
3 Years Later

Life had been pretty easy going for Li Huan.

At 2 months, he could clearly understand his parents calls.

At 6 months, he could walk but pretended not to because he was too lazy to be bothered by walking at the time.

At one year he started talking, and to his parents surprise, he could make full sentences.

He was now three years old, which is the age where people and the village let their children play. Since spirit Qi lingers in the air, it permeates every single villager, especially the kids. This makes for overgrown children.

Since Li Huan's own enlightenment, the spirit qi automatically collects within his body at a much faster and natural pace. This made him almost 4 and a half feet tall at three stumping all the children of the village by almost one feet.

The Village he was in was called Meeting Village since this was once a village where two people used to meet and fell in love. It had a few hundred people and is situated in flat lands with farm animals, plot of lands, and lakes everywhere.

Su Ming, a a friend he made because hw e was afraid af all the time and li huan was the only one who has the maturity to console him