
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasi
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70 Chs


After waiting for a long time, Lin En fled into the forest and retreated after realizing that there was really no chance of a sneak attack again.

There are big trees everywhere in the forest; the trunks at the bottom are covered with moss; the ground is a little wet; and the rotting leaves that have accumulated rainwater are piled up on the ground.

Lin En walked a certain distance to the depths, used his mental strength to make sure that no one was around, and then hid the Alchemy Lab Rubik's Cube under the rotten leaves. He then opened the Alchemy Lab's real body and entered it.

Spending the night outside in the primeval forest is not as good as enjoying a warm cot in an alchemy laboratory.

As soon as Lynn entered the alchemy laboratory, he smelled a strong smell of blood. Lauren was squatting on the ground, and there was a big pool of blood on the ground.

Beauva was squatting behind Lauren, stitching his wound distressingly.

Lynn walked over to take a look and saw a very hideous wound on Lauren's back, and the scales near the wound on the surface of the body's skin were all shattered.

The scales on Lauren's body are so hard that even a sword may not be able to hurt them.

The knight with two swords can cut scales with one sword, which is definitely not something that a simple iron sword can do. Lynn touched the wound, and the broken scales near the wound were in the shape of fragments, which should have been directly shattered by a powerful force.

The surface of the wound was tumbling, and the ribs on the back could even be seen. A small crack was cut on one of the ribs that was directly stressed.

   "Let me do it." Lynn squatted down and took the needle and thread from Bova's hand to suture the wound.

Lynn looked at Lauren's wound, thinking about what method should be used to heal it. Oh no, treat the injury.

almost committed an occupational disease. In Harlem's laboratory, I used to do a lot of medicines and related tests for mutant lizardmen.

Now, when he sees Lauren's familiar lizard body, he can't help but think of the mutant lizard people he dissected.

Lin En quickly treated the wound. The sutured wound was dense and smooth, and it was sutured along the texture of a region's muscles.

"The wound is healed." Lynn got up.

   "Don't do strenuous exercise recently." Lynn was reminded emphatically.

"I didn't do strenuous exercise." Lauren scratched her head.

Lynn glanced at Lauren. "Don't even get to the Wizarding Academy; you guys gave me a whole nest of little lizardmen and turned my laboratory into a nursery."

Lauren's face instantly became embarrassed; her eyes were erratic; she scratched her bald scalp; and she couldn't stop smiling.

Lynn shook his head, then sat on the bed and began to meditate.

He needs to recover his mental strength quickly.

For a wizard, ensuring an abundance of mental power is to maintain his sense of security!


the other side.

In a snow-white building on the street, Harlem sat across from a gorgeously dressed young wizard with blond hair hanging down his shoulders.

"You have been sitting for five hours and thirty minutes. If you really have no place to sleep, I can give you my room." Diasterdan said helplessly.

"That little apprentice is your student? You care so much about him." Diasterdan asked curiously.

"What's none of your business?" Harling shot him a look.

   Diasterdan smiled.

"Since you have stopped me, I will definitely give you this face." The noble wizard apprentices who died outside had nothing to do with him. I don't know if it has been more than ten generations, and the blood relationship is as thin as paper.

The only thing that made his eyes shine was that Antina's wizard talent was barely good. If you are willing to work hard and have luck, you still have a little chance to become an official wizard.

Antina is fine, and he doesn't bother to care about the others.

"However, I'm still curious. With your character, you would actually take care of a wizard apprentice like this. Could it be that he is your illegitimate child?"

   "Not right." Before Harlem could answer, Diasterdan shook his head.

If it is an illegitimate child, it will not appear in the Kingdom of Erdoru, and it should directly participate in the assessment of the Abyss Wizard Academy through internal channels.

"They have invited you several times to join the Erdoru Wizard Mutual Aid Association. After all, you were also a wizard who came out of the Erdoru Kingdom. In fact, in the wizarding world, there are many similar organizations like ours. Some of them are from a certain ethnic group; some are countries or regions; and you can also obtain trading channels and resource exchanges by joining our Erdoru Wizards Mutual Aid Association." Diasterdan said, "This time, I'm also entrusted to invite you."

"You talk too much this time." Harlem said it in a cold tone.

Diasterdan said, "Oh, I have been conducting experiments all these years. I have been behind closed doors for too long. I can't help nagging when I see living people. You don't think I talk too much, do you?"

Harlem sensed something and suddenly turned his head to look to the left.

On the left is a wall, and there is nothing there.

Diasterdan also followed Harlem's line of sight: "Hey, the little apprentice you valued is back; what is he going to do?"

On the other side of the street, a tall and thin man wearing a black wizard robe and a mask walked into the street with somewhat stiff steps.

On the pure gold mask, there are only two holes for the eyes.

Behind the hole, a pair of dark eyes were hidden under the hood of the wizard robe, slowly scanning the surroundings.

   This is Lynn. After meditating to restore his mental strength, he spent a little time creating a golden mask for himself.

There are no materials in the laboratory, only a little useless gold.

This golden mask depicts simple formations inside, which can slightly interfere with the peeping of spiritual power.

But it can only be a little bit; if others insist on forcibly probing regardless of Lynn's feelings, they still can't stop it.

Of course, generally speaking, unless there is a conflict, wizards will not peep at others so impolitely.

Lin En stopped and looked at the familiar short red hair not far away, looking at the corner of the wall.

It was already midnight, and most apprentice wizards had no space items, so they could only rely on finding a place near the building to make do for the night.

Fortunately, there is no rain tonight, the moon is hazy, and the night is quiet.

Lin En sighed secretly.

I was attacked and had to be tactically transferred, tossed, and turned. I couldn't sleep at night. I couldn't sleep. I got up and meditated all night to restore my mental strength. How can you still sleep?

Since you like to rest so much, let's sleep forever. Lynn stretched out a hand from under his black robe.

concealed fluctuations in mental power...

In fact, as Lynn guessed, some people thought about the possibility that Lynn might come back, but they thought it was absurd.

And they were still resting next to the wizard's building; no matter how bold Lin En was, he wouldn't dare do evil under the wizard's nose.

  Boom! !

The explosion of the secondary fireball pierced the night sky.