
Bad News and Good News

Saturday, December 5th.

Auburn Way Street, Elffire City.

7:54 AM.

"Hey, guys, good morning!" Helena greeted everyone with a smile as she entered the room.

After working together for one week, Helena had an amazing time.

It was the first time she felt welcomed when working as an actress.

Her coworkers treated her kindly, and she finally could show her skills.

"Good morning, Helena!" Kate smiled at the brown-haired girl.

"Hey, Helena!"

"Good morning, Helena!"

The other members of the crew greeted their actress with a smile too.

It was not only Helena who was happy to work with them.

Everyone was happy to work with each other.

Even more, because all the scenes they filmed so far were made without problems.

"Okay, guys, now that Helena arrived. Let's have a meeting." Arthur said as he sat by the center table.

The others nodded and also took a seat at the table.

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