
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasi
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 58- Luna.

CHAPTER 58- Luna.

We're screwed. You're screwed, she's screwed, he's screwed, that dog is screwed, nature is screwed. Everything, everything, everything is screwed.

If we had a 90% chance of winning, that 90% dropped to 80% (it goes back up to 82-85% if Kei and those shitty rapists help us).

Sepgrar died. She died... She died... My best friend died.

Unlike the others (except for Frima, Charlotte, and Bandia), she was kind to everyone, always with a smile and a joke on her lips. Her cheerful personality was almost cringe-worthy and uncomfortable, but it relaxed me and made me feel comfortable. It made me forget, at least for a moment, that I wasn't happy. After all, who in their right mind would be happy being forced to fight a Demon Queen, risking their own life for a world that took everything from them? I lost my sister when we had finally become happy again. At least Kei awakened my hope to see her again, with that thing about an ancient God wanting him to kill Fravi and as a reward, he would return him to his world, where time is frozen.

According to what he told me, he met Fravi and she didn't want to fight him because they would have to fight with the same chances of victory. It's like flipping a coin, but it's worth depositing all my trust in him. If he wins, we will return to our world, although I don't know if our appearances will return to what they were before or if we will remain with the age we have in this world. It will be strange to become the older sister of my older sister, at least in terms of age. But if we lose, Fravi will kill us... Yes, the risk is totally worth it. Either I die fighting against Fravi, or I die fighting against the Demon Queen. My unique ability is only useful for fighting from a distance or escaping, it has many weaknesses that I still haven't strengthened.

The Queen controls us as she pleases, but since Fravi can't help as much, she won't tell the Queen about my betrayal. I'll be safe, as long as I don't let my guard down. I'm surprised that Kei hasn't detected my presence and started talking to himself the day I discovered his identity. A very, very stupid mistake, but Kei Molfer is no idiot, it's impossible for him not to have realized that. I have a theory that this so-called "Supreme God" prevented him from detecting me and forced him to speak, so that I would join him. Kei saved Near from being killed by Sei Molfer, saving Fravi's ass, as the Demon Queen will kill her after killing the humans. Thanks to that, I was able to join the team... "Rompe culos de Diosas inútiles de mierda" ("Ass-breakers of useless fucking Goddesses")? That's the name Kei jokingly said in Spanish, thinking I wouldn't understand it, but my basic Spanish allowed me to understand it.

Surely Kei and Sepgrar would have gotten along very well, she also said many stupid things in another language so that we wouldn't understand her... Sepgrar...

She reminded me too much of Kei. They were almost identical in terms of personality. Both were kind and always thought about the well-being of others, even if it meant sacrificing something to achieve it. Sepgrar sacrificed her dignity to make others laugh and forget about their problems for a moment, and make them feel a little better, and Kei not only was able to sacrifice his book so that my sister and I could eat, but now he has sacrificed his own freedom to save the men of this world, condemned to live as a Molfer, where every day is a living hell.

I wanted Sepgrar to join us, but I didn't dare tell her the situation, for fear of betrayal. Kei knows me, and I know him. We both have the same goal; to return to our world. There is not much risk of betrayal on my part because I also want to return to my world, but Sepgrar was very happy in this world, she managed to adapt despite everything and never complained... Or... Was she pretending to be happy so as not to worry anyone? I don't know... And I will never know.

A demon took her from me, killed her. It not only took away a fundamental pillar of the team, it killed a great friend.

I don't know what to do. I'm scared, very scared. For the first time in this world, I experience the death of a loved one and... Honestly, I don't know what to do.

I knew this could happen, even in the past only two heroes survived in the end. Most of us will die if Kei doesn't manage to make an alliance with the demons, and considering everything he told me about hell and its ruler Desmolfer, the chances of an alliance are almost nil.

What should I do? I don't know what to do... Kei, what would you do? I want to see you, but I'm very busy... Damn... Why did this happen?

I felt an emptiness in my chest, a tightness in my throat, a knot in my stomach. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I couldn't cry. I couldn't show weakness. Not in front of them.

I won't allow them to belittle me anymore. No more.

"This useless girl made a stupid mistake when she abandoned Sepgrar. Was the demon really powerful? I think she was just scared and ran away," said Riafra, with her high-pitched and shrill voice.

"I agree. Frima, you may be more powerful than me, I won't deny that, but you are too innocent and fearful. In this world, you have to forget your fears and fight, you useless girl," said Gelisha, with her silly deep and authoritative voice.

Another meeting. Another argument... It's always the same.

We were sitting at a large wooden table in a spacious and luxurious room, which didn't match our meetings at all, where we always ended up fighting among ourselves and destroying everything, simply because of the difference of opinions we have, and the more powerful ones want to dominate the weaker ones through intimidation and violence, and of course, we don't allow them to do that and we defend ourselves... Except Near, we almost always obey her, because her power is... Ah, simply incomparable to ours. Disobeying her means facing public humiliation, like when she forced Charlotte and Bandia to run naked through the Capital. I didn't take the risk and I never disobey her.

Half of us have become arrogant and conceited, thinking they are superior to the humans of this world just because they are heroes. Charlotte, Bandia, Frima, and I are the only "kind" ones in the group, because we are the only ones who use our power to help humans. Well, Kei is also kind, but he doesn't belong to our group. And I think he is the kindest, although I think that mainly because of my favoritism. He was the only one who didn't look at me with disgust and helped me when I was living on the streets. I could say he was my first love... I fell in love with him, that's why I wanted to see him again. When I was summoned, I thought I would never see him again... But Kei was also summoned. I thought fate wanted us to be together, but he has a girlfriend... Girlfriends, plural... And he just wants to be my friend, he was very happy to know that he could count on my help without expecting anything sexual from him, unlike his girlfriends. He was glad to have a true friend... Tsk. How I hate those rapists who call themselves his girlfriends. My chance with him vanished, but I will never stop being his best friend.

I help humans because I am one of the weakest heroes, believing myself superior would be pathetic on my part and besides, I want to be like the hero who changed my life... Like Kei.

As for Sepgrar... Well... She was neutral. She didn't help, but she didn't harm either. She was on both sides, so her death hurts all of us, because she was friends with all of us, excluding Near, that idiot only sees us as tools.

"You're a bitch with mental retardation! Our reputation is in the gutter because of that fucking brat!"

While I was distracted, thinking about Kei and Sepgrar, the meeting ended, as always, with a fight between Gelisha and Bandia.

She's still angry because Kei managed to kick her in the face and send her flying, something that no one else had achieved, only us, the heroes, have achieved it when we train together, but it's the first time someone outside the group achieves such a feat, humiliating her.

Kei is no longer a hero, so... Well, it doesn't matter.

If you were listening to her right now, Kei, would she still be your favorite hero? I haven't asked you about your favorite heroes again. I wonder if I'm in first place now. W-well, after all, I'm your friend, right? That should give me extra points in the ranking.

"That child made a mistake and must pay for it, idiot!" Gelisha shouted, hitting the table with her fist, destroying it.

Poor table, it was so pretty.

Getting into an argument over stupid things at such a critical moment. They are disrespecting Sepgrar's memory. The same argument for months hasn't come to an end. Gelisha wants to kill Kei and Bandia defends him, fighting with her. They end up tied and start arguing again.

Gelisha refuses to give up.

"Kei Molfer is just a child! You can't kill him just because you want to!" Bandia replied, standing up from her seat.

The Queen forbade us from killing him, so I'm not worried about Kei. He's a Molfer, the most important and feared warrior family in the world. There are more powerful families, but they don't come close to the Molfer family in terms of respect and fear. The Molfers always find a way to defeat beings more powerful than them, and what is most terrifying is not that, what is really scary is that they don't kill their enemies quickly, on the contrary, whenever they have the opportunity to do so, they prolong their deaths, torturing and humiliating them in public.

I have heard hundreds of anecdotes about the most powerful families who have tried to defeat a Molfer and end up dead, along with their reputations. One example was a woman known worldwide as "the second most powerful woman in the world," after, of course, the leader of the Molfer family at that time, about 200 years ago. Nei Molfer. It has always amused me that the names of the Molfer are always short and end with "ei". Well, the important thing is that this woman, the second most powerful woman in the world at that time, was not defeated by Nei Molfer, which would be quite normal. She was defeated by Nei Molfer's daughter, who was only 6 years old, and she died after 6 full days of public torture by Nei Molfer's daughter. I don't remember the girl's name, but I'm afraid of her, because I read about how she tortured her and, well... It disturbed me quite a bit that a little girl would even use sexual torture on her, although Kei confirmed to me that he was taught from the age of 3 to torture in every possible way... All of them, and he was even forced to put each of those tortures into practice... Yes, the Molfer definitely scare me, except for Kei, who even though I know is like the Molfer, I know his heart has a lot of kindness and he would never harm an innocent (unless forced to, because it has happened, because his mother forced him to, to strengthen his mind and make him colder towards his enemies).

Kei dared to fight the heroes. He is weaker than us, and by a lot, I even defeated him in 5 seconds using everything I had, but he doesn't give up and is willing to fight for humans, and that's why I love him... Well, I love him as a friend. I must give up my love for him for the sake of his mental health... Although I don't really want to give up... I don't know what to do.

I defeated him when we had just become allies and he continued to improve after that day. How long would it take to defeat the current Kei?

I sighed and got up from my chair.

I need a break. Sepgrar, did a commander defeat you? Is there a commander outside, with the power to defeat a hero, planning their strategy to defeat us? The demon attacks stopped for a while, but they came back more dangerous than before, not only killing Sepgrar, but also humiliating the Molfer family, leaving Kei half dead. He woke up today, but only communicated that, he didn't want to talk about anything else. The death of his servant/girlfriend affected him too much. I would like to be with him to cheer him up, but I can't and shouldn't separate myself from my hero companions, considering that there is a demon commander waiting for us to kill us... Ah, now we will move on to the second part of the discussion.

A snap of fingers, which we know all too well, silenced us, and our gazes focused on her.

"Tsk. Are we really wasting time thinking about that inferior one? We should be killing Sei Molfer!" Near said, with her cold and soulless voice.

... Near, I knew you were an idiot, but this is too much.

Usually you just shut them up, they keep arguing and we end up fighting with our fists, but today you just said one of the stupidest things in your life. Why today? Don't add more problems to our life.

... No one says anything, not even Bandia, who is the only one who always dares to challenge her all the time.

Kei's life is in danger, I must stop her using common sense.

"Near, Sei Molfer is more powerful than..." I started to say, but Charlotte covered my mouth.

"Luna, don't say it," she whispered in my ear.

I know I'm going to say something that will make her very angry, but someone has to tell her. We have already lost a key piece for our victory, we can't afford to lose another one just because Near hates her.

Ah, here it comes. If that's how things are going to be, fine, I always have a plan to avoid her attacks.

Near approached me, with a malicious smile.

"More powerful than me? Is that what you were going to say?" she asked me, in a mocking tone.

It's not worth lying, considering that we can detect lies, and staying silent will only make her angrier, as she hates when her questions aren't answered.

I removed Charlotte's hand from my mouth and looked into Near's eyes. I won't deny that I'm afraid of those eyes full of evil, but Kei's life is in danger, because if Near tries to kill Sei Molfer, he will risk his life to save her because, even though she always tortures him, she is still his mother. That's why I will hide my fear and confront Near, besides, if Sei Molfer dies, and considering that she is the only one who has been able to defeat Near, allowing her murder would condemn us to defeat.

"Your stats are much better. In strength and magical power, you are very, but very superior, and that great difference is impossible to match or surpass. But Sei Molfer surpasses you in intelligence and strategy. After your first defeat, she defeated you again in that tournament."

It was a very uneven fight. Sei Molfer dodged Near's attacks perfectly, as if she could see the future, and she achieved that thanks to the thousands of fights she has had, gaining a lot of experience. This allowed her to know how Near would move just by seeing her move a muscle. She won without receiving any attacks, which was unusual for the Molfers, as they enjoy receiving damage. But Near's attacks would kill her without any problem, and since she wanted to win, she didn't receive any attack.

"Do you think you can kill her? Besides, it's not worth killing her. It's a big mistake to do so. Now that Sepgrar is dead, we need all the help we can get..." I told her firmly, but my words were interrupted by her anger.

Near became furious and threw a punch at me. I saw it coming and activated my eyes.

["Dragon Eyes" activated. Level 5.]

Everything around me moved so slowly that it was barely noticeable that Near's fist was moving, as if time had stopped, and I dodged Near's attack.

When I use my divine power, my total strength decreases by 90%. I can only use it to dodge attacks and think of strategies, as it takes 10 seconds to regain my full power.

It is one of the abilities that my teammates considered useless, but it is very useful if used perfectly. That's why I specialize in long-range attacks, to avoid fighting in close combat, as I wouldn't be able to use my divine power.

My ability may be weak due to its high consumption of magical energy (I lose 0.1% of magical energy for every second that passes), but it is very useful to use in emergencies and in jokes to humiliate those I don't like.

For example, I can do this.

I pulled down Near's skirt. Well, well. Such sexy lingerie, it really highlights her butt. Does she have a secret lover? I haven't met any boyfriend or sexual friend of hers, nothing like that, unlike Kaya, who is very addicted to sex. Is Near still a virgin? Or is she so arrogant that she thinks no one deserves to sleep with her or at least see her naked? In my world, men thought that a woman's virginity made them more valuable. Does Near think the same?

Is sex really so addictive? Kei's girlfriends are addicted to him, so I think so. Does sex really feel that good? I wonder if Kei and I will... Oh, Near is looking at me. I think I wasted a lot of time thinking.

Yes, yes, you're angry, I know. Let me finish this... Oh, she has a big butt, and my butt is small... Will Kei prefer breasts or butts? What will be his preferences?

Oh, yes, I can't waste any more time.

I destroyed her clothes, leaving her in her underwear. Hmm... Why does she wear such sexy lingerie if no one is going to see it? I wear it because, well, my childhood crush is alive and has become my friend. You never know if he will fall in love with me someday or if the situation gets hot... Am I a pervert? I guess I am, a little bit, considering that I'm prepared for such a situation.

But well, I think this will be enough.

I spanked her and stepped away from her.

I deactivated my eyes and everything returned to normal. Near was just staring at me, not paying any attention to what I did.

"You easily lose control, Near. You better go take a shower. I already took off your clothes for you," I said sarcastically.

"Sei Molfer didn't defeat me! I wasn't fighting seriously!" Near shouted, putting her hands on her hips.

No one is perfect, Near, and one day you'll have to understand that the world doesn't revolve around you. Have a little humility, maybe then you'll make real friends and not everyone will hate you.

"Excuses, excuses," I said disdainfully.

Near growled at me and took a step forward.

"You're dead!"

"Just like your reputation, bitch!"


Frima approached us, with a worried expression.

"It's not worth fighting. Now more than ever, we need to stick together," she told us, with her soft and sweet voice.

"...Tsk. I need two days off. Goodbye," Near said coldly, turning her back on us.

"Near, you can't..." Frima tried to say, but Near interrupted her with a punch.

Near hit Frima in the stomach and left her trembling on her knees on the ground. Damned savage.

With just one blow, she left the second most powerful of the group trembling... Oh, Kei, I really hope you manage to form an alliance with the demons, because if Near remains loyal to Fravi, I can't imagine a scenario where we can defeat her.

Sei Molfer, what kind of monster are you?

"I'll do whatever I want," Near said, and she left... Is she really our leader? Just because she's the most powerful? What nonsense. I demand a democratic vote.

Charlotte is the smart one in the group, she would be a good leader. The only disadvantage would be that she's the weakest, at least in terms of power.

"Frima, are you okay?" I asked her, approaching her.

"I-I'm fine... I just need to catch my breath," she replied, with difficulty.

"You should stop playing with her," Kaya said.

She stood next to us.

"You know we shouldn't bother her. She's the kind of girl who gets angry easily, and considering it's Near, it's even more dangerous."

"Yes, we know... Hey, Luna, I need your help. The children from the orphanage want to meet you. Can you come with me?"

I planned to try to communicate with Kei, but I think I should leave him alone for a few days while he recovers. My words of support probably won't be of much use right now. I'm very stressed and I might say something wrong.

I like the children, so being with them will calm me down.

"Sure, no problem."

"Let's go."

We walked away, but Charlotte stopped us.

"Wait, I'll come with you. I need to relax a bit too."

"...Sure, no problem. You can come with us," Frima said.

Wow... For some reason, she stayed silent before answering. Her expression was one of concern... Did she not want Charlotte to come with us...? No, it's just my imagination, Frima considers Charlotte a friend. She doesn't hate Charlotte. Maybe she's still recovering from the blow.

"I'll do it later..."

Did Frima say something? I heard her whispering something... My hearing isn't that good, I didn't understand what she said. I think she said something about doing it later. What does she mean?

"Did you say something, Frima?"

"Eh? I was just thinking about the pending tasks I have, but I'll do them later."

Oh, yes, she said that.

"Okay. I can help you if you want, I've already finished mine."

"No, I have to do them on my own. I don't want to receive help from anyone."

"Well, as you wish."

How strange, Frima answered me rudely. She's not like that. Sepgrar's death affected her a lot, she still blames herself for her death.

Frima has been acting very strange lately... Could it be that she's in a sensitive mood?