

All he wanted to do was live a happy normal life with his new family. Who would have thought even without trying the cultivation world would come slamming back into his life. Not that it matters. Anyone who messes with his family will have a terrible end.

Carl_Joe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 9 - Curse of the followers

Thirty minutes later, Mrs. Colson was finally finished with her work as she let out a tired breath and closed her laptop. She stood from her chair, stretched and walked to her son who was seated on the couch watching the news on mute. The news was covering the killings that happened at the park, but they were leaving out so many details about the incident. At least the news was covering up the part about ritualistic or cult killing, and the gory nature of the killing.

Mrs. Colson poured herself a glass and sat beside James who did not take his eyes of the news. "What's up kid?" She came to understand that when members of the family usually waited around for her to finish working, it meant the wanted to talk about something important. If it was urgent, they would call out to her.

"I was thinking about dad's new case. Just this once, maybe we can get him to let this one go." James spoke while he continued to stare at the news. Mrs. Colson turned to the T.V as well, understanding what her son was talking about. Mrs. Colson let out a sigh. "I wish we could, but you know what your father's like. As stubborn as a mule. No, he's probably worse than a mule." They both chuckled. "No need to worry too much though. I promise your dad will be fine. Nothing will happen to him." She gave James a reassured smile. "Oh yeah, that reminds me." She quickly walked to the table, picked something up and returned to James. "Here." She handed him a silver bracelet with a symbol of a tree trunk in a circle and some writings on it.

James held up the bracelet to look at it with a raised eyebrow. He looked at it then looked back at his mother. "Always keep it on when you leave the house. It will protect you. I already gave your dad and sister one.". Mrs. Colson was one to dabble in artifacts and other potions with her group that she sold as well. James carefully looked at the bracelet for a while before putting it on his right wrist. Mrs. Colson smiled when she saw him put it on.

"Where's Janet?" James asked his Mrs. Colson. He understood and knew why and where his father was out and had gone to, but he didn't know where his sister was out to. "Your sister? She said she was going to the mall to pick up a few things for her return to school." Janet was a freshman at St. Anthony's University. Unlike other young teens, she picked that university because it was closer to home, about an hour drive from the house. She had returned to spend some time with the family for the weekend and was preparing to return to the school.

James nodded in understanding. Mrs. Colson stood up and gave him a kiss on the head before leaving. When Mrs. Colson left, James looked at the bracelet once more and looked in the direction his mother for a while. He smiled to himself before turning off the T.V. and walking out the house again. He did not really have anything to do in the house so he figured he might as well meet up with his sister at the mall. He fished out his cellphone and called his sister for a meetup.

"I told you not to do anything that would bring attention to us! Why didn't you listen?!" In a small motel room with two separate beds, Karl was fuming. Their mission was an important one and drawing attention to themselves early was something that would jeopardize the mission. The old T.V was showing the news about the incident. He was hoping the news report could have been talking about something completely irrelevant to his partner, but his hopes were completely dashed when he saw the state of his partner.

"He was so unclean. So unholy. Yet, I helped him. I sent him to meet our lord Valrog." Joseph was on his knees, a face full of tears. He still had blood all over his face and clothes. "I'm so jealous Karl. Why Karl? How come such an unclean gets to meet our lord before I, a devout follower? Why?!" Joseph wailed loudly tearing his bloodied shirt off himself, completely ignoring his partner's outburst.

"Damn it, Joseph! Would you listen to me? The other sects will be on our asses now!" Karl sighed when he saw his partner in that state. "Fuck! It was for me to think you would actually stay put." Karl tiredly sighed at his partner who was still crying and mumbling incoherently on his knees. "You're going to get us killed one day." Karl shook his head before walking to his to his partner. He knelt to Joseph's level and placed his hand on his shoulder. Joseph who felt the touch lifted his head to see his partner had come to him at some point.

"That is the curse of us followers. We can only send them to meet our lord. But it is also our blessing. When the right time comes, we will get a beautiful place by his side for all the good work we have done." Hearing what Karl said, Joseph suddenly stopped crying as realization finally dawned on him. Joseph began to nod frantically as he wiped his tears with his bloodied hands. "You're right Karl. You're right! I need to rejoice in our work. I can never be Jealous of them! For all the good work we do. We are certainly blessed by our lord Valrog." Haven reached enlightenment, Joseph stood from the floor and began to laugh madly.

"Now that you're up. Take care of our witness and get cleaned up. We need to go get supplies in town." Karl spoke to his partner before walking to the bathroom. In the gap of their door, an eye was peeking. It gasped upon hearing the words of the man who just entered the bathroom. The man tried to run but his body was completely frozen. Sure, he was terrified, but he was not frozen from fear. NO matter what he tried his body would just not listen to him. He saw the bloodied man walking slowly towards him with a savage grin on his face. The bloodied man spoke, "Let me show you our lord Valrog.", before he was dragged into the room.

The Blur Line Motel was not some grand motel. It was a few miles outside of town because of all the fancy hotels in town people barely came to his old rundown motel that only had 2 rooms. The only characters that ever came there were the married who were looking to cheat on their spouses, teenagers, drug addicts or just plain shady characters. He was not worried; No matter who came, he could handle it with his old trusty shotgun.

The old man did not complain though. Most of these characters paid in cash which suited him much more because he did not really trust those so-called banks. There was not much technology growing up and he had never really been good with it when they began to pop up, so he hated the whole 'easy transaction age' thing. Another group that came to his little motel, which was the group he hated the most. They were junkies that did not come to rent a room, but just to have a quickie at the back of the motel where the dumpster stood. The old man was an insomniac, so he was ok with standing guard with his trusty shotgun