
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasi
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70 Chs


The sleeping curse actually has forty-seven nodes.

It seems that this skill has a strong effect.

Lin En took out the secondary fireball technique and memorized all twenty-seven nodes above.

Then I sat on the bed and began to meditate on building nodes. With my previous experience, the speed of building nodes this time was much faster than before.

And Lynn found that the construction speed of this node should be related to the strength of his mental power.

The stronger the mental power, the faster the nodes will be constructed.

It was almost evening, and the sound of their return came from downstairs.

Lin En opened his eyes, and four nodes had been built in one afternoon.

According to this speed, if you also work overtime at night, it will only take about three or four days to complete the construction of the spell frame for the secondary fireball.

I went downstairs to have dinner with my family, listening to their laughter at the table. I saw a shop today and also inquired about and learned about the market in Bangor Harbor.

They feel that opening a tailor shop is still a business. Many local tailor shops serve dignitaries, and it is difficult for ordinary people to buy suitable clothes.

So they are going to open a tailor shop with low prices, and the main customers will be civilians.

Lin En thinks that his parents' ideas are quite advanced, and there is definitely a market for them. The poor in Bangor Port are different from the poor in other places.

In this developing port city, even the income of the poor is generally higher than that of other cities in the interior of the Kingdom of Bildoru.

It's just because the prices here are higher than those in inland cities that so many poor people live in poverty.

If there is a relatively cheap tailor shop, it will definitely be sought after by the poor.

As long as a group of regular, repeat customers is formed, even if the profits are small but the sales are high, at least it is not difficult to support a family.

After dinner, Lynn went to Lauren's house next door on the grounds of going out for a walk.

Enter the house and tell Lauren what happened during the day.

Lauren squirmed after hearing this.

It is both worry and tension.

"Others have already said that they don't care about your current appearance, and a relationship always needs an ending." Lynn said.

"Are you going to end up with your wife like this?" Lynn asked.

Lauren shook her head in confusion.

   "Then go!"

   Lynn said. "Don't let yourself regret it."

"Your life expectancy should now exceed that of ordinary people.""Do you want to regret today's decision for the rest of your life?" Lynn said.

Lauren strengthened her heart, clenched her fists, and nodded.

Lynn doesn't care how Lauren will go about it or how to say it; he believes that Lauren can handle this matter well.

Then Lynn returned to his room to do his daily meditation homework. After the meditation reached its current limit, he would build a spell node.

When you are tired of meditating and building spell nodes, read a book to relax.

This is the fulfilling feeling of progress that Lynn wanted.

When the winter in Bangor Harbor was about to end, a piece of news shocked the entire city.

A few days ago, the Borent family recruited a large number of ships to go to sea, but they encountered an unprecedented storm on the sea, and almost all the ships sank, leaving only a few small boats with a few good sailors to escape.

For a while, the entire Bangor Port was in an atmosphere of grief.

As a port city, many residents of Bangor Port make a living from fishing, and the sailors on the sunken ships are important pillars of many families in the port who make a living from fishing.

I don't know how many families' worlds collapsed in half at once.

What's more subtle is that it is said that the patriarch of the Viscount Bolt's family in Bangor Harbor died unexpectedly not long ago, and the long-abdicated Patriarch took over the family again. There are many young and strong members of this special family.

But with an accident, the Bolt family fell into a leaderless situation. In order to compete for the title of Viscount, the few remaining family members fought one after another.

As a family that grew up in Bangor Port, the influence of the Bolt family in Bangor Port is naturally beyond doubt. As the family fell into turmoil, the security of the entire Bangor Port also fell into chaos for a while.

The turmoil outside had little effect on their family, but Lynn occasionally overheard Anika say at the dinner table that the cost of raw materials for making clothes, such as linen, wool, and leather, had risen slightly.

As the Bolt family re-elected a new patriarch to inherit the title, the situation in Bangor Port has also stabilized, and the price of goods that had been turbulent has returned to calm.

For many nobles in the kingdom, they need a stable Bangor port so that they can provide them with continuous wealth.

the edge of the harbor.

Although Bangor Port has produced many rich people with its development, the lives of many fishermen at the bottom do not seem to have changed much. They still fish and sell fish every day.

In the eyes of the neighbors around, Bayer is an old bachelor who is withdrawn and likes to drink heavily.

Bayer, who was wearing a felt hat with ear protection on the boat, pulled up the fishing net in his hand with great effort.

"Damn it, did the net catch the dead body?" Bayer cursed.

The things in the fishing net didn't struggle at all, so they weren't fish at first glance.

There will undoubtedly be struggles if it is a fish.

Only when the net hits a stone or some heavy object will there be such a deadly feeling.

Bayer was struggling to pull the fishing net onto the boat, and looking at the half-human, tall bronze statue in the messy fishing net, his eyes were a little confused.

He stopped cursing but bent down to untie the fishing net, took out the bronze statue inside, and held it in his arms.

like stroking a cherished treasure and touching it fondly.

"Oh, this must be a treasure." "I want to hide it well; otherwise others will steal it from me if they see it." Bayer murmured.

He didn't even care about fishing, so he hurriedly drove the fishing boat back.

In the next few days, Bayer didn't go out after returning home.

The neighbors around him noticed his strangeness. In the past, this alcoholic would go out to buy alcohol at least once every two days, not to mention every day. He wouldn't be an old bachelor now if he hadn't spent all of his money on alcohol.What woman would want to marry a poor man who likes to drink?

An enthusiastic neighbor knocked on the door, wondering if something had happened to the old alcoholic.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the door, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Quickly calling other neighbors around, I opened the door and found that the house was in a mess, the floor of the room was emptied, and blood smeared on the ground like a sacrificial pattern.

In the center of the pattern, a woman is lying on her back in a terrified and miserable posture. An opening extending from the throat to below the navel is like an open door, and all the internal organs inside are gone. Only the empty chest remained.


Someone vomited profusely while clutching their stomach.