
The World's Greatest Hero

AN: After a comment in chapter 4, I have been thinking a lot regarding the story. Where it is going and what I want out of the story. I believe that I attempted to have too many different ideas around the story and the system and never made a concrete plan, aside from a beginning and end, for the story just writing what I feel. Well, I think I know what I want to do with it and have decided to rewrite it. The main change is going to be the system and the starting point of the story. The first chapter is practically the same with some minor differences, So I hope you enjoyed it all the same as initially, but you don't have to read it again if you don't wish to. The other chapters will be reviewed by myself as I try and either alter them to fit the current plan or change them entirely.

Once again, David Valoria was partaking in his daily ritual: gazing into the bathroom mirror while admiring himself. How he could believe he was handsome was beyond anyone, especially when they would vomit once they see him. He was a young man barely into his twenties, had black hair and beautiful blue eyes, with these features alone he would be handsome, but when added to his overly obese body and disfigured features, made him a disaster.

It wasn't his fault, however. The world had reached new heights in terms of genetic engineering and modified all children before birth to match the global standards of beauty. The same had happened to David, but, due to unforeseen genetic mutations, he ended up being horrifically disfigured and prone to obesity. Even after not eating for several weeks, aside from some bare minimums in terms of nutrition, he still gained some weight.

It was made especially worse due to false pseudo-science and other unfounded superstitions that shaped his life into a living hell. The people believed he was a monster. One that would feast upon their friends and loved ones, or worse, infect them with some made-up disease that would cause them to look the same as he did. If there was one silver lining, he was made famous after the media reported on where he lived, and with it, many just left him alone. Some were still brave fools believing that the world would love them if they became a monster slayer. With all that happening, he no longer cared about what others did and since they no longer could break-in, he just lived his sheltered life. He just shook his head as he continued to look into the mirror as if he was seeing the most beautiful person in existence.

"How can I be so handsome," David asked himself still moving his head around to see different angles. "No one can compare to you. All of these people think you're ugly, but only they are ugly. You're a one in a billion miracle."

After deciding that he had looked enough, David left the bathroom and returned to his room. He locked the door behind himself, in fear that someone would break-in again, and laid down upon his bed. He had nothing better to do aside from admiring himself and sleep. With his looks, he can't even leave the building without being called a monster, attacked or having people shield their children from him, not that they didn't have good cause with him constantly giving their little girls lecherous looks. More moments of self-pity passed when David heard the front door slam. Knowing it was his father, he double checked the door was locked and released a sigh of relief.

"Bastard get out here!" His father shouted out with a slight slur. It was obvious that he had been drinking again, an act that has been going on since David's mother died in childbirth. It took only a moment, but he was outside David's door and started beating on it. "I can't believe I have a son like you. An ugly monster born into a world of beauty."

David could only sigh; his father wasn't wrong. He was born into this world as a rarity. He had become the only person alive that was classified as ugly; the others were all killed at birth. How he managed to survive to twenty-one was beyond him. He took solace that he was still alive and in the only remaining picture of his lost mother. She had been a real beauty, one of the most beautiful women in a world of attractive people. How his father managed to get with her was one of the most asked questions in the world.

She was a bit taller than most, had lovely brown hair, and the same blue eyes that David had inherited. Another noticeable trait about her was her fantastic body. She had large breasts and an incredible hourglass figure. Looking at her picture always made David feel better. Feel as if even for a moment he could have been loved.

"Why couldn't you be here?" David asked the picture as tears started to form in his eyes. "Then I wouldn't have to deal with him."

Then David partook in another of his daily rituals, pleasuring himself to his mother. If she were alive, he would conquer her and take her from his father. Ever since his first discovery of self-pleasure he had become more and more attracted to his mother in the picture. From her lovely full lips to her beautiful breasts and ass, David wanted a taste of all of it. However, the dead can't be raised so he could only think of the what ifs.

After a few hours of his activities, David got up and decided today he would get out of the house again. He wanted to get some fresh air and get away from this home turned prison. He hurriedly got dressed in some simple jeans, a t-shirt, and a black hoodie so that he could cover his face if only a little bit. He checked around the corner and saw that his father had fallen asleep in his recliner. Tiptoeing around to the front door, he opened it slowly and exited the building.

With rapid footsteps, he walked to the nearby park to sit at a bench. When he entered the park, he saw a little girl playing with some chalk on the ground and walked over. Something inside of him told him to take her, a dark thought that usually didn't appear as he was indoors all the time, but now that he had come out, he wanted someone and decided the little girl would do.

"Little girl, " David said. After seeing here turn towards him, he smirked, then said, "Come to big brother, I have candy." Noticing that the girl seemed to be enticed at the thought of candy, he then started to chuckle a bit evilly. Hearing his laughter, the girl flinched.

"Big brother, are you a bad man?" she asked innocently.

"No, of course not," he replied. 'Damn almost gave away my intentions'

She nodded her head currently believing the lie he told her and asked, "What kind of candy do you have?"

"I have a wonderful lollipop for you to suck on," he said with a devilish grin.

While this conversation was going on, a woman nearby overheard his comments and ran off to inform the police.

"I like lollipops," the girl said with bell-like laughter.

"Then I will let you enjoy my lollipop," he said, joining in her laughter.

Around the corner, the woman had gotten the officers and bolted around screaming, "That's the pedophile!"

When the first officer came around, he glanced over and saw the child and man laughing. It didn't seem too out of place, but he was going to investigate. Coming forward a little more he heard the man comment about sucking his lollipop and shouted to the officers behind him, "It's a pedophile!"

"Turn around and step away from the child," a second officer said.

David, hearing that he had been caught, did as the officer said and turned around after backing away from the child. This was an action that he shouldn't have done.

"God, what is that!" the first officer screamed, trembling a bit in fear.

"That's no pedophile; that's a monster." The third officer said as he drew his gun.

After the officer drew his weapon, David backed up just a bit closer to the little girl, who now also came over to ask for her lollipop.

"It's got a hostage," the second officer said. "Shoot to Kill! I repeat! Shoot to kill!"

All officer had their guns ready, took aim, and fired upon David. He had no chance as the bullets kept coming hitting his body in several locations primarily around his chest. He collapsed onto the ground with a disgruntled look on his face. 'Since when have officers cared about a pedophile,' David thought. 'they let all of these politicians and businessmen rape little girls, but as soon as I try to get a loli, I get shot.' David let out a sigh and closed his eyes. As he drew his final breath, he thought, 'If I get another chance, I'll get all the girls I desire, laws, officers, and morality be damned. They are mine!'


David opened his eyes. He was currently in a void surrounded by nothing but black space. He tried to look around but found that he couldn't move his body. After a few more attempts at doing something, he decided to give up and wait. It was during this waiting period that another figure appeared in front of him from the void. It was a young man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a rather well-built body.

"Hello," the man said after a few minutes of looking at David. "I'm what you would call the Devil."

Then he paused to let that information sink into David's head. Noticing a look of realization on David's face, the devil spoke again.

"Yes, the one and only. The one that caused Adam and Eve to be removed from the garden of Eden and the former angel that rebelled against God. Lucifer at your service," Lucifer said with an evil smile as he relished in the thought of the evils that he had committed. "And you are David Valoria, real scum of the earth type born with a rare genetic mutation that ruined your life. I have a proposition for you."

"Is this like a sell my soul situation?" David asked.

"Yes and no," Lucifer said. "I will give you a greater power than you have ever known and another chance at life. With it, I wish you to offer sacrifices in my name. Otherwise, I will take your soul to hell for eternity."

"Don't have to ask twice, I accept whatever you're offering," David said just purely excited at getting another chance to live.

"Wonderful, "Lucifer said with a laugh. "I knew you were the perfect man for the job. Now I will give you something wonderful, a system. The very same that is found in those novels you love to read. With it, you will be able to gain greater and greater power. I'm even giving you a starting bonus so that you can charm the women you wish to conquer."

With that said, Lucifer opened a portal behind David and started to push him through it. "I hope you don't disappoint me, David," Lucifer said as a grin crossed his face. "Otherwise, you know the consequences." Letting his words sink in for a moment, Lucifer then gave David one final push through the portal to his new life. As David crossed the threshold of the portal, he heard a female voice say,

[System Activated.]

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