the rules, what kind of strong man is this?!

There was a little more interest in Scathach's eyes, and the nature of the phone in his hand suddenly changed a lot.

Maoshan Jiu Shu: Ahem, that one is not in the group at this time. As for this newcomer, why does he want to die so often? Is there something wrong? Maybe you can tell us, we all come from different backgrounds. world, maybe it can help you solve your problem.

All Heavens and Worlds? A strange name, but easy to understand.

"It's another world~"


Scathach's eyes lit up and seemed very interesting.

The reason why she wanted to die was, on the one hand, death had become an obsession of hers, and on the other hand, it was naturally because everything was too boring.

If there are some interesting enough things, it might as well be a try.

Frozen Breaking Ball: Help, help me, I'm freezing to death!

Hot-selling author: Hey, hey, you should tell us your identity, otherwise how can we help you?

Frozen broken ball: I am a ball~

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo: This newcomer talks a little strangely. It seems that he doesn't talk very often?

Maoshan Jiu Shu: Ball? Ball spirit? There is such a spirit? Pindao is a little ignorant.

Best-selling author: Ball, you are the earth, right!!!!

Frozen Little Breaking Ball: Human, that's what you call me!

Victory team member Daegu: Earth??!! The new member is an Earth??!!

Best-selling author: Little friend Dagu, what kind of ball is the earth?

Dagu, a member of the victory team: The world most of the team members step on is the earth!

Best-selling author:????

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo:!!!

Wing Chun Zhang Tianzhi: He is really an incredible newcomer!

Best-selling author: Sure enough, it looks like you, a wandering little broken ball!

Best Selling Writer: Hey, if anyone is curious about the situation of the homeless little broken ball, then take a look at the information I uploaded. The little broken ball should now hope that others can understand his situation.

Then help him.

Hot-selling author: As for Master, if you are interested in your own world, I can help you upload some. However, Master, the main world you are in is a game world, and I don't know much about it. As for other things, there are some achievements. You can upload some plots of supporting characters.

Gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Shadows: No need.

Best-selling author: That's right. Master Xiang has the ability to predict things, so he probably knows as much as me.

Best Selling Writer: Then I will only upload the ones with small broken balls.

Frozen Breaking Ball: Thank you, thank you

Best-selling author: No need to thank me. If you really want to thank me, just let me travel to your world to learn about it. That kind of frozen world is simply awesome for a writer. The collection place!

Frozen Breaking Ball: Okay!

Best-selling author: Haha, your speech is getting smoother and smoother. It seems that you have gradually become familiar with human communication methods.

The group members began to look through the new information with interest, while some were paying attention to another thing.

For example, at this time, Kogoro Mouri's private chat interface quietly lit up.

Captain of Division 5: Let's talk.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Let's talk?


Captain of Division 5: Let's talk!

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Let's talk... Okay, no more fun, what do you want to talk about about that new group of people on Earth? Or that strange new person who keeps yelling for others to kill him?

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: None, it's that great writer.

The moment he saw this sentence, Mouri Kogoro, who was lazily leaning on the sofa, suddenly narrowed his eyes and murmured: "Sure enough, I'm not the only one who discovered the problem. Aizen, the strength He is strong, has a high IQ, and has excellent observation skills. He is really a terrifying guy."

Detective Mouri Kogoro: She? What happened to her?

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: Your words this time will only make me feel that you are teasing me. With your mind, you should not be able to find the problem.

The other person was silent for a while before speaking again.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: What did you find?

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: There are many, and there are many speculations, but I don't know how much you have discovered.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: If you want to verify each other, you can~

Captain of the 5th Division: She is abnormal and knows too much about the team members.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Well, she knows everything except God. Even if God explained it once, it is still strange. Even if it is like that God said, there is a truly strong person who peeks into other worlds with the power of omniscience, and then Projection forms the work, but one should not understand everything.

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: In other words, if there is such a powerful existence, why would it deliberately project these works and make it easy for her to search? This is the first doubt.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Doubt number two is her identity. She uses her identity as a writer to focus on explaining that her hobby is to collect styles and complete more works. This in itself is not a problem.


Captain of the Fifth Squadron: Her sense of presence is too weak, or in other words, her sense of presence was too weak during the mission!

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Yes, every time a group mission is opened, she can freely travel to various worlds. If she really likes traveling and collecting stories as she said, she will not give up this opportunity. However, it is not that she cannot forcefully explain it. Maybe She's afraid of getting hurt~

Team 5 Captain: It's unlikely. Most of the top experts in the group will go together to do the mission. If this happens, she will be worried, "then I won't dare to go to various worlds by myself.

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: So, the real problem is not fear of danger, but fear, or fear of other things or... strong people!

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Of course there is only one who meets the requirements.

Captain of the 5th Division: That one goes to heaven!

Detective Mouri Kogoro: God!

They both answered almost at the same time.

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: The one she is most afraid of must be the one in heaven, but it is also more than that. She has tested Miss Zhou, the Taoist Priest, and the Chinese martial artist Zhang Tianzhi. These people have something in common.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: They are not that strong, or the world they live in is not too strong or dangerous.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Speaking of which, if you didn't tell me clearly, I should be the first one she was going to test. Aizen-kun, you made me lose a good opportunity to analyze her. Upper dog head.jpg.)

Detective Mouri Kogoro: This is more than just an opportunity. If I succeed, I can go to God with the conclusion. Maybe I will get an incredible reward, and maybe I will reach the top of my life. All of this has been ruined by you. Because of you, I almost lost a whole world (touch the dog's head upstairs again.jpg.)

Captain of the Fifth Division: Fifty standard portions of soul wine.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Well done, you can hurt me again! (Smile.jpg.)

Detective Mouri Kogoro: But having said that, God may not be ignorant of these things. At the beginning, God told her twice in a row that it was interesting. Based on my understanding of that person, that person would not be like this. evaluate a simple

The so-called writer.


Team 5 Captain: I know.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: I know you know, but you are not allowed to default on your debt!

Captain of the Fifth Division: No, my credibility can still be trusted.

Captain of the Fifth Squadron: It's just that you got a benefit from me with 140 empty hands. You should repay a share. It's not too much.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Hey, you guy, you are waiting for me here, tell me!

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Let me explain in advance that we won't discuss anything that is too excessive or too troublesome.

Captain of the Fifth Division: No trouble, she is obviously very interested in that wandering earth now, I suspect she should take action.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: So?

Captain of the Fifth Division: I want to know her purpose and means.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: You want me to be a spy and spy on her!!!

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Hey, hey, I'm a helpless person, you have the nerve to let me do such a dangerous thing??!!

Captain of the Fifth Division: That's why her defenses weakened.

Detective Mouri Kogoro: No!

Captain of the 5th Squadron: Fifty copies more.

Detective Mouri Kogoro:Deal!

Captain of the Fifth Division: It's a pleasure to work with you.

Mouri Kogoro rubbed his aching head: "This guy can really find things for me to do, but..."

After thinking about the feeling of being addicted to the soul wine he had tasted before, Kogoro couldn't help but his throat rolled.

"Forget it, I am a detective originally, this is my job~"

Detective Mouri Kogoro: Last question, I'm very curious about your purpose.

In the world of Death God, Jing Ling Ting, Aizen, who was dressed as a Death Tyrant, saw this sentence and said nothing. Under his glasses were eyes as calm as water. He raised his head and looked into the void, as if

It is almost possible to penetrate the void and see what is about to happen in the distance.

"The chat group, God, and group members are three different structures."

"The chat group is a central organization that has its own rules of operation, but it does not, or cannot show its own power. If you want to get what you need, who is God, or

The reporter said that the top powerhouses represented by God are collaborators, who use their own force to obtain what they need for the chat group and complete the exchange of interests with the chat group. "

"Me and other group members are just humble mission-triggering units. As long as the mission is triggered and the upper-level interest exchange is completed, we don't even need to care about life or death. In the end, we will only be affected by this.

It is the cold nature of the strong class and the weak class to receive less than consoling rewards. "

"That great writer, maybe the chat group knows that she has a problem, and God also knows it. Only the ordinary group members don't know. She may be just a pawn, the starting point of the overall situation.

At the end, we, the 'humble' group members, have two choices at this kind of vent, to do our job in a stable manner, or... to be promoted to the upper level."

The next moment, a strange light flashed through Aizen's glasses.

"One step ahead, step by step, this is my opportunity, the best opportunity to reach the top of the group!"