
I'm fine(Book 1)

"I'm fine." "No you're not." Where a boy can see past a shy girls mask. Maybe he can bring down her walls and bring her happiness *warning:mentions of r*pe,depression,suicide*

Lana_manson · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Third person P.O.V

Jazzy and Ian walk to his car together after saying bye to Jay and Cleo.

The school day was finally over. Jazzy was relieved to not be in her boring classes anymore but she was not looking forward to going home and dealing with Liam.

"Soooo I hear you got a date with the new kid?"

Jazzy playfully punches him in the arm,"It's not a date, you butt head, me and him are just gonna hang out as friends!"

"Surrrreeee." He says, winking at her.

He feels so proud of Jazzy because she does have a hint of happiness in her eyes. Maybe Jazzy can finally be able to open up.

He drops Jazzy off at her house and she waves goosbye to him before she enter my house.

She gets into her house,making sure Liam isn't home, and goes up to her bedroom.

She's glad Liam isn't home right now.

"Probably getting drunk in some bar,"She says to herself.

School did not go as planned today.

She wasn't expecting to have a date today, what do people even do on dates. She's never even been on one. No one would ever ask someone like her.

She's broken and unlovable but for some strange reason Jay sees something in her.

She quickly pushes those thoughts away, she can not like Jay. Besides he probably doesn't even like her back. He probably just feels bad for her.

A few hours later she hear the door slam. She wishes it was her mom but she knew her mom was out of town and wouldn't be back for at least a couple of weeks. She rarely even checked in with her daughter.

Jazzy admires her mother's work but she does get lonely without her a lot.

Her mother is a marine biologist so her work requires her to travel a lot. She studies specifically whales so she's often out in the field and can be gone for long moment at a time.

Jazzy's door is suddenly pushed open and she jumps back in fear, knowing who is on the other end.

Liam sees her crouched in the corner and says, "Make me some dinner!"

"Make it yourself!" she immediately regret saying those words as soon as she see the anger in his eyes.

He marches over to her and she feels the sting when his hand comes in contact with her cheek. She's falls back from the force and looks up at him, fear is evident on her face which excites Liam.

The fear is what drives him. He wants her to be afraid of him so she'll be easier to control.

He grabs her hair, pulling her up and then slamming her down against the ground

She groans in pain as she feels the pain radiating all over her body, she's too afraid to move. The slightest movement can trigger him to do more harm.

Everyday she fears she'll die in his hands but there's not much she can do to stop him. Her mother hasn't believed her in the past.

Liam walks away, satisfied with the pain he was able to inflict on her. Jazzy just lays there's for awhile, taking it all in.

Moving will only make the pain worse.

She touches her forehead and the pain worsens. Blood trickles down her forehead.

She takes her hand away from her forehead and she just stares at her hand, the blood dripping down onto the floor.

She tries to get up but stumbles back onto the ground. She reaches for her desk for support, to hold her up.

Her phone begins ringing and she reaches for it.

Jay: Hello? Jazzy? Where are you?

Jazzy:Um gimme a minute. I'll be right out

Jay: Jazzy?! Are you okay??

Jay can sense something is wrong with her, her voice is low as if she doesn't want someone to hear.

Jazzy: Yea.See you soon

She goes into the bathroom and cleans her wounds, attempting her best to cover them up.

Once shes finished tying her shoes, she heads downstairs

Liam was downstairs and looked her up and down, "Where do you think you're going, bitch?"

He has this control over her, it's possessive. He knows the damage he's done to her but all he cares about is getting that control. It doesn't matter what he has to do to get it.

"I'm going out," Jazzy answers, slowly backing away from him but he's too fast for her.

Liam pulls her by the hair and pushes her down onto the cold marble floor. His fingers intertwined with her hair as she struggled to get out of his grip.

"Please Liam,"she begs which only pushes him further.

He doesn't loosen his grip and instead threw her across the floor.

She falls back and winces in pain as he leaves her there.

She is able to get up slowly, the pain is close to unbearable but she has to suck it up. She limps to Jay's car and he notices her pain.

He sees the bruise on her forehead and asks,"What happened Jazzy?"

She makes a poor attempt to smile,"I'm fine. Hit my head with the door. I'm pretty clumsy."

She tries to laugh it off but even laughing hurts.

Jay notices but decides not to press her further.

Although his worry meter is getting higher.

"You have a nice house. Really big,"he says, deciding to change the subject.

"Thank you. I grew up in this house!"Jazzy smiles at him, glad he got the hint to not press her any further.

She knows he'll probably try to bring it up again but she'll find a way around it. She always does.

"Soo what do you like to do, Jazzy?"

"Oh well I like to sing, although I'm not that good. I also like to read and draw. What do you like to do?"She offers him a smile, maybe she misjudged him after all. He's not that bad. He is pretty nice. Maybe they'll be good friends. Ian was right.

She does tend to be closed off but maybe she can make an exception for Jay.

"Well I like writing and like playing basketball. I don't really play that much anymore though." He turned on the radio and Just a Girl by No Doubt started playing.

"I love this song!" Jazzy turns the volume on the radio up and begins to sing along to the song.

Jazzy and him sang along to songs the rest of the way to the cafe.

They walk into the cafe and sat down in a small booth all the way in the back.

Jazzy looks through the menu, deciding what to get.

"Hi I'm Mark. I'll be you waiter today. Can I get you started on anything to drink?" a lanky, blonde haired boy asks as he walks up to their booth.

Jazzy look down at the menu,"Just a water is fine."

"Anything for you sweetheart and what about you?"

"A black coffee,"Jay mumbles. His demeanor changes. He feels a bit of jealousy but he knows he shouldn't since him and Jazzy have just barely met.

And this is technically their first "date".

Mark winks at Jazzy before walking away.

She gives him an awkward smile, trying to be polite.

She looked through the menu and saw all the delicious food. But she doesn't have the best relationship with food. She's always been insecure about her weight so she decides on something small.

She'll probably only take a couple bites of it anyways

She doesn't really know what to choose.

After awhile she decides on a blueberry muffin. Something plain and simple.

Mark comes back to get their orders. Jay goes first, "I'll have waffles with syrup."

Mark turns to Jazzy after barely a second glance at Jay and asks, " What would you like pretty lady?"

"I'll get the blueberry muffin please," a light blush spreads across Jazzy's cheeks.

Mark smiled at her and says," Of course, sweetheart."

Jazzy can notice that Jay does look a bit upset. She wonders why when he was such a chatterbox earlier. She's hopes it's not anything she did.

Jay's P.O.V

That asshole. He was flirting with Jazzy. It was actually making me kinda jealous.

I know me and Jazzy aren't a thing but I would really like us to be. And I know we barely know each other but I'd love to get to know her more

She sweet and pretty and she's got just a great taste in music too.

I'm not one to rush into anything but I do have a big crush on Jazzy.

I don't wanna rush things so I just wanna get to know her first.

I haven't know her for long but I know we have a connection. She's very secretive though.

She didn't really order much and that kinda worries me.

"Not hungry?" I ask, hoping to pry some more info from her. I just want her to be able to trust me.

She shakes her head no, "I ate at home."

I could tell she was lying.

She stretched her arms out and that's when I noticed she had a bruise on her side. Sprinkles of purple around her ribcage. Her black turtleneck kinda showed it off when it lifted up.

"What's that on your side?" I ask, curiously. I know what is it already but I need to hear it from her.