
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

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314 Chs

Chapter  28 School Arc (12)

Since my webbing wasn't strong enough to hold him, I realized I had to knock him out to win....

As Jord charged towards me, his arm raised for a powerful strike, I braced myself for the inevitable clash. His Vibranium arm gleamed menacingly in the dim light, showing just how powerful it was. I understood I had to be careful; a mistake here could leave me badly hurt or even worse.

As Jord closed the distance between us, he threw a series of punches, each showcasing his expertise in boxing techniques. His palm strike aimed for my chest, but I swiftly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow. His hammer fist followed, but I smoothly moved down, escaping just in time, feeling the breeze as it passed above me.

With his body still moving forward, Jord swung his arm in a wide, looping punch aimed at my head. Thinking fast, I sidestepped just in time to avoid getting hit. As he turned to face me, he threw a spinning punch in my direction, but I quickly bent down, narrowly escaping the blow. You could almost hear the rush of air as his fist whizzed by me.

Seizing the opportunity to counter, I launched a swift karate chop towards his exposed side, aiming for a vulnerable spot between his ribs. My blow landed with precision, causing Jord to grunt in pain as he staggered back.

But Jord wasn't about to back down. With fierce determination, he threw a quick punch followed by a straight punch, both aimed straight at my chest. I swiftly moved to the side, Feeling the rush of wind as his fists barely missed hitting me.

In reaction, I swung my fist in a powerful hook, targeting his jaw with all my strength. My fist connected solidly, sending shockwaves of pain through Jord's body as he stumbled backwards, momentarily stunned by the force of the blow.

As Jord's eye jab came at me, aiming for my eyes, I acted quickly. I moved with a quick speed, blocking his fingers just before they reached my eyes. With a swift motion, I pushed his hand away, stopping his attack and keeping him from gaining an advantage.

"You mother fucker," Jord spat out, his voice dripping with venomous rage. His frustration was palpable, His rage was evident in every move, every strike fueled by his seething anger.

Feeling the rush of adrenaline, I focused all my strength into a single punch—a one-inch punch—directed straight at Jord's chest. The impact was powerful, pushing him back a few steps as he fought to regain his balance and catch his breath. Even though the punch was powerful, Jord's tough endurance made it difficult for him to be knocked down. He held his ground, though it was clear from his expression that he felt the impact.

"I won't let some spiders defeat me," he growled, his voice full of determination. With a swift movement, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small syringe filled with a mysterious substance.

"I didn't want to resort to this, but you've left me no choice," Jord growled, his voice thick with frustration.

"This thing has side effects," Jord thought grimly, feeling the weight of his decision pressing down on him. "After I use this in 2 hours, my body will be in pain 24/7. But I have no choice. This is for him, and also for our plan."

With those thoughts, it became clear that Jord was forced to take extreme action, feeling both desperate and determined. Despite his hesitation, he realized he had no other option but to use this to boost his overall capabilities if he wanted any chance of winning against his strong opponent.

And despite knowing the consequences and the toll it would inevitably take on his body, Jord steeled himself, driven by a sense of duty and loyalty to his cause. With a heavy heart, he injected the substance into his veins, feeling its effects course through him like a double-edged sword.

Jord felt a surge of exhilaration as the enhanced Vibranium surged through him, granting him a surge of power he'd never felt. It wasn't just his arm that was affected; the substance bolstered his overall capabilities, heightening his reflexes, speed, and endurance, strength to levels he had never experienced before.

"System," I urgently pleaded, a hint of fear creeping into my voice, "can you please check his status?" I felt a sense of impending danger, adding to my growing worry.

"Understood, initiating status check," the system replied, its tone calm but efficient. After a brief pause, it continued, "Status check complete."


Name: Jord Hos

Age: 32

Nationality: American



Strength: 32 (92 Buff)

Agility: 42 (60 Buff)

Endurance: 34 (94 Buff)

Charisma: 30

Luck: 20

Stamina: 50 (10 decrese)

Reflexes:41 (60 Buff)



Enhanced Strength and Endurance

Combat Expertise

Mechanical Expertise


Kinetic Energy Redirection


Technique Skills:

Vibranium Proficiency: Level Mastery

Boxing: Level Master Beyond

As I checked his status, a curse slipped from my lips. "Fuck, he become even more overpowered."

"Now ready for Round 2, Spider-Man?" Jord smirked confidently, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Jord turned towards Teacher Thomas with a menacing grin, his intention clear. "First, I'm gonna punch that old man for ruining my mood," he spat out, his voice thick with contempt.

My heart sank as I saw Jord charging towards Teacher Thomas, throwing a powerful punch that sent him flying, my heart clenched in fear and determination. "Mr. Thomas!" I yelled, my voice trembling with worry. I knew I had no choice but to confront Jord head-on, even if it meant risking everything, including my own life.

With firm determination, I kept my eyes fixed on Jord, ready to confront him no matter what. As he glanced back at me, a nasty grin spread across his face, showing he was sure of himself.

As Jord dashed towards me with lightning speed, his movements blurred with agility and precision, I barely had time to react. His punches came at me in a flurry, each one faster and more powerful than the last. Even my enhance spider-sense cant react fast

As Jord swiftly turned, he landed a hard punch right in my gut. The pain was intense, making me double over, feeling like I'd been hit by a truck.

The intense pain tore through my body, and I couldn't help but cry out, "Aurgh!" My breathing became ragged, each inhale a battle against the overwhelming agony. The taste of blood filled my mouth.

Struggling to speak through the pain, I managed to gasp, "Is... that... all you got?" My voice strained; defiance clear despite the agony. "You... you've got another... thing coming..."  

Jord's grin grew wider, a cruel glimmer in his eyes as he watched me suffer. "Oh, I'm just getting started," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "You haven't seen anything yet."

My Spider-Sense tingled, alerting me to the imminent danger. 

Summoning all my strength and willpower, I tried to block Jord's Vibranium arm, hoping to stop the powerful strike heading for my head. But I couldn't stop his unstoppable force.  

 "No...!" I gasped, the word forced out of my mouth as I stumbled backward, my vision swirling with stars. The world spun around me,  i become dizzy, as I fought to steady myself.

Jord's evil grin grew wider as he advanced, his eyes gleaming with cruel delight. "It's over for you, Spider-Man," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "There's no escaping your fate now."

Panic gripped me as I fought to remain standing, desperately searching for a way to escape the impending danger. But before I could even think of a plan, Jord launched another fierce attack, his Vibranium arm moving so fast that even my spider sense couldn't react.

With a heavy impact, his strike hit me hard, sending excruciating pain shooting through my head. Bright lights flashed in my vision as I struggled to remain conscious, feeling like I might black out at any moment. My body screamed in agony, and I could feel myself losing the battle against unconsciousness.

As I struggled to shake off the dizziness and pain, Jord took advantage of my vulnerability. He swiftly closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me in a tight body lock. The pressure was unbearable, every muscle in my body throbbing with agony as he squeezed with unyielding force.

As Jord's vice-like grip tightened around me, the pain became unbearable. "Aurhhhhhhhh!" I screamed, the agony ripping through me like a raging fire. "It hurts, it hurts! Why, why?" I cried out, my voice strained with pain and desperation.

Jord's laughter echoed in my ears, mocking and cruel. "Scream for me, Spider-Man! Scream!!!!!!!!!"

(Little Dark Age Lyrics)


[Oh-oh, I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange

I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away

If you get out of bed and find me standing all alone

Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age]

To be continued


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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