
I Conquered Death As A Paradoxical Necromancer

When death meets the ordinary, but the ordinary doesn't cease: what is left standing? Burdens are left.

Go_Off · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


The fallen red leaves sway gently in their puddles, as I shuffle in between crates of wet and rotten produce in a tight alley. My groceries press tighter against my body as I try to protect them from the heavy rain pouring in.

"Was it really necessary for me to haggle for a S-Grade Freshwater Oasis Desert Salmon from across the city? The master will get mad at me if can't get back early enough to cook dinner, but he made me go on a route that takes 3 hours on foot to take. Does he want me to serve him raw fish?" I sigh to myself, lamenting how the master doesn't bother to hire any more house helpers. And on the occasions that he does, they don't last more than a few weeks, the master often stating that they weren't good enough. While what he says is true, I can never catch him reprimanding the fresh hires for slacking off or from doing things the way he dislikes. For all I care he can keep hiring, it's his fault for not giving them orientations for proper house care.

"Stop it right there, skinny. Drop the bag and lay on the ground." The voice was barely audible, yet filled with aggression. I look over my shoulder and see a figure holding a large kitchen knife with both hands, is this how I die? Cold, tired, and insulted? Not I realize, at the end of the day, I'm just another no-name corpse found in the dingiest alleys in Alpha Metropolitan Area. Looking back, this truly is a setting perfect for a crime, no lights on the walls, far from human civilization, and barely enough space to run for an escape.

I try to keep quiet and kneel beside a large dumpster, maybe the murderer isn't here to take my life. I'm only a few feet away from the nearest turn, why not just wait it out?

"I mean you, Mister I'm-About-To-Die-So-I'll-Hide-Beside-The-Nearest-Trash-Can-I-Can-Find. I'll be killing you now so you better save me the trouble of cleaning off gunk from whatever you have in the bag... after killing you so good."

I begin to lunge at the corner of the turn, the expensive salmon one with my body.

"Oh no you don't!"

As I land on my face behind the corner, I hear a shockwave blast from behind me. I feel the raindrops fly to the back of my neck, and a light slowly dimming from deeper in the alley. I take a few moments to compose myself, before the rain drowns out everything around me once more.

"Hello? Who was that?" No one seems to answer back. The assailant is probably caught in a gang fight, and I shouldn't meddle in those affairs. I check on the fish, nice, it is still in excellent condition. I might as well forget this whole ordeal and pick up the pace. If I'm lucky, I'll get back to the apartment in 20 minutes, with enough time to prepare the kitchen.

After a few paces of walking, I sense another figure following me from behind, like a pair of eyes burrowing into the back of my head. Why am I so unfortunate today? I curse young master Vidar for todays events.

"Halt." The new figure moves in front of me, with a small bag hiding in his shadow in one hand.

"Excuse me... Who are you?" My voice pipes up hoarsely, before he throws the bag on the ground, exposing a freshly decapitated human head, with chunks missing from it. It looks like it got blown up. He smiles sadistically before turning to me.

"You're next." I barely had any time to react when he lunges a stubby and crooked dagger right at my throat. I grapple with his wrist, trying to keep the distance between the blade and my neck as far as possible. The way that he wildly shoves his body into mine was unescapable, it was like fighting with a deprived criminal. I couldn't possibly leave without dying. I fear that I soon may be.

"Get off me! Psycho!"

"You know, you're just as sick as me! In the inside! You know you want to have a taste of killing someone! You disgust me! So I will make sure you never get to! Aha... Ahaha... AHAHAHAH!"

"Kill? How can you poss-" The blade in his hand finally fumbled, yet I lacked the strength to divert it's trajectory. I see the puddles of water that I stand on stained red, ribbons of blood trailing down from my neck. The lunatic stood up, and stared at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes before he climbed up the walls soundlessly, leaving me to collapse on my knees.

In this world, deaths like these are not uncommon. Thousands die everyday, all in order to serve the top 40% of the population in the pursuit of fulfilling a "destiny" that everyone has. The four destinies are healer, killer, shielder, and commoner. 99.99% of murder victims are commoners, in this world where your hidden destiny dictates whether or not you'll live. Complaints or judgment is met with discrimination, and only the ultra-rich or ultra-lucky have a chance to live out their lives to explore their destinies and delve into the transcending realms. But I don't have a chance of ever doing that, so I'll just rot and accept my fate. After I lay down, feeling the blood in me drain while staring into the darkness, I am transported to a serene white haven. Lines of words appear in this strange place.

[System Log:]

[ERROR TYPE: 0. Authorize 'Manual Configuration'.]

[Would you like to enter 'Manual Configuration'?]


Incredulously, I look around, I've been teleported? If I am lucky then this must be a transcending realm...

My clothes are also no longer the tatters that they were, instead I am wearing a clean white robe. My body also feels light and vitalized, and I spot the salmon that was wasted, packed in a clean paper bag in the corner of my eye. Deciding that the matter at hand is more important than checking on the salmon once more, I make my move.

[System Log:]

[ERROR TYPE: 3. 'Invalid Milestone Condition'.]

[Additional Information:]

[Condition Met: 'Complexity' enhanced to Level 1: You claimed a life.]

[Condition Met: 'Self-Termination': You claimed your own life.]

[Condition Met: 'Unwilling Victim': Outside forces caused you to claim your life. Can be exchanged to prevent 'Self-Termination'. <S-Grade > condition granted through several parameters.]

[Manual Configuration:]

[Would you like to exchange 'Unwilling Victim' to resolve 'Invalid Milestone Condition'?]


So this is what happened to me... I failed to dodge the blade, and I ended up here. If I exchange this "'Unwilling Victim' condition" what exactly does it solve? A new type of dialogue appears in front of me.

[System Log:]

[Response: 'Unwilling Prey' is able to prevent 'Self-Termination', resulting in 'Invalid Milestone Condition'. By exchanging 'Unwilling Victim', 'Self-Termination' will be voided, consequently reviving you in the 'Mortal Realm', and resolving the 'Invalid Milestone Condition'.]

[Manual Configuration:]

[Would you like to exchange 'Unwilling Victim' to resolve 'Invalid Milestone Condition'?]


A shiver passes through me, I'm grateful that at least I can be revived! I accept. Although, how will I brought back?

[System Log:]

[ERROR TYPE: 5. 'Contradictory Development'.]

[Additional Information:]

[Condition Met: 'Complexity' enhanced to Level 1: You claimed a life.]

[Condition Met: 'Red Self-Revival': You prevented 'Self-Termination' with 'Unwilling Victim'. Requires 'Killer Destiny'. <S-Grade > authority over destiny. Chance of obtaining an <S-Grade > quest.]

[Manual Configuration:]

[Would you like to surrender 'Commoner Destiny' to resolve 'Contradictory Development'?]


This... I can escape the destiny I was born with... Will I?

[System Log:]

[Response: Your current destiny, 'Commoner Destiny' does not fulfil the condition for 'Red Self-Revival', resulting in 'Contradictory Development'. Surrendering 'Commoner Destiny' will reassign you a 'Killer Destiny', through the <S-Grade > authority granted by 'Red Self-Revival'.]

[Manual Configuration:]

[Would you like to surrender 'Commoner Destiny' to resolve 'Contradictory Development'?]


Instinctually, I accept. I can finally set my eyes for a greater destiny, and finally dream of greater things. When I get back, I can apply to be a scry, or a fighter, or start my own killer influencer lifestyle vlog.

[System Log:]

[Response: Congratulations, you have embarked on the 'Killer Destiny'. Congratulations, you have avoided death. Congratulations, you have gained <D-Grade > access to the 'System Realm'. Congratulations, you have unlocked 2 <E-Grade > quests from the 'System Realm'. Congratulations, you have unlocked a <S-Grade > quest from the 'System Realm'.]

[Quest Information:]

[<E-Grade > Quest: Reach 'Complexity' Level 5. Obtain at least 1 skill.]

[Special Condition: Without claiming a life.]

[<E-Grade > Quest Reward: System Advice. Enhancement to an existing skill.]

[Additional Reward: Comprehensive System Advice. Major enhancement to an existing skill.]

[Quest Information:]

[<E-Grade > Quest: Learn 2 skills, relevant to 'Killer Destiny'.]

[<E-Grade > Quest Reward: Enhancement of 'System Realm' access to <C-Grade >.]

[Quest Information:]

[<S-Grade > Quest: Unknown Requirement. Raise 'Complexity' to Level 10 to learn Quest Requirement.]

[<S-Grade > Quest Reward: Unknown Reward.]

[System Log:]

[Prompt: Do you wish to return to the 'Mortal Realm'?]


I sigh, this is a lot to take in, but in a good way. Though, there's still a lot of time for me to fulfil my destiny, I'm finally in the starting line. Maybe I can enroll in some acrobatics or swordsmanship classes? The same ones that the flashy self-proclaimed killer influencers promote? I decide it's all plans for the future, then I pick up the salmon and wait for my return. I do hope when I return I'll still be able to cook this salmon...

[System Log:]

[Response: The System is watching you, Hyme Pontifica. Until next time.]

Hello! This is the first chapter to 'I Conquered Death as a Paradoxical Necromancer'! I may keep editing this in the near future, but for now please enjoy! I have very little references that I use while writing, on top of me not being a huge fan of reading. I apologize if these concepts have been over done, if they could have been executed better, or other such things, but I just hope that you'll stick with me until the end! Thank you and see you soon!

Go_Offcreators' thoughts