

The liberty high school is the popular high school in the dvg (Karnataka,India) It is always popular for giving the quality Education to the students.In this high school the students study who are comes from rich families

The students in 8th standard are just talking and making new friends, because this is their first day in school,

the Teacher enter to class room ,when teacher enter the class students are sit in their seat then teacher introduce herself

my name is Shuba I am your science teacher and also your class teacher

then teacher is just give some information about studies

the teacher come out from the class room she is look pretty and intelligent .she is just 23year old she recently joined this school, joining this school is her dream , because this is the school she studied her high school and she had lat of memory of her high school and her love....

yes this is the place where she met her first love oh no her crush , because she never conferss her feeling to her love one now they are not together but ,she hopes that one day they will get together

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