
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Unveiling Mysteries (2)

Thalia and Isolde, attuned to the natural elements, ventured into the surroundings to investigate the cause of the energy explosion. Thalia observed the flora and Isolde communed with the elements, unraveling the secrets hidden in the whispers of the wind and the rustle of leaves.

Thalia knelt beside a peculiar-looking plant, her fingers gently tracing the leaves as she murmured, "There's an unusual energy resonance here, Isolde. It's as if the plants absorbed a fraction of the explosion's power."

Thalia's connection to nature manifested in a vibrant display of swirling green and gold hues emanating from her outstretched palms. With closed eyes, she channeled her energy into the surrounding flora, each wave of her hand sending ripples through the air. As she focused, the plants responded with a gentle dance, leaves rustling and flowers blooming in synchrony with her movements. The atmosphere around her seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, as if the very essence of nature itself responded to her call. Their vibrations conveying subtle energies that hinted at the source of the disturbance.

Isolde Dreamweaver, with his ability to communicate with nature, placed her hands on a nearby tree, closing her eyes to sense the residual energies. Her expression shifted from concentration to concern.

"The trees witnessed a surge of chaotic emotions," Isolde murmured. "Fear, grief, and anger intertwined. It's as if the very essence of the emotions tore through the fabric of the natural world."

Thorn and Lorelei moved with precision and purpose, their expertise in security and enchantments evident as they fortified the investigation site. 

Thorn activated a compact magical device, its surface adorned with arcane runes that shimmered with latent power. With a deft flick of his wrist, he triggered the device, and a soft hum filled the air, resonating with the subtle energies of the surroundings. Lorelei's slender fingers danced gracefully through the air, trailing intricate patterns of light as she chanted in a melodic voice. Her aura pulsed with vibrant hues of azure and amethyst, suffused with the raw essence of magic.

As Thorn's technological efforts took shape, Lorelei's enchanting mantra complemented his actions, her voice weaving a tapestry of protection and concealment.

{Obex activus}

Her gaze focused as she continued to intone the ancient incantation. The air around her shimmered with an ethereal glow, her aura intertwining with Thorn's in a harmonious dance of magic and technology.

Their combined efforts resulted in a barrier that not only shielded the investigation site from detection but also harmonized with the mystical energies of Techhaven, ensuring that their actions remained unnoticed in the magical landscape.

Isolde knelt beside a towering oak, her fingers gently brushing against the rough bark as she sought communion with the ancient spirit residing within. The forest whispered its secrets to her, its rustling leaves a symphony of knowledge waiting to be unveiled.

Her connection with the trees deepened, tendrils of green energy swirling around her as he delved into the memories ingrained within the forest's essence. Her eyes widened as visions flooded her mind, memories of a tragedy etched into the very fabric of the land.

"There was... a death here," Isolde spoke softly, her voice laced with sorrow as she shared the revelations bestowed upon him by the forest. "A sacrifice."

Her words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the faint scent of pine and earth. Isolde's heart ached as she recounted the events that had unfolded in this sacred grove, the weight of the past pressing down upon her like a leaden shroud.

"He sacrificed his life to protect that girl," Isolde continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "So... the cause is the emotion... sadness, anger that triggered the energy explosion and killed the monsters."

Isolde could feel the energy of the forest responding to her words, the trees swaying in silent acknowledgment of the truth laid bare. A somber silence descended upon the forest, broken only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant cry of a bird. Isolde bowed her head in reverence, her heart heavy with the weight of the knowledge she had uncovered.

Thalia, immersed in analyzing her surroundings, exclaimed, "Isolde! Look! There's a trail of blood! Perhaps someone got injured during that explosion."

Isolde's eyes followed the blood trail, and a sense of urgency swept through the investigation team.

"Hold on! Let's gather a sample of this blood. We can't determine if it's from a monster or the man who shielded Eleanor, based on what I sensed from the trees here," Isolde suggested, carefully collecting a sample of the blood splattered on the ground.

"Huh? What do you mean, the man who protected Eleanor? So she wasn't alone?" Caelum inquired, joining the group after hearing about their discovery.

"I think so. According to the insights from the trees, they were pursued by the monsters, and this man shielded Eleanor, sacrificing himself in the process," Isolde explained, recalling the visions he had received from the trees witnessing the energy explosion.

"No wonder I sense emotions like anger, frustration, and sorrow from the plants here," added Thalia, who was attuned to the natural elements.

"Could that man be Alex, the son of the Anderson family?" Caelum speculated.

"I'm not certain. Could you provide me with a picture of Alex? It might help me confirm what I'm sensing," Isolde requested.

"I'll get in touch with Valeria and ask for a picture. Keep up the investigation!" Caelum instructed.

Isolde and Thalia nodded in agreement, their focus returning to the ongoing investigation, determined to uncover the mysteries hidden within the magical landscape of Techhaven.

As Isolde reconnected with the trees, Thalia's gaze followed the trail of blood, and a sense of urgency enveloped the investigation team. "I need to follow this trail," Thalia declared, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

Observing the blood trail along the road, Thalia couldn't shake a sense of suspicion. "Isolde! Based on the vision you saw, that man was killed by a monster, right? Are you sure he died? Explain how he was killed," she inquired with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah… I saw it. I've confirmed in all the tree visions that the man was killed by a monster, crushed," Isolde reiterated.

"This is not a blood trail that identifies the person who was killed, crushed," Thalia remarked, intensifying her investigation of the blood trail.

Isolde, drawn by Thalia's observations, approached, "What do you mean?"

"Look, you said he was crushed, right? Then the blood should have spread in just one spot. But look... it's like walking. Like someone who was injured," Thalia explained, pointing to the direction the blood trail was heading.

The two exchanged questioning glances.

Shortly after, Caelum arrived with a hologram image of the Anderson family's eldest son, Alex Anderson.

"Isolde, is this really the man you saw in the vision of the trees?" he asked, presenting a picture of Alex Anderson.

Isolde examined the picture carefully and nodded, "Yes, he is. He was the one who protected Eleanor and was killed by monsters."

Isolde turned to Thalia with conviction, "I really saw him being killed by that monster. I'm sure!"

"Then whose blood is this? Is it a monster?" Thalia asked in confusion.

"No, it's not. Monster blood isn't this red. They have blackish-red blood," replied Isolde.

"What do you mean? So someone else was injured?" Caelum inquired.

Thalia nodded, "In that case, did you see in the vision of the trees, who has this blood?" Thalia asked.

"Of the many trees, I somehow didn't see it." Isolde grew more confused and curious. "I'll look at it one more time." She revisited the vision of the trees, determined to unravel the mystery of the blood trail.

"I will follow this blood trail, and it could lead us to the heart of what happened. Isolde, let me know when you find it," Caelum said, sprinting after the blood trail with Thalia in tow.

Isolde, reconnected with the trees, focused on gaining more insights. Her communication with the ancient forest guardians deepened, and the rustling leaves seemed to carry whispers of forgotten secrets.

As Caelum and Thalia continued to follow the intriguing blood trail, the dense canopy of Techhaven's magical forest cast an eerie shadow over their path. The soft glow of the magical plants added an otherworldly atmosphere to their journey. Thalia couldn't shake the feeling that the answers they sought were linked to the very essence of this enchanting landscape. 

As they ventured further into the mystical world, Isolde interrupted their journey with an urgent call.

"Not seen. The trees don't see who the blood belongs to," Isolde reported in a serious and astonished tone.

Thalia, shocked and disbelieving, responded, "How can the trees not see it? Do you see traces of this blood in your vision?"

"No… Not visible. But when I tried to see the current vision on the trees, the blood suddenly appeared. Now, I'm trying to find the first time this blood appeared. I'll call you back later," Isolde explained before ending the call.

"That means that person is very strong and skilled at hiding themselves. We don't know who he is and how he got hurt. We must be vigilant," Caelum concluded, his voice laced with a sense of urgency.

Thalia nodded in agreement, her expression serious as she scanned their surroundings for any signs of danger. 

Caelum wasted no time in taking action. Pulling out his communicator, he initiated a group call to warn the rest of their team. "Everyone, beware! There are people with big and powerful magic contributing to this," he warned, his tone firm and commanding. "If you feel or find anything suspicious, hold on and call me! We must be vigilant and careful!"

The team responded in unison, their voices echoing through the enchanted forest with a chorus of determination. "Understood!" they chorused, their words carrying the weight of their commitment to the mission.