
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Chapter 15

Daniel gave a half tale of what exactly occured. He started by how he wanted to see Eric and Jay's position from the observatory, to how he ' curiously' checked if anymore humans ( his parents) came out from the rift .

He told First Lieutenant Madison how he saw the bug shoot out of the rift and instantly enter the observatory from miles away.

He then explained exactly what happened , how he destroyed the antenna , and riddled the insectoid with dents . How he'd made an 'error' that the bug capitalized on, punching him with enough force to break the walls and shoot him onto the ground from 16 stories high .

Lieutenant Madison was shocked. All that Daniel said was so fantastic it was literally the opposite of reality.

For a body to be punched had enough to launch of the ground and hit a wall was death by internal bleeding. For a body to break out of a concrete wall ment death by impact . And to fall 16 stories and live, not only should air pressure have killed him, but he was supposed to me ketchup by now!

She thought Daniel should be the super human to be closest to the concept of normal talent , but she was obviously mistaken.

Daniel left to rest , not bothering to explain to her how he was consecutively struck by lightning and survived.but if he was right they really did have bigger fish to fry.

Daniel went to his bank vault and sat down . He wished he was exhausted, so that he could rest, but the universe had invigorated him.

He didn't know whether to call it the universe. Higher consciousness, or reality.

He definitely didn't want to call it God or the Heavens he might look irrational, but the man was a scientist. If it had nothing to do with martial arts Daniel would be the most realistic person around.

Daniel couldn't help but reflect . With his intelligence came an obsession. And even though it helped him gain an impossiblity, it was still dangerous to move about life like this.

He had to compartmentalize . He can't let his fanatism affect proper judgement. Martial arts wasn't about killing. It was an art , what did he want his art to look like?

Soon knocks came on his vault. With his spacial sense she already knew exactly who was coming.

" It's open"

Jay and Eric walked in .

" Have a seat Daniel said . But both looked confused only for Eric's Eyes to bug out in shock when his senses found that it had to go around something that wasn't there before. It felt like nothing had compressed until it became something but it was invisible.

He recovered quickly and squatted until he sat on air .

" Is this you real power? I knew you were hiding something but not your power"

Jay's eyes did the same thing Eric's did when he literally saw Eric sit on nothing.

" How is that possible?" Jay asked .

" No , this is why I was struck by lightning. This isn't my power . I have a hypothesis, powers have a source , a reason for being. An explanation for why they do what they do. A start and an end."

At this point Jay sat on the platform created by Daniel , paying very close attention to his words.

He wasn't the only one. Eric's ears, eyes and senses were all trained in on Daniel. This was something he was really interested in.

" While battling the bug monster , I never got hit , not once . But I always managed to land at least one punch every rotation. Each time my punch hit harder , was more targeted , and narrowing damage range to the contact point.

But nothing ever damaged the carapace. It was like hitting an immobile fortress.

I was so frustrated I set my goal on punching something more durable than the bug . And that's when it happened. I felt my will to defeat my opponent call upon a power that made no sense, had no source apart from myself. Had no beginning or end and no cause only effect. "

The two looked at him weirdly.

" What you are saying doesn't make sense.

Right now are you not the cause and isn't this the effect" Eric pointed from Daniel to his invisible seat.

" Yes technically I am the cause. But that seat isn't connected to me . There is no connection between myself and that seat. I'm not producing the energy to maintain it. Whether it uses energy is even questionable.

There is no reason it should exist " Daniel explained.

" That still doesn't make sense. " Jay added.

" It's not supposed to make sense . Like I said there is no logical, reason it should be possible. Its more magic than the magic written in novels. It doesn't run on any rules . It is a rule . I call it an impossiblity. "

The two were silent for a long time.

" What the hell are you saying. I'm not dumb , but what you are saying doesn't make any sense. How can something operate in reality without bending to the laws of nature ?"

Jay asked rhetorically

" No I understand, you are basically saying that you have become a bug in the system that is the laws of physics." Eric said .

" Kind of , it seems you get the idea , but not exactly. I'm not an unwanted factor. By virtue of my will , I was gifted an exemption from some laws. No I can't say I'm exempt. More like a privileged citizen? . No that isn't right either . It's like I went up to the police and hypnotized them and told them to bend to my will? That isn't right either . using analogies takes from the substance of it .

There are laws , I'm an impossiblity that is attached to a law . "

" I get it , but I think I can't explain it " Eric hummed .

" What do you get ? , this is still too abstract. Speak scientificly if you will ." Jay said

" Combustion is a chemical reaction where a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen, often producing heat and light. It's a key process in many everyday activities like burning fuel in engines or wood in a fireplace. If I was an impossiblity connected to this law, I might be able to cause combustion on an object from any point without contact or superpowers. And the combusted material will not break apart but remain the same forever burning "

Jay and Eric shuddered it seemed 'space ' was the law they couldn't understand, not the concept of impossiblity.

" I think I understand." Jay said

" Mhmm" Eric said as they both got up to leave and be with their thoughts.

" The fact that you know this information is good , but an impossiblity has no beginning. It can't be trained or learnt , you also cannot have the same impossiblity as another"

" How do you know all that?"

" It's ingrained in me like a dragon inheritance. "

Daniel was using the generic dragon lore , so everyone should understand this.

Once they left , Daniel begun changing his plans.

There was no more need for a seawer . He could hide things now , very easily. To test it out he waved his hand over a stack of bank notes causing it all to disappear.

He hadn't sent it somewhere else, it was still there. No . It was in that coordinate, but not there should be the right reply.

Like said before, Daniel was a genius and not a human genius, but a supernatural genius. Hence what he does should not be shocking.

He had three main controls over space. Folding : this was in itself broad . Invisible walls , chairs etc fell under this category traversing long distances with one step fell in this category.

Bending: also broad in itself. Walking straight but turns out you walked in a curve fell in this category. The funnel , fell in this category

Expansion: broad also . Walking and never reaching your destination fell here , entering a shack of floor area of 6 meters but within was 100 meters fell in this category.

And these weren't independent of one another.Daniel could fold bend and expand to do what he just did.

On this day , Daniel had done something truly extraordinary, and it was soo simple too, because he didn't hold himself back anymore.

If he was going to become op then so be it. Though he hadn't reached there in body yet.

He had created the earth civilizations fist pocket dimension!

He folded the space not on top of each other , but around, the size of a golf ball and then bent it so that it could be passed through without interfering with the outer shell. Then expanded its interior by multiple folds . This was a rough creation, but it had already succeeded. And Daniel with his intelligence made it perfectly safe and blended in with the laws of space seamlessly.

But he felt he could do better. But his afternoon workout time had come. Daniel pulled of his shirt . His figure was plain, no visible muscle definition but you could tell he was strong. He'd just begun his body building journey after all.

But Daniel did not suffer body dysmorphia, he wasn't scared of showing his plainness. He took some pre workout supplements and got out of his vault to the gym .

Today was even more intense with each workout session, Daniel not only aimed to build strength , but stamina too . If he did one set 16 reps of bicep curls in the morning by afternoon it would be two sets 16 reps and by evening 2 sets 32 reps.

And the rest time got shorter by a few seconds each session.

Day 3

Daniel had acted as a private should following instructions of his superiors , and peform his assignments to completion/ perfection. The only thing others hated was how he liked running around half naked now. Always sweating. It made him look greasy.

Daniel didn't care though, so no matter who told him to wear a shirt he asked them if that would be a problem. Which reminded them all that he'd held on against a lightening stike and lived .

Daniel and the other two asked around for the content of Captain Hudd's meeting.

" He said that there is a bigger world out there in the rift, and right infront of the entrance there is an army sitting down waiting for something. " Jace replied

Daniel and Jay shuddered.

An army?!

" But how did he survive? "

" He was lucky , apparently not all bugs want to invade earth, and he met with one brave and kind enough to hide him from the others. Before sending him back"

Daniel was skeptical, it sounded too good to be true. No there was still something wrong, how did he enter a place guarded by an army and not get seen by more than one bug ?

" And his injuries?"

" Apparently their technology is good at regeneration"

" I see , we are lucky then . Now at least we understand the danger of the other side" Jay lied through his teeth in the most sincere tone, as though he'd bought into the story .

Jay didn't take Daniels word for it , but it didn't mean he'd trust this captain Hudd who came back from the jaws of death in enemy territory either.

Unlike Daniel though , he was fully motivated to do whatever it took to get the information out of this captain Hudd.

Eric after seeing Daniel's impossibility started treating him even better. An example was when Daniel learnt to shoot leaf projectiles. It was powerful, but Eric only suggested that Daniel could start defeating bugs. To which Daniel rejected saying in three months he'd grow strong enough to cause hell on earth to the invaders. After this he was left alone to do his thing.

But not now .

" I have telekinesis, Jay has energy barrier, and now you have spatial manipulation. I can't think of a stronger versatile line up."

" I think you mean to say we are all versatile, not a versatile line up. That would consist of a tank , to draw in opponents using Aggro , a striker , a mid range striker ,a long range support , Assassin, crowd controller etc . Rather you fit the stricker , Jay the tank , and myself the what? "

" Stricker. I'm more of a mid range striker . see ?"

" You know as well as I do you can peform all roles , so can Jay , and so can I . Plus I haven't gotten strong enough to use my body to fight....."

Suddenly the surrounding pressure became heavy . Even with spatial folds erected Daniel had no defense against Eric's telekinetic abilities. It wasn't that it bypassed the spacial folds , it was that the folds didn't get out out of the range. Maybe if he had folded 3 miles he might've blocked the effects.

" I understand you have your preferences. But as long as you are still weak in body , I'd advice you to use any other means necessary." Jay said as he'd walked in on them from being a social butterfly

" We lost our parents, and you promised to avenge them I'm not going to wait 3 months

For results that 'might' be possible. Isn't your impossibility your ability? You always said growing up that you abhorred wasted resources. Are you not wasting your resources and potentially? . "

" You don't understand, I —"

" I DON'T NEED TO !, What if I and Eric decide to leave this place because there is no value , and the resurrected Captain is a possibile danger! Will you tell them that they should wait 3 months ?! While they get eaten like Connor?!"

Daniel stayed silent. His character had really changed no rather his flaws had been heightened . The him with limited potential utilized all means apart from deception to get ahead. But now.....

" Ohk I agree with you. But I'll fight with my fists this time , afterall I've improved since my last bout ." He still had his flaws , but at least he would try to do better by those who couldn't do what he could.

thank you my lovely readers, for reading my work

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