
I Am The Vampire God And The Incarnation Of The Demon God

Diego is a teenage boy from a renowned vampire family in ancient mythology, when gods were still allowed to intervene in the world. Diego possesses eyes that can manipulate blood and his body to achieve twelve magic circles. An achievement unprecedented in history, as generally, no creature can attain more than ten magic circles except for dragons. Even the strongest gods are only capable of reaching nine magic circles, which is why they were incited by Gilgamesh to kill Diego for defying the laws of nature. In the end, Diego was defeated in his battle against the "Nine Constellations." At the end of his life, Diego was unaware that he would be reincarnated thousands of years later. He swore to avenge the actions of the Nine Constellations and reveal the true nature of the gods.

ZynnColvis · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Bab 6 | New Skills

The party continued until midnight. Some disguised demons were caught because their invitation letters looked different. Fiero managed to capture some demons, while the rest fled into the forest. In fact, if it weren't for Rai's warning letter, there might have been a lot of bloodshed in the kingdom. Although the demons didn't have a leader like the Demon King, their power was sufficient to wreak havoc on the kingdom.

[Task completed]

[You have earned 10 destiny points that can be used to enhance your stats]

"I'm getting used to this status window," Rai muttered.

"What should I do with these points? I'm not sure how important these stats are. In that case, I'll just put all the points into luck," Rai mumbled.


[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 8]

[Luck: 12]

[Magic: 5]

[Stamina: 10]

[Health: 289]

"Congratulations to the host for using destiny points for the first time."

[You have obtained 1 random skill card]

"A skill card? Is it that easy to gain power in this system? Does it think I can't be strong on my own?" Rai said with a hint of irritation.

[Do you want to use 1 random skill card?]

[Yes & No]



"Congratulations! You have obtained the Multipurpose Slime skill."

"Why is the naming of this random skill so bad?" Rai remarked.

[Multipurpose Slime]

[A slime that can transform into anything according to the user's desire. This slime can become a sword, be used for punches, attach to the user's limbs to enhance agility, and even envelop the user's body for defense. The strength, agility, and defense of this slime are at least equivalent to a True God with Eight Circles of Magic.]

"This system is insane! Isn't this equivalent to an artifact?" Rai exclaimed.

Rai looked at the slime produced by the system, which was round and black. When Rai touched it, the slime immediately merged with Rai's hand. Despite not liking the system, Rai was quite satisfied with the skill it had granted.

Days passed, and weeks after the party, Rai had mastered the slime given by the system. The day Rai would start school had arrived.

Rai and his mother went to the Aetheria school registration place, which was bustling with nobles not only from the human race but also from various other species. Aetheria students studied three branches of magic: Magic, Sword, and Healing. Typically, nearly 80% of new students entered the Magic class, 15% the Sword class, and 5% the Healing class. Every student, regardless of their background, earned Star Ratings based on their academic and non-academic achievements. Star Ratings indicated a student's status within the school. At Aetheria, parental influence was not allowed, and Star Ratings were the key to a student's standing, even if they came from lower nobility.

"Vernando Belerick, age 10, choosing the Magic class. Please take this letter to classroom 1-C and give it to the instructor for the entrance exam," a woman recorded the applicants.

"Next, under whose name?"

"Mirai Valontier."

"Mirai Valo-, Valontier?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"N-no problem."

"Mirai Valontier, age 10, and which class do you wish to enter?"


"Very well, take this paper to the Sword training room in Zone A and hand it to the instructor there."

"Okay, thank you."

Rai then went to the sword training room, leaving the registration area.

"Hyakkk!" a student shouted.

Clang, clang, clang.

The sound of clashing swords echoed in the exam room.

"It seems there are more students entering the Sword class this year compared to previous years," a woman with long black hair said while speaking to the referee.

"Yes, it seems so. And I heard that the second child of the Valontier royal family will enroll this year, and it appears they will enter the Sword class just like their older sister."

"What, Valontier?"

"Yes, I heard from the rumors that they attended the Crimson Moon party at the royal palace a few weeks ago."

"It seems this year will be more interesting than ever. I hope they're not like their father and sister."

Violet Valontier was a fifth-year student at the Aetheria academy. She initially entered the Sword class and defeated her instructor in her second year. She also mercilessly beat up nobles who bullied others in school, and the school couldn't do anything because of Emperor Moris's request. Moris had instructed the head of Aetheria not to interfere with or trouble the Valontier family. Only a few knew that Fiero Valontier had actually lost to Moris, known as the strongest being with the blessing of Gilgamesh in his destiny, in their battle. Fiero, a vampire lord, had defeated Moris. Because of this, the school was warned not to disturb the Valontier family under any circumstances, or else the royal family wouldn't help if anything happened.

"Next, Mirai Valontier."


"Attack with all your strength and wound the instructor. If you hit the instructor's body or clothing, it will be considered a pass."

"Ready, start."

Rai dashed forward at high speed and disappeared in an instant, only to reappear behind the instructor with a long slash.


The sound of swords colliding.

"As expected from a Valontier family member, even the first-year student is giving the instructor a tough time," the previous woman said.

After the sword clash, Rai stepped back and created distance for the next attack.

"Isn't this the perfect time to try out my new skill?" Rai thought.

The slime that had merged with Rai emerged from his clothing and wrapped around the training sword, turning it into a black slime sword.

"What's that? Blood? No, it's more like slime," Rai said.

Rai raised his hand, using the Thorny Roses technique, creating an aura of blood on his sword. Rai combined the slime sword and the Thorny Roses technique, then swung his sword toward the instructor and kicked off the ground to dart forward at full speed.

"What is this?" the instructor exclaimed.


Rai's slash shattered the instructor's sword. But it didn't stop there; Rai's strike continued toward the instructor even after being blocked by the previous sword. The woman who had seen this quickly leaped toward Rai's attack and intercepted it. Thanks to her, the instructor survived, and Rai was declared to have passed with a perfect score.

"What kind of power does a vampire possess?" the amazed students exclaimed.

"I'm sorry; are you all okay? It seems I got a bit carried away," Rai said.

"No worries. You may proceed to the next testing room," the woman replied.

"Alright," Rai answered as he left the training room.

Crack, the sound of the instructor's broken sword.

"Damn, he's just a first-year student. What kind of power is that? My sword, an Artifact, was shattered just from the aura of his slash," the shaken woman said.

Ariana, an elf with black hair and blue eyes, was a retired royal knight with the rank of commander. She was also a swordmaster with the nickname "Sword Crazy Woman." She had reached the Seventh Stage of Divinity with eight circles of magic. She used to be a big fan of Fiero and could be considered infatuated with him. However, because of her always stern attitude, she was too embarrassed to admit her feelings and ended up regretting it for the rest of her life.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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