
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Two songs

He looked a bit confused. I haven't taken any interest in him before now so it's understandable. Despite all that he still answered:


"Pleasant meeting you, Rhett."

Finally- I thought to myself as the song finished.

Once the other song started I realized it was my favorite song so this time I tried swooping the man to dance but I couldn't move him. He noticed what I was trying to do so he just stood there, while I was trying to make him dance. After a couple failed swoops we both started chuckling and he swooped me to dance. I took the last of my energy and danced like I never danced before even humming the melody as we danced. Rhett didn't say a word, he tried but I was too much into the song to care or even notice.

It didn't take long and the song finished. I could barely stand on my feet at this point. I waited for the man to properly say goodbye to me but he just stood there so I took it as my queue to leave. I immediately rushed into the restroom. Took care of my makeup and just sat near the sink. As I was relaxing from everyone and the entire ruckus I heard someone's footsteps. They didn't stop at the door, they opened it and came in. It was Rhett. I tried to jump from where I was sitting but he rushed in and prevented me from doing it.

"Why did you run off so quickly I wasn't finished with you." He grinned.

I just rolled my eyes.

"You got your two dances isn't that enough?"

"You didn't answer any of my questions on the second dance. You were practically about to reach climax." He said getting closer to me.

That was almost the last straw. I couldn't stand this man. Who does he think he is? I didn't have energy to argue with him or myself so I just let it slide only giving him a what the fuck face. He was not that bad from this angle I thought to myself but he reeked of alcohol.

As I was staring at his face, he stood between my legs, both hands pressed on the glass behind me Kevin came in and saw us. Out of sheer spite and jealousy I kissed Rhett. He pressed himself even closer to me hugging my body with his strong hands aching for touch. I didn't know kissing was this great. I opened one of my eyes and looked through the door and saw Kevin turning around to leave.

I broke the kiss. Rhett looked at me confused. I just realized. I gave my first kiss to this asshole. I actually kissed him. I have no idea what happened to me. Why did I do that?

I pushed the man away and rushed out quickly glancing back and noticing a smirk on his face.

I got back to our table. Everyone looked like they were having a grand time. I just sat there answering everyone's questions about my future and what I am planning to do. Frankly I don't know much about my future, but I did have dreams. Dreams my parents didn't approve of. I wanted to study law and help people in need, my parents on the other hand forbade it. So I just pretended I haven't figured out what I want to study in university.

A while has passed and only now, did the man return. He didn't sit down. He whispered something into his date's ear. She looked excited, her eyes lighting up and a big smile rested on her lips. She nodded and he left. I followed him with my gaze interested what would happen next. He made a couple stops at other tables and had a small chat with men sitting there. After that Rhett went into the back room, where we kept our storage items. Once he did that the blondie got up excused herself and copied his every move going into the storage area.

I felt disgusting knowing what was going to happen.

Once the night ended I rushed to my room. I couldn't believe how unbearably tired I was. I didn't even have time to think about the mistakes that I have made tonight. I changed into my pajamas and turned off the phone, knowing Kevin will call or text me a million times in the morning.

Then it happened.

The present:

I walked into my father's office. He had called me in earlier for something important. My mother was sitting on one of the chairs, she looked a bit concerned but once I walked in her face lit up and she looked at me.

"We have another surprise for you!"

I looked at the other chair and noticed it was occupied by none other than Rhett. He didn't look up at me. The man just stared at my father wanting him to continue. My father just gestured at another chair for me to take.

Mother took the lead and looking at me with pity continued:

"I apologize for not telling this to you earlier but there's another thing the highest bidder gets. I did it because I thought that Kevin would be the highest bidder…" she talked as if the man wasn't sitting there, staring at her. "So you would get back together." She laughed nervously. "You're going to spend six months at the highest bidder's house."

"Half a year?!" I blurred out without thinking.

This time my father stepped in.

"Why are you so surprised, Rhett told us you really connected at the ball and in any case six months is not a lot, don't overreact."

I just sat there not knowing what to say. I had no idea how to get out of this. Then the thought dawned on me: I couldn't.

Rhett took my arm and dragged me out of the office. I gave it my all grabbing onto railings and tables to not let him win.

"I hate you! What do you mean we had a connection? Are you insane?" I shouted at Rhett,

that made him stop.

He looked me in the eyes our faces inches apart and with a smug expression said:

"That kiss in the bathroom didn't seem like a hatred kiss."

I couldn't believe it or control myself.

"That was just to piss Kevin off, as if I'd ever kiss you willingly."

He started looking around then back at me.

"Where does it look like I care? And as of matter of fact you did kiss me willingly, if you can't remember you were the one to kiss me."

I gave up, there's no point in bickering with this man. But as we left my house I couldn't shake off the question: why would my parents do that to me? They just sold me to the highest bidder.