
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Derivasi dari karya
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19 Chs

Coming clean(er)

What the fuck are those girls thinking? Fulfill the recruitment by sleeping with me? Can't stop them from marrying me? Who is going to try and stop them when even the bloody parents want to hook us up? Standing in my bathroom without glasses, with a dirty boxer, most of all feeling like a fucking idiot, gathering my thoughts I called on Dobby.

"Dobby can you bring my glasses and clean clothes, and ask the girls to first have a shower, then after the shower come to the living room for a talk."

Dobby: "Yes Master Harry." and he pops away.

During the shower all kinds of possibility's are going through my head, most of how did I create those tendrils and how to control them. It was clear those tentacles were real, during my dream about Missy I gave a bloody hand job to six girls simultaneously! Calculating my reach, it should not go far, at most 10 to 20 feet. If they stayed in their own bed… no I can't shift blames to others. My tentacles did a throughout job on dream Missy. The others are collateral damage.

It was six a clock in the morning when I entered the living room, freshly showered and clothed six blushing girls sat on the couches. I sit down, thee and biscuits appeared on the table, after everybody was served and a thank you Dobby I said:

"First I have a few questions, What requirement has to fulfill, and who wants to stop you from marrying me?

Daphne: "To be sure nobody can stop or even hinder us from marrying you, there are certain actions that have to be done."

Tracey: "The ones trying to stop us will be the ministry for sure, Dumbledore's supporters, and probably death-eaters."

Susan: "The requirements are: you have to choose us, we have to accept and choose you too, finally we have to sleep together."

Hannah: "Now we can call on the ancient magics to bind us together."

Luna: "which nobody can unbind."

Hermione: "I tried to tell sleeping together means something else but we decided to try anyway."

"You all realize sleeping together means having sex right? The things husband and wife do? We are bloody 13 years old for fucks sake!"

Hermione: "Language Harry!"

"Hermione... It is English. A husband fucks his wife, the wife likes to be fucked, and for your scheme to work we have to actually fuck each other."

Daphne: "That is not exactly true My Lord. The requirement is to have sex, not necessarily intercourse or fuck as you like to call it."

Tracey: "We all six had sex in your bed, My Lord."

Susan: "We were stimulated by you and had an orgasm caused by you."

Luna: "You had one to Husband to be, the Heliopaths told me so."

The twins are bad with their twin speak, these girls are putting them to shame, it is like a tag-team.

"Where did you get that info from? This is not common knowledge I suppose?"

Hannah: "Yes it is darling, it is in Harry and the Happy Hippogriff, and the sequel Harry and the Sad Hippogriff."

"Again those bloody books? I don't even know a bloody Hippogriff. Not a happy or a sad one."

Daphne: "My Lord, those books were used by our parents to educate us in wizarding customs and rules, they used them as examples of what to do, or not to do."

Susan: "Picking a situation, and let us research the laws and customs to follow it or counter."

Luna: "Most girls just practiced marrying you, My Husband."

This is going too far, if this is a dream or coma, am I steering this dream, or is someone playing a sick joke on me? Going over the last two days, a lot of characters are way out of their canon counterparts' descriptions. Dumbledore with a Horcrux, nearly not even half as smart as in canon, snape, and the staff all acting dumb down.

The girls acting like getting married is the meaning of life, tops it all. It is time to defuse some of this train wreck."

Pulling the memory of Harry's death, putting it in the pensive and said: "Look at this memory carefully and tell me what happened."

The six went in, after 5 minutes came out wide-eyed, looking awed to me.

"Any ideas?"

Hermione: "Malfoy killed you? Did you survive a second killing curse? Are you an immortal? A God? Is this why I want to be with you?"

"Yes, Yes, No, No, and I really don't know."

Hannah: "Is this why you went on a rampage the last few days? What you did these days hasn't happened over the last ten years. And now all at once."

"There is something else that happened to me, in the few seconds after the Avada, I unlocked some memories from a past life or an alternative reality or whatever. Those memories are from an old man, who read about my life in a series of books, what happened to me with Voldemort, how I ended up with the Dursleys, the abuse and the fucker responsible for it.

My school years happened like in the books, only Dobby stopped Malfoy from killing me, the following years are filled with misery, each vacation I returned to the Dursleys to recharge some bullshit blood-wards. Voldemort revives in the fourth year, nobody believed me except a few, fifth-year the ministry was ridiculing me, the press too, at the end of the fifth year Voldemort showed himself, after luring me into the ministry and getting my Godfather killed.

In sixth year, Dumbledore got himself cursed and let himself get killed by snape, he was dying anyway.

That summer Voldemort took the ministry without even trying hard, so seventh year Hermoine, Ron and I spend on the run, I'll spare you the details but in the end, there was a big battle here where I get killed again with an Avada.

I revive and killed the bastard in the great hall.

Nineteen years later I put a fucking Albus Severus Potter on the fucking train. Second son of Ginny Weasley and I.

And don't laugh Hermione, you married Ron also with two kids."

"Now, here is my dilemma: am I Harry Potter with some memories from another life? Or is Harry dead, and this old man took over, making this situation a crime scene?"

Yeah, that should shut them up, I stood up and said: "I leave you be for a while, when you have some answers, I'll be in my bedroom reading a book."

Taking a random book from the table, wizarding customs, and went to bed.

After an hour they came in, crawling on the bed circling around me, looking curious at my face.

Daphne: "My Lord, you claimed the titles of Gryffindor and Slytherin in name of Harry James Potter by right of conquest, Valor and Magic after you got killed by Malfoy."

Tracey: "You did all those deeds before Malfoy killed you."

Hannah: "Magic would have rejected it if you weren't Harry James Potter."

Susan: "You wear the Potter Lord ring, if you are not Harry Potter, the ring would have refused to bond with you. To us, you are Harry James Potter, and you are ours."

Luna: "Magic is still pulling us to you, and it is normal to marry at 13-14- or 15 years in the wizarding world."

Hermione: "Susan and Hannah are thirteen from this spring, Luna is thirteen in September, I am fourteen in September, so is Daphne and Tracey in October. You are our Harry, we will claim you this week, but have a marriage when we are sixteen. We will postpone the intercourse until we are sixteen too."

Daphne: "These two years can be used to court us as you planned. I look forwards to it."

Tracey: "Flowers, poems, love letters, and dates, like you promised us."

Susan: "I want the kisses, the hand holding, evening walks."

Hannah: "Outings in the normal world too, experience both worlds."

Luna: "Group dates, bonding our self together as sisters to our Husband."

Hermoine: "We already starting our bonds as sisters, we only have to include the Carrows, and maybe Ginny and Astoria."

Luna: "What you did to us this morning? You can do it again. And Again. And again. We all want. The Heliopaths approve."

"Even I don't know what exactly I did, like I said yesterday, reaching out with my magic imagining tentacles like an octopus, trying to feel what is around me in the room, at the end of the tentacles are kind of my fingers or hands, feeling and touching.

I dreamt of the event yesterday, of me feeling up Missy, and it turned into an erotic dream, I had my first wet dream, and waking up with six girls also having a wet dream shocked the hell out of me."

Tracey: "It is alright My Lord, but I like to have my first real kiss before you do it again."

Daphne: "As is proper."

"Alright enough about this, what about the basilisk? Is there any prospect to render the carcass? Remember I want the skeleton in my entrance hall."

Tracey's eyes started to shine, "Oh Harry the Goblins are starting to fight over the meat, we are going to make so much money it's scary."

Daphne: "We have the names of two contacts specialized in rendering magic beasts, they actually want to give us money to have a chance to render a 1000-year-old basilisk. After your talk with the parents, my and Tracey's parents want to look at the carcass themselves."

Hermione: "You could have an auction to sell the parts. Make it international, I am certain there are Goblins everywhere wanting the meat. Maybe sell it in parts of 5 to 10 pounds if the basilisk weights around 4000 pounds, there should be around 2000 pounds of meat, so 200 to 400 pieces of meat should make a killing."

Hermione got hugged and kissed by both snakes.

Tracey: "Hermione you just doubled our income, you are so getting a piece of the profits."

Daphne looked around and said: "You all are getting a share of the money."

Both snakes getting a hug-pile now. Bloody girls getting more action in my bed than me.

Twittering and giggling they went over what to do with the money, the parents, and who is doing what and when on the vacation.

Luna brought the monokini back to the conversation.

Hermione: "My parents and I went to France each year to a nude beach. Until I was ten, there were too many pervs, so we went to regular beaches, and yes, most were in a monokini. After a while, you even don't notice it anymore."

This has the pure-bloods stumped, processing bikini was already daring, monokini was grandstanding, and nude in public… No Way Ever…

Luna: "Getting naked in front of Harry won't be a problem for me, but not in front of strangers. I like to keep my fanny for Harry alone, you all may look to but that is different."

Susan: "I want my kiss first before I show Harry my boobs, let alone my pussy."

Hannah: "Pussy? I name mine Kitty."

Tracey: "I have several names, it depends on the situation but usual Pussy too, I named Daphne's Cunny when I play with it."

Daphne: "Tracey!"

Those girls seem to have forgotten I'm still here.

Tracey: "Hush Daph, we are sisters here, do you think Harry can handle eight girls alone? He won't survive if we don't help him, and I know he will get a kick out of it too. I read the smutty magazines of your mum too."

Hannah: "Do you have some with you now? I never read one."

Hermione: "I have a stack with me."

Luna: "Do you have some with pictures in them?"

Hermione: "A few, I wanted to see how others looked like when they are doing it."

Daphne: "I watched my parents do it, mum seems to like it very much, she kept on yelling for more and harder."

Tracey: "Me too, it was a bit awkward, dad had mum tied up in the bed and was smacking her but with a paddle. I wanted to save her but then she asked for more punishment. Then dad fucked her from behind while pulling at her hair. I don't know for certain, I think mum knew I was watching. She was smiling the whole day."

Susan: "I watched my aunt pleasure herself with something that looked like a penis. She had some clamps on her nipples, and was rubbing her clit while pushing that thing in and out her cunt."

Hannah: "I once thought mother was adjusting father's pants, but she pulled his penis out and started sucking on it. Dad liked it very much, he couldn't stop moaning."

Susan: "I saw them too, last summer your dad was licking your mother's pussy, while your mum sucked his cock."

Luna: "I saw my dad stick his penis in mum's bum, when I asked what they were doing, mum said the Heliopaths liked it, but I have to be older for them to like it for me. This morning the Heliopaths told me they liked it."

Hermoine: "I regularly watched my parents do it. They find it natural, I even have got the talk, with demonstrations how to masturbate, how to kiss, and how to satisfy a man and woman orally."

Susan: "Can you show us? Tracey and Daphne can already, so teach us?"

Luna: "Me too, I want to please my hubby to"

That shook them awake. "Yes I am still here, and yes I have to look your parents in the eyes after breakfast and not think about this conversation. Did you girls do this on purpose? And you all got me worked up with your naughty pillow talk. So you girls think I can't handle eight girls? What did I do this morning? Want to repeat it?"

This got them all giggling. Luna hugged me and said: "first the courting and dating dear hubby, from time to time we will let you see a thing or two." she turned to the girls while stroking my hair "we have to keep his attention on us if he is going to spoil us we are going to spoil him."

Tracey came to the other side hugging me, gave me a kiss on the cheek "Oh I am going to spoil him rotten, he is the best thing happening in my life after Daphne."

Hannah got curious "Are you and Daphne a thing? Susan and I practiced kissing but nothing more. How far did you two go?"

Daphne: "Kissing, masturbating together and orally pleasuring. Nothing more."

Again they forgot I am even here.

"Alright, make it a study session of it tonight, now we have to prepare for your parents and go to breakfast. You girls are killing me here."

Luna put her and on my crotch "He is right, we better wait for tonight." gave me a kiss and left giggling.

Great Goat God, first a wet dream, and now I have to masturbate to get that scene out of my head.

In the living room the girls sorted all papers they needed for the meeting, Luna mentioned holding the meeting in Slytherin's quarters, because the twins and Neville knew the password and could visit.

Daphne agreed, saying to spend the night there too.

Entering the living room I saw the pile of papers "what do I need to know?"

Tracey, pointing to the different stacks, "Laws about marriage, things considering our Houses, Hermione's and Carrow's. The last stack is for the basilisk."

Daphne continued "we hold the meeting in Slytherins quarter, we asked Dobby to put enough chairs in your study, we start the meeting with the parents who are there, after that we discuss Hermoine's situation, then the Carrow's. The basilisk we save for last so we can visit the carcass."

"Great, you two lead the talks, the rest chip in if we forget something or have to look something up, agreed?"

Hermione nodded preparing her books. "Dobby? Can you transport all these papers and books to Slytherin's study?"

"Hermione, relying on house-elves? Are you converted? You know they are the best helpers do you?"

"hush you, let's go-to breakfast. I am hungry." "Good idea, I still have some announcements to make, and get rid of that fucking throne."

Hermoine: "Language Harry James Potter!"

"Again Hermoine it is English. I fuck you, you fuck me, I fuck you all. See? Easy to understand."

Blushing I get a slap on my arm, then she hooks her hand in my elbow and leads us down to the great hall. Everybody knows the owls and Newts are taken in the great hall so the hall was already full.

The staff table was occupied by examiners with the throne unoccupied. The girls made their way to the Slytherin table, Griselda Marchbanks smiled at me

"Good morning Lord Potter, I trust the ward-stone is sorted out? I heard the report from the head boy and girl. I doubt there was ever a person so disrespectful of the paintings of former headmasters."

"Good morning Madam Marchbanks, to be honest, they had it coming, letting that old goat run this school in the ground, I should bin them all."

One of the examiners got mad about my comment, "Albus Dumbledore is a great man young man, show some respect for your betters."

Raising my eyebrows "Great man? Yesterday this young man asked Dumbledore to be judged by Magic and Hogwarts. And you know what? That great man got stripped of his magic, his phoenix burned him because he put a curse bond on it, and magic freed him from the curse. I had to ask Fawkes to let him live because the old goat hasn't suffered enough to pay for all his crimes. So shut the fuck up or get the fuck out of here. Your choice."

Leaving the examiners speechless I went in front of the throne. Everybody quiet down.

"Yesterday I visited the ward-stone with experts from Gringotts and unspeakables from the ministry, what they found angered them, some of the biggest crimes I will list here when the report from Gringotts and the ministry arrives, copies will be posted at the four common rooms.

The worst item is a ward for House Slytherin and House Gryffindor to mistrust each other.

That old bastard wanted us to fight, the wards for bad intent like rape and assault were disconnected. Same for the detection ward for spells in the corridors.

A fair warning to all: these wards are corrected. Rape and assault will be so hard punished your parents will not even recognize you. Dark and harmful artifacts will be left at home. If you can't live without them? Stay at home then. This is a school, not a training ground for rapers and scum. This is not only for one house, there is scum in all four, and do not deny it. Bullying and sexual harassment happen in all four.

Dumbledore and snape are history, I personally set the wards to kill them if they ever set a foot inside.

From September first, I set the ward-stone to kill anyone with the dark mark. Why do you ask? To get the dark mark you have to rape and kill a normal or a normal born right in front of Voldemort.

Anyone capable of raping and killing a girl in front of a public is not a human being anymore. Even less than a rabid animal.

So you know, you can't get the mark under the imperious curse. Warn your father, uncle, or whoever. Have a nice meal." I called on Hoggy: "Elder Hoggy, can you remove this ugly throne and replace it with a normal chair like the rest please." I love house-elf popping, a normal chair appears.

A nice rant even if I say so myself. I had to let some steam off after this morning. The hall was dead silent, glad the girls left some room to sit, I looked around, asked: "What's for breakkie?"

Most of the upper years were pale, I saw their mind mulling over everything I said.

Commenting at the girls "The seventh years must be glad these are their last days here." while loading my plate.

Daphne and Tracey smiled sadly, "there are some of them who deserve to be castrated." hard enough to be heard by the whole table.

"They are trained by snape and the old goat to be the scum of the earth girls, I just hope some of them read a book about pure-blood behavior and customs. Being noble does not mean behave like a criminal or act like an animal."

We ate our breakfast in peace, talking about the small things, after a while owls started to drop in with the Daily Rag.. Can't say this anymore I am the boss now. Still, I'm curious the bug learned her lesson.

Daphne, Tracey and Susan had a subscription and were already reading it. Tracey said to me "You're making waves bigger than a house My Lord. This going to have a lot of people running for the continent. I don't know what is more catching, the picture of Dumbledore getting burned by Fawkes, or the headline of the death-eaters fake imperious curse.

Lucius his Avada on you is going to upset Fudge, after all, Malfoy is his main sponsor. Dumbledore dosing his teaching staff with alchemic potions is going to be a classic.

Hey here is a picture of you stripping, ow the pants stays on, anyway your guardians are in trouble, I wonder how far they can run.

Hey Susan, your aunt giving Dumbledore a tongue lashing is on the second page.

The great hall started to get noisier, yelling at all sides of rage or disbelief, but hey it is in the paper so it must be true. Even with pictures proving everything.

"What hour do you expect the parents? After breakfast is so vague, it can be now or at noon, any ideas?"

Daphne said "I think between nine and ten. The exams begin at nine so anytime after that. Go ahead to your office, and look important behind your desk, we will bring them."

"Looking Important? I have to practice that. Last time I did that I looked like a constipated twat. I am off then."

I passed Missy, wished her good luck though she is probably so smart she doesn't need any luck. That made her blush but smiling.

Slow strolling in the corridors, taking the scenery in, most of the paintings are scared shitless by me, almost certain I get a nickname like the bane of portraits. At the statue "Voldemort is muggle-born"

§He iss.§ and opened.

"Dobby?" "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Dobby how do you like the job so far? Are you happy? Any problems? How are the others?"

"Master Harry is the best Master there is, I am very happy. The others want to have you home very much. What can Dobby do for Master harry now?" He is practically jumping up and down now.

"The Parents of the girls are coming to talk about contracts, can you prepare some drinks and something to nibble on? I don't know what they are serving at those meetings so I leave it up to you."

Dobby smiles and said: "Dobby served a lot at such meetings, Dobby knows what to do."

"You are the best Dobby." Taking place behind my desk, sudden robes appear. Dobby: "Looking important must start with important clothes master Harry, you must change in these. Grumbling I obeyed. I did say I leave it up to him, the other clothes disappeared. The waiting is the worst, imagining the parents having sex like the girls said they did, made me wonder, did those girls said that on purpose to calm or to agitate my nerves?

Dobby pops in "Guests be arriving at the door, Mistresses will lead them in. Stand up to greet them when they enter Master Harry" "Thank you Dobby you are a big help." Dobby pops out of sight.