
I became a troublesome hero.

someone abandoned and lifeless, receives an opportunity which he is not sure he wants. In this unknown world, will it become something new? what he does know is that he will have fun. AND IT WILL BE AMAZING! /Hello everyone! I am new to this and I would like to start in this great world. English is not my main language, so I hope you will be lenient and patient with me. Thanks and let's get started! To support me and give me motivation to continue writing. please join my patreon.com/Almus7w7

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11 Chs

Cindy Moon.

Peter carefully observed the girl in front of him. She was a pretty curvaceous girl with hair and eyes as black as night. She seemed to be around the same age as Peter, and her waitress attire with her and her white skin made her look like a cheerful and emotional doll. Peter had to admit that she really was beautiful, as beautiful as the best models in her old world. But it was just that, Peter wouldn't be interested in a relationship with a 'little girl', far from it.

So halfheartedly, Peter excused himself.

"So…Cindy, I appreciate your gratitude and all, but I really have to go. I just don't want to deal with annoying cops and their interruptions. In fact possibly they will come here at any moment."

Peter freed his hand from Cindy's powerful grip and explained.

Cindy seemed somewhat disappointed at this but she managed to pull herself together quickly. An idea crossed her mind and immediately she said.

"Oh…that sucks." Cindy looked 'sad' for a moment, but then a small smile crossed her face. "But you see Peter, I am a person who really repays kindness and who does not like to owe favors. So if it's not too much trouble, I'd like us to exchange phone numbers so that one day I can pay you correctly." she said with a smile which lasted a few moments before a small surprise went through her.

That's why her unconscious attitude towards Peter puzzled her a bit. Sure, Peter was cute and he saved her from a terrible situation, but it's not like she fell in love with him at all. If he was anyone else, she would just thank him by paying him for her favor and that would be it. But she would not be insistently trying to get closer to this person and trying to spend time with him. However, it's just that there is something about this boy that makes her feel strangely comfortable and safe, that makes her subconsciously want to get closer to him. And without counting that strange feeling of familiarity which made her feel like interacting with a lifelong friend.

It really was strange….but she didn't dislike this feeling.

On the other hand, Peter didn't want to bother much with this girl, so he politely declined.

"No need, your gratitude is more than enough for me and besides-"

" Please, I insist. "

"...No, it's just-"

"I insist."

Cindy's harmless smile along with her closed eyes, gave Peter a feeling of helplessness, leaving him without options before the girl who now seemed somewhat terrifying. Peter lost to a girl younger than him (mentally), really pathetic...


"Okay…if that's okay with you, let's switch numbers." Expressed a tired Peter.

"That is wonderful!" Cindy said happily as if everything was going according to her plan.

Then, under an awkward silence, they proceeded to exchange contacts before Peter said goodbye to her.

"So Cindy, if you have a problem I guess you can call me. It was nice meeting you. "

"Equally! Once again I thank you for your help and I hope we will see each other again soon. Ah! If it's the cops, you can use the back exit over there. No one will see you that way. "

At the idea, Peter seemed grateful and nodded before quickly leaving the place.

Watching Peter's back fade away, Cindy looked dazed before pulling herself together to go out with her grandmother to deal with the police. They would see each other again in the future anyway, so she didn't seem worried.

While that was happening, a strange spider crawled up Cindy's leg before she landed on her neck.

The spider seemed thoughtful for a few moments before she finally braced herself and bit into the neck of her expected victim.


Cindy screeched in pain before she put her hand to her neck to find nothing.

"Cindy! Are you all right dear? Is something the matter?" Asked the old woman concerned when she saw her granddaughter's expression of pain. Until now, the old lady stayed out of the whole situation seeing that her granddaughter could handle it. Also, the curious boy from earlier seemed genuinely trustworthy, letting her rest easy.

"That hurts…" Cindy complained. "I wonder what could have been?"

Although Cindy seemed uncomfortable for a few moments, she quickly decided to ignore the matter and continue with her tasks.

No one noticed at the time, an eccentrically colored spider perched on the ground silently vanishing into dust motes from the air.

On the other hand, at that very moment Peter's necklace began to shine with a beautiful pink light. This lasted for a few moments before the light gently disappeared.

Nobody knows that this event will mark a before and after for Peter.

And maybe a few other people...



"Ugh~ Damn! In the end I couldn't eat anything at all. Now I regret not asking Cindy for some takeout." Peter groaned as he sighed. "Well, there's no point in crying over spilled milk I guess..."

As Peter paced, his cell phone began to vibrate briefly disconcerting him.

Seeing the name of the person calling him, he answered instantly.

"Aunt May, is something wrong?"

"Peter! Your school called us and told us that you hadn't come to class today. Peter, you've never done this before, is everything okay? You worry me…"

Hearing Aunt May's concerned tone, Peter felt a little guilty inside. Initially, he himself intended to keep a certain distance from this family that he had nothing to do with. After all, he had just been transported here as a new person and with a new family, it was all too sudden. How are you expected to act around strangers who are now part of your family?


Peter just wanted to return to his world to pay off a debt… A debt so big that he wouldn't think he could pay it off in his lifetime. But now that he had strength, maybe it would be possible…

Shaking his head, Peter decided to be understanding and kind to this family. They have both shown kindness and caring, and even though he knows them for a short time, Peter will always repay kindness with kindness.

And as for those who decide to get in his way...

After a short breath, Peter calmed all his emotions and responded with a smile.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Aunt May! I had something to do so I decided to take the day off. If it's about school, don't worry, I'll be on my way there. "

Peter quickly excused himself. It didn't matter since the system mission seemed to be down for some strange reason anyway. He had nothing left to do.

After spending a few moments calming down his aunt, Peter decided to make his way to school to keep up appearances.

Wait…I don't know where the hell the school is.


He thought to himself as he stopped.

After looking up the name of the school in his records. Peter headed towards it using a map app.

"Uhm….it must be around one in the afternoon right now. Hopefully I can get there by the time it's lunchtime. The cafeteria shouldn't be bad."

As Peter hummed an ancient song from his world, he finally arrived at his destination.

'It's big...' Peter thought seeing the size of the school.

The security guard guarding the entrance to the school approached Peter suspiciously.

"I haven't seen you around here before boy. Can I help you with anything?" Said the guard.

"Hello, for certain reasons I am running late. I would like to address my class. "


"Peter Parker."


The guard looked confused as he looked at Peter's face. Although he had the feeling of having met him, he decided to ignore him.

"Here's your pass. It's almost lunchtime so you'd better hurry up. "

With a nod, Peter headed toward his class. Of course, he knew which classroom was his since he checked it out beforehand.



When a teacher opened the classroom door, she met a beautiful boy whom she didn't seem to know.

In truth, this was something Peter was worried about. If the teachers didn't recognize it, it would certainly be a bad thing. But contrary to his expectations, the teacher openly welcomed him and greeted him.

"Oh Peter! It must be you. The director already informed me about your situation so no explanations are necessary. Please hurry up and take a seat. "


'…What the hell? '

Now how was anyone to know he was coming here? Could it have been Aunt May? Whatever it is, her intention tells Peter that there is something more to all of this...

For a moment he wanted to ask who this headmaster was, but he decided to drop the subject after seeing that he was in a hurry and the teacher would be annoyed to take some of his time away.

So with a nod to the teacher, Peter finally entered the classroom...

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