
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Invading privacy

Arthemia's POV

I woke up. No idea what happened in the hospital after the nurse came, but I was home in my bed. Rhett was sitting at my desk working on his computer. I turned to lay on my side. Rhett's eyes darted at me.

"You're finally awake." He scanned me. "Feeling good?"

I nodded and tried to sit down. My arm started shaking as I applied my bodyweight to lift myself up.

What day is it?" I asked hoping we would be able to still attend the Gala.

"Sunday. You were out for a while.

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. I looked out the window, it was already dark out. Gathering all my strength I got up my feet and headed to my closet.

"Where are you heading?" Rhett spitfully looked at me.

"The Gala, we could still make it."

"Why are you so worried about such nonsense?" He said still working on his computer.

"I didn't do all that..." I pointed at my messy room full of paper piles. "...for nothing."

Rhett flashed his eyes from his computer slowly getting closer to me.

"Well aren't you a lucky little thing? The Gala was postponed to next Wednesday."

I frowned.

"Why was it postponed?" I wondered. "These types of events don't get postponed."

"Are you joking? It's because you got into the hospital. Do you understand the role you're playing right now? If I don't go to the Gala with you no one will go to the gala."

He swayed back to his chair, dragging his feet across the floor. Was he tired? I got back to my bed and checked my phone.

My heart fluttered and cheeks flushed. Mark texted me.

"Heyooo, the Gala was postponed; I heard Rhett did it, everything good with you? We'll meet on Wednesday now, I'll have to wait even longer ;( miss you."

"Nothing too bad, I'll tell you about it at the Gala, yeah I need someone to talk to right now, so can't wait to see you there."

I looked up smiling feeling super-hot. I noticed a pair of eyes on me.

"Why are you still here?! I'm fine. For real." I stood on my bed and started dancing and jumping to prove I'm ok.

Rhett just started at me.

"I looked through your phone because it wouldn't stop buzzing."

"WHAT?! That's an invasion of my privacy! That's not right on any lever!"

"Relax I don't care about your personal life I just want to remind you, we're in a supposed relationship and if you fuck that up in these 6 months you will pay and trust me, you don't want to know how, that means write to whom and what you want but if anyone and I mean a single soul finds out about this you're fucked." He scanned my face. I was frightened this felt real, whatever he said felt not like a threat but a promise. His vulgar language was threatening. "And I will be staying in your room until Wednesday, when you're supposedly cured, I have to check that you eat and drink enough." He rolled his eyes. "Speaking of drinking, here's your drinking calendar so you don't forget to drink this glass every hour." He said pointing at my night stands with a huge glass of water and a smaller one for me to drink and a reminder to drink every hour.

I just nodded. For some reason I felt weird texting Mark while being with Rhett. I wanted Rhett's attention more, so I just ignored the messages and stood up to check up on him.

"So what, will you sleep with me too?" I laughed. But soon the smile faded.

"Yes." Rhett said, still looking at his emails on the computer.

"You're funny now I'm actually tired so go now. Bye." I said hovering over his shoulder.

"Not happening, the doctor said someone has to be with you 24/7 you think I want this? Hell no, so shut up and just go to sleep, Arthemia. The bed's big and don't worry you don't interest me so I won't try anything."

I couldn't believe his rudeness, I couldn't object so I just went to bed.

Rhett Wolfestern's POV

I finished work and decided it's already time to hit the hay. Arthemia was already asleep a while ago. I didn't feel like sleeping but I needed to rest, this girl takes up a lot of energy.

Everything was hazy. I looked around, I was in my old room from when I was a teen, I was smoking pot, listening to music. No one was home. I was blasting it all the way but weird things started to appear in front of me so I decided to go for a walk. I walked for a while starting to sweat and my eyes darted checking everything around me. In the corner of my eye I saw someone. I looked into the forest. It was my grandfather all bloody hovering over the trees, laughing covered in maggots. He was supposed to be dead. I couldn't grasp it so I just kept on walking quicker this time, suddenly I discovered little voices mumbling in my head. It had me wondering what's wrong and is it because of the pot. So I stumbled into the night to the train track I got to get out of here, if I leave my problems will be gone too, I thought. So there I was stalking through the night with a buzz, I didn't see anyone as I was walking trying to ease off of these drugs. If I tried to stop or get a breath I would immediately feel someone behind me getting closer and all I knew I couldn't let him get closer. I marched through the park so quickly I didn't even notice I was in it until I left. The night seemed more alive than ever. That's when my grandpa's carcass emerged from the darkness; he couldn't talk. It felt like he was on the verge of sadness I scurried off. I felt like I was on the verge of madness, it felt strange and weird, I never felt this way before, it felt like my grandpa wanted to warn me about something, but I just kept on walking. The landscape was starting to become stranger and stranger. I couldn't understand what was wrong with it but it felt not normal. I was begging for sleep so tired as if I haven't slept for days, my eyes could barely stay open. Then I came to a slope that was steep and saw the train tracks. Interestingly enough a silhouette was near the train tracks; I haven't seen anyone around this whole time so I was confused nonetheless. I saw from a far that he had a grin. As he started to talk to me he said.

"It's a nice night for a walk would you mind if I joined you?"

it didn't seem real but I wasn't here to make friends.

"Do what you want to do. I don't care."

The man was still smiling and started walking with me.

"Well that's great 'cause I'm going to and I don't want to annoy you or anything but lemme ask: what a young guy like you is doing here, by the train tracks you waiting on a train?"

He was starting to piss me off; something inside me was screaming: get away now! But he didn't try to do anything so I just continued walking not minding him too much.