
I'm not a Wizard

There are people born with magic, and there people who do not. A wizard is supposed to be a powerful sorcerers who dedicated they're entire life for the sake of knowledge of magic. Then there's a hunter, they live they're entire life in the outside wilderness. They hunt prey for food, they go across rivers for water, they wear the fur of creatures as clothing. They do all of this willing instead living the comfortable life style. Both of these two have a similar question. Do you need magic to be a hunter? No. Do you need to learn how to survive to be a wizard? Of course not. But let me ask you this. Do you need magic to a Master Wizard? No, no you don't.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 7: The Gates

"Master! Wake up! Look!" Eric said with sparkly eyes as he stares through the carriage's window.

"Huh?" Solomon snorted as she slowly wakes up from her slumber.

"Is that it?! Is that Bozzelli City?" Eric said as he jump from his seat.

Eric felt his collar was tugged as he was forced back down on his seat.

"Calm down, I can't see." Solomon groaned.

She stared out of the window and her eyes widen. There it was from afar, a grand city that seemed intensely brighter compared to the small town of Veilig. And unlike Veilig Town, Bozzelli City was an actual safe place to live in, for both nobles and commoners. There are barely any chaos in Bozzelli City, mostly because it has strict laws and it's overseen by the Wizard Council. If Veilig was the definition of hell, than would be heaven.

"It's been awhile, but the place doesn't look any different when I last left." Solomon muttered with a smirk.

"That reminds me, you still haven't told me why or how you visited Bozzelli City yet." Eric said as he stared at Solomon with curious eyes.

Solomon smirked. "When I first came here, I was still around seven years old. I hitched a ride with a gullible knight and stayed in Bozzelli City for three days before I went to the church, than the signed in with a guild."

"Why did you signed in with a guild?" Eric asked.

"Well, it involved me becoming Master Wizard. You see to become a Master Wizard, you'll have to take a test called; the Finch Wizardry Trail."

"Why is it call the Finch Wizardry Trail?"

"Good question. Long ago, there was a man named Nova Finch. He was one out of four of the first Grandmaster Wizards of humanity. Somewhere through his younger ages of life, Finch realized it was getting difficult to tell if a person was worthy enough or not to become a genuine wizard.

So he created some sort of test, and said "The one who surpasses my challenge, will be rewarded with the title of Master Wizard." And after that, wizards all over Pugnore came to take up Finch's challenge. While most fail, there were the few that actually passed and became legends afterwards."

"Wow! That's sounds so cool! What is the test like?"

"Can't tell you."

"HUH?! But why not?"

"Because I was ordered to, the details of the Finch's Trail must not be spoken freely with anyone. This way, no one would attempt to cheat through the test."

"I guess that's make sense." Eric pouted.

Solomon chuckled. "Now, now~ Don't show me such a face, you'll find out what's the Finch Trail after graduation. Okay, little one?"

"Okay." Eric sighed as he lend into Solomon's arms.

"So how does how you joining a guild involved you becoming a Master Wizard?" Eric asked.

"There are two ways to go through the Finch Trail. One, you graduate from a Wizard Academy. Or two, you join a guild and get access that way."

"How does that work?"

"Guild members have to write a certain contract. Within that contract, it says you are obligated to go through the Finch Trail without any Wizardry training once." Solomon explained.

"Doesn't that mean anyone could become a Master Wizard if they did the same thing you did?"

Solomon chuckled. "Trust me, the test is not as easy as you think."

Soon a few sounds of groans were heard as the weight of the carriage shifted a bit.

"Ah~ I'm hungry, are we there yet?" Ash yawned as she tried to stretched her arms within the cramped carriage.

"Almost, just wait a little longer." Solomon said as she held Eric in her arms.

"But Mother, my back hurts. Can we at least take a little break to move around." Kai whimpered as he rested his head on Solomon's lap.

Solomon chuckled softly. "I'm sorry my dear, but we're far too close to our destination to take any stop right now. Please be a little more patience, okay?"

"Understood." Kai said as Solomon fiddled with his snake hair.

"I don't wanna... stop it... I don't want to..." Lux mumbled underneath his breath as continued to sleep.

"How are you still asleep? We all took the same medicine together." Ash said as she poked Lux's cheek.

"Actually, I gave Lux a stronger dose than you and Kai. I did it because I wanted this whole trip to go smoothly." Solomon said.

"Makes sense." Ash said as she tried to sit a more confrontable position.

The carriage finally became to halt as it stop at Bozzelli City's gate. A knock was heard against the carriage's window before Solomon put on her mask then opened the door. There was a knight in sliver armor who stood outside the carriage as he spoke.

"Greetings, excuse for the intrusion but we must have investigate you for a moment." the knight spoke.

"Sure, but may I ask what am I getting investigated for?" Solomon said as she walked out of the carriage.

"I'll tell you when we get in the Investigation room." the knight spoke coldly as he started walk away.

"Fair enough." Solomon said calmly as she followed the knight into the Investigation room.

When Solomon entered the Investigation room, she couldn't tell exactly but she sure there was something off. Within the room, there a table and a single chair. The walls were thick of stone and cement, perfect for having a private conversation. But the thing that actually bother Solomon, was how many people were in the room.

Including the knight that Solomon walked in with, there were a total of eight knights. That couldn't be just a coincidence, why would they need so many knights for one person? Was it because Solomon was a Master Wizard? No. They wouldn't even bothered investigating her in the first place if that was the case. Which lays another question, why are they investigate a Master Wizard? Doesn't matter where, its a pretty bold move to commit any sort of acts against a Master Wizard.

"Please, sit down." said one of the knight in a non friendly tone.

Guess I can play along, Solomon thought as she sat on the chair.

"Do you know why you were send in here?" said a knight who wore navy blue armor.

"No, sir. I do not, would you care to explain?" Solomon said calmly.

The knight clicked his tongue as he said. "We were told by your carriage driver that you are accompanied by three gorgons, do you stats this true?"

"Yes sir." Solomon said without hesitation.

Ah~ is that it? I guess anyone would be wary of someone accompanied by an single gorgon, no less three. Solomon softly sighs to herself.

"Alright, since you're not denying it. Before I can officially arrest you, I'll like to hear you out first." the navy blue knight said.

Officially arrest you? So you're intending you chain me up either way? You just want to hear my excuse so it looks like you actually pity for me. Why aren't you a lovely little piece of SH*T!

"They are my student's familiars." Solomon said bluntly.

"Uh huh." the knight said, even though he wore a helmet over his face it was obvious he just rolled his eyes.

What were you expecting me to say? To not tell the truth? To said some stupidly convincing lie? You should consider yourself grateful that I have punched you into the wall already!

"Should I bring out my student and let him prove it himself?" Solomon said as she rose from her seat.

"No, I don't think involving a child into this would be unnecessary." the knight said as he yawned slightly.


Solomon clenched her fists and bit her lip, as she held all her frustration inside. Before she was at the edge of snapping, the door swung open.

There stood a man within his early thirties with short hair that's coloured with the gold from wheat fields, eyes that resembles rubies from a mineshaft, beige skin that seem silk smooth to the touch. The man wore white long sleeved shirt with a garnet-red vest over it. He also had long white pants, along with long white boots.

"Who are you?!" the knights yelled out of surprise.

Solomon simply grinned before she faced the man and bowed to her knees. "May I speak?"

"Granted." the man responded.

"Although it has been six years, you presence is always welcoming, Grandmaster Blair." Solomon said as the grin on her face grew wider.

"Grandmaster?!" all the knights gasped before they all bowed onto their knees.

Blair smirked. "And based on that response alone, I can tell it is you, Master Solomon. Raise your head!"

"I am honored that you remember me, your grace." Solomon said as she gazes at Blair.

"Master Solomon?" muttered the navy blue knight as he began drip cold sweat.

"So why are you in this old dusty room? This is usually a place criminals end up, did you do something wrong?" Blair spoke.

"She's attempting to smuggle in gorgons, Master Blair!" the navy blue knight blurted as looked up at Blair and Solomon.

Solomon rolled her eyes as she quietly sighed. "What an idiot..."

"I never gave YOU permission to speak, no less to allowed you to lay your filthy eyes upon my form. And not only that, you misspoke my sacred name!" Blair's eyes glowed as a red light surrounded the knight.

The knight was quickly slammed into the floor by invisible force.

"I'm sorry your grace! I was wrong! I'm sorry for offending you!" the knight said while he was being crushed.

Blair clicked his tongue. "There you go again! Chatting away towards me without my permission! Am I a joke to you?!"

"No, your grace. I didn't mean any sign of disrespect..." the knight coughed.

"Disgusting!" Blair yelled as he added the pressure.

"May I speak, Grandmaster Blair?" Solomon interrupted.

Blair inhaled and exhaled as he calm himself. "Yes, since you properly asked I'll allow it. What is on your mind, Master Solomon?"

"If this knight must go through punishment, than I request that I'm the one who decides his fate." Solomon said with a deadpan expression.

Blair hummed with a smirk. "And why should I allow that, Master Solomon?"

"This man has disrespected me as well, so I'm not showing pity upon him. I just believe it would be more fitting for me, since he disrespect me first as a Master Wizard who is simply taking her apprentice to school enrollment." Solomon explained.

"Very well, I'll allow it. Only just this once, you are a highly respected Wizard after all. Grandmaster or not." Blair grinned as he clicked his fingers and the knight was freed.

"I thank you, your grace. You generosity will not be wasted." Solomon said as she lowered her head.

"I do hope so. That said, what are you planning to do with him?" Blair looked at Solomon with curious eyes.

"Something I believe it reach up to your liking. May I?"

"Granted." Blair said with an excited voice.

Solomon stood up and kneeled in front of the navy blue knight. The knight looked up at Solomon but couldn't say anything, which made Solomon smile. He was completely at Solomon's mercy.

"Can you stand?" Solomon said as the knight flinched.

The knight then wobbled stood on his trembling legs. Solomon grinned as she stood and took off her glove to reveal a red pentagram printed upon her hand. The knights shivered as they saw the pentagram glow. Solomon raised her hand before she slapped the navy blue knight. A bright light shined as it blinded everyone's eyes. When they opened their eyes, the knight was gone but his armor was left behind.

Solomon smirked, the knights trembled, and Blair tilted his head. A short moment of silence was broken when to sounds of croaks were heard from the suit of armor. Solomon gestured one of the knights to search the armor. When the knight reached his hand into the armor, he flinched before he pulled out a blue frog.

Another moment of silence filled the room before Blair began to chuckled. "Unbelievable. This is truly incredible. Why do you still remain as a Master Wizard if you are capable of such amazing spells, Master Solomon?"

"Personally, I do not believe this is much of an amazing spell." Solomon said as she turned to Blair with a deadpan expression.

"And why is that?" Blair raised a brow.

"Because its a simple spell that I can do over and over again." Solomon said as put her glove back on.

"Truly? And your suppose to be just a Master Wizard?" Blair joked as he walked out of the door.

Solomon bowed her head before she started to follow Blair out, but before she walked passed the door she turned to the knights and said. "That spell only lasts for one week, so he'll be back to normal until then."

The knights then sighed with relief before they bowed their heads towards to Solomon as she leaves. When Solomon walked over to the carriage as she saw Blair talking with Eric and the carriage driver. Eric pointed his gaze towards Solomon and waved with a smile.

"Master!" Eric called.

Solomon waved back. "Sorry for the hold up."

"It's fine." Eric said.

Solomon bowed her head towards Blair before she said. "May I speak?"

"Yes." Blair smiled.

"I wanted to apologize for inconveniencing you earlier. It was none of my intention to drag your grace into these trivial matters." Solomon said.

"Apologize accepted. Even if it was unpleasant, I still got to witnessed a spell I've never seen before in the end of it." Blair said before he directed his attention towards Eric.

"So it has come to my attention that you are intent to enroll Umeadora Academy, is that right boy?" Blair said.

Eric nodded his head. "Yes, Grandmaster Blair."

Blair hummed as he stroke this chin. "I feel generous today, so I'll pay for your student equipment after you're enrolled."

"REALLY?! Do you mean it, your grace?" Eric gasped after he was whacked on the head by Solomon.

"Watch that tongue of yours boy. Or I'll have to cut it off." Solomon growled.

Eric covered his mouth shut with his hands as he quickly nodded his head.

Blair chuckled. "My~ you two have changed quite a lot since I last saw you."

Blair than patted Eric's and Solomon's head before he pulled them in for a hug. "Welcome to Bozzelli City."

After the hug Blair walked away from the gate as he waved goodbye. Solomon, Eric, and the carriage driver were left behind there speechless.

"Is that normal?" the carriage driver asked.

"No." Eric said.

"It looks like we weren't the only ones who changed over the years." Solomon said, both Eric and the driver nodded in agreement.