The heroine entered a novel as the saintess that walked a thorny path. However, she did not desire the bleak road, instead opting to walk on a flowery path by abandoning the frustrating original timeline and adopting a father. “You, be my daddy!” Turns out he’s the final boss and villain which worked out just as well. “Daddy, why is name daddy? So cute. What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness?” As she dreamt of a happy ending with her daddy, a huge obstacle stood in her path: the existence of the hero destined to annihilate the final boss. Since it’s come to this, the heroine decided to save her father and the hero. Maybe the world, too, if she had the time. But her daddy is being a pain…he keeps raising death flags and now the hero’s obsessed over her, asking to take responsibility for taming him. Just what is going on?
As you live, you experience these days too.
What are the chances you'll meet your favorite character while walking down the street? What are the chances you'll coincidentally meet them when they don't live in the same country or even the same world as you?
'I thought true fans were never lucky.'
I thought the phrase 'true fans were never lucky' was popular because many diehard fans were never able to meet their favorite idol or characters, but I was wrong.
I shook in excitement when I saw my favorite character breathing and talking in front of me.
'That's my favorite character. He's my favorite character. I see my favorite character!'
I pushed down my feelings of awe and stared at the man's face. The face I daydreamed about every day was right in front of me. My favorite character, who I could only think about in words, was breathing, walking, and talking right there!
His eyes were so beautiful that I got goosebumps. However, at the same time, I felt that they would cut me if I bothered him. His glass-like eyes that were looking at me were terrifying and emotionless. Their golden shine looked like the light of the stars in the night sky. They were a different kind of beauty that enchanted me.
'You never said he was this beautiful, Ms. Writer!'
"Who are you?"
He talked to me.
'Oh, even his voice is deep and nice!' It was even better than I had imagined. I could tell that he was agitated when I was about to cry.
He was reluctant to see me cry. How was he so handsome?
I would never get tired of looking at him. I liked him more when he got a bit older, but I loved every part of him!
"I asked who you are."
When I didn't give him a response, his eyebrows furrowed. I almost stopped breathing because he still looked so dashing.
'This won't do.' I wanted to calm down but I didn't think I could!
I started running toward him.
He had never loved anyone and was never loved by anyone; he was the most pitiful man in this world.
And he was the man I loved the most.
I could feel the man, who was sitting languidly, had started to stiffen. He was so surprised I felt him take a breath.
"…Who are you calling your father?" he asked me another question in an absurd voice. It was pretty absurd because he was single.
I brightly smiled and made eye contact with him. I could feel the danger behind his golden eyes, but they only made me happy.
"Hehe! Daddy!"
When I pulled him into a hug, he incredulously looked at me. 'It doesn't matter if you look at me like that. I am never going to give up.'
He eventually gave up on trying to get me off him.
I stared at him as he deeply sighed. Even if I died right now, I'd have no regrets.
This was the first meeting between me and my favorite character that was my soon-to-be father and villain.
A lot of incomprehensible things happen in life.
Yesterday, my phone broke, and today, I woke up as a six-year-old.
"It's better to have a broken phone than to wake up as a six-year-old."
I was currently experiencing the most absurd experience of my life.
I put my face on the window frame to look at the scenery. It looked a bit dumb, but I had no choice because of my short stature.
The scenery outside the window was totally different than the one I was used to seeing.
"Of course, it's different! This is a totally different world!"
A broad plain and blue skies entered my vision. I could see a village in the distance and a small number of people walking along the roads.
There weren't any skyscrapers, cars, or crowds of people.
As I looked at the unfamiliar view in front of me, I felt both relief and despair at the fact that this wasn't a dream.
"It's already been a month! It doesn't make sense that I would have the same dream for a whole month."
After looking at the strange scenery, I took my face off the window frame. Then, I looked down at my small hand.
At first, I was confused.
I didn't understand the situation, and it took me a long time to stop crying and making a fuss about going back. In all this, there was one thing that had brought me back to my senses.
I had seen my favorite character.
This situation was like a movie set or the 'Truman Show,' where I was trying to run away from my situation and met my favorite character. It was a gift from God.
"God granted my wish!"
'I'm glad I prayed every day before sleeping.'
"A world with my favorite character."
There was only one thing that had happened.
I fell into the world of a novel, and I was the main character of the novel.
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