
I'm back from the future!

[Synopsis] Nadine struggled for eight years in the apocalypse, only to ultimately die at the hands of her despicable father and step-sister's machinations. When she opens her eyes again, she's back to one month before the apocalypse! Her despicable father forces her to sell the shares left by her mother at a low price. In her previous life, she adhered to her mother's wishes and refused to do so. This time, however, she decisively sells the shares to her despicable father. Ding—! Ten billion yuan arrives in her wallet. While everyone laughs at her foolishness, Nadine looks at the super space attached to her heirloom and activates the global shopping spree mode. While others' personal spaces can only hoard goods, hers can instantly teleport. Short on rice and meat? Just go to Country A, where tons of food is dumped and sold cheaply, without cheating compatriots! Running out of gasoline and diesel? Country B has it! Buy ten or a hundred tons with ease. Need self-defense weapons? Teleport directly to Country C to purchase. What? Not enough? Then just empty the entire arsenal! Of course, she still hoards piping hot delicacies from her native country, such as Sichuan's rabbit, Guangdong's rat, and Beijing's pig, all eagerly soaked in soy sauce! After the apocalypse, while others struggle to survive, she lounges in an air-conditioned room, sipping cola, munching on fries, binge-watching dramas, living the high life. When her despicable father and step-sister come knocking, seeking help, and resort to violence after finding none, Nadine smirks as she takes out her "self-defense weapons": "I almost forgot about you guys if you didn't show up. It's time to settle some scores!"

coachman_Lazy · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 6: Riches Abound

Nadine's order was substantial, and she didn't haggle over the price, readily paying and even providing a deposit in advance for customized water tanks. The person in charge at the water plant also agreed readily to customize one thousand water tanks, each capable of storing five tons of water.

Delivery would be in ten days.

Ten days later, with still half a month until the water stops in the apocalypse, Nadine had time to fill all the water tanks.

Leaving the water plant, Nadine sat in her car, took out a boxed meal from her space, and had her lunch.

Immediately, she continued on her way to a warehousing-style supermarket located in the suburbs.

This was a foreign-owned supermarket, boasting of operating with large packaging and low-profit margins to reduce costs. Whether the prices were low or not, Nadine wasn't sure, but the large packaging and combination packaging of goods here could save her a lot of shopping time.

The supermarket offered goods in large and combined packaging, making bulk purchases more convenient.

Unexpectedly, she received a call from Kerry halfway there.

"Nadine, are you sure you want to sell your shares?" Kerry's tone was icy, dropping all pretenses and addressing her directly by her full name.

Nadine replied, "Absolutely! Ten billion, cash upfront! If you think it's too expensive, I can go to Mr. Huang, who's offering twelve billion."

In an instant, it seemed she could hear Kerry grinding her teeth over the phone.

"Fine! Ten billion it is! Come to the company now, I'll transfer the money to you, and you sign the transfer documents for the shares!" Kerry's voice was tense, gritting out her words.

This response caught Nadine slightly off guard. Raising ten billion in cash in just a day would be extremely difficult, even for Kerry.

She imagined he must have mortgaged all his fixed assets and company shares to the bank, or perhaps even sought loans from private lenders to raise the funds.

Thinking this, Nadine couldn't help but smile.

In her previous life, Kerry had amassed a lot of resources in the early stages of the apocalypse, leveraging his vast wealth to thrive. In this life, he had exchanged all his resources for family shares, which might not afford him the same power and influence as before.

Nadine made a U-turn and headed straight to the family group.

In the top-floor conference room of the group, apart from family shareholders, Beverly Wealthy and her daughter were unexpectedly present.

Beverly wore a worried expression. "Nadine, where have you been these past few days? Not a single call. Do you know how worried your father is?"

"Hmph, she's grown wings and doesn't see me as her father anymore!" Kerry sneered.

Seeing the false concern from the whole family, Nadine felt impatient. "Didn't you ask me to come to transfer my shares? Where's the money? You're not trying to deceive me, are you?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Kerry's angry voice interrupted her. "Beverly, hurry up and transfer the money to her!"

Once the ten billion was confirmed in her account, Nadine immediately signed the transfer documents for the shares.

Although she had obtained the shares, Kerry still seemed bitter about the ten billion, cursing Nadine as she left, "From now on, there's no place for you in this family!"

If she wanted to reclaim her status as the family heiress, she would need to buy back those shares with ten billion.

Nadine ignored her, walking away without a backward glance.

But before she could leave the lobby, Beverly and her daughter rushed over, blocking her path.

Nadine crossed her arms, her tone cold. "What do you want?"

Wealthy demanded, "What about that pendant? How much do you want for it? Sell it to me!"

With a commanding tone, there was no room for negotiation.

"Ten billion! Give me ten billion, and I'll sell it to you!" Nadine smirked.

Wealthy was shocked. "Ten billion? For a mere pendant? Why don't you just rob me?"

Nadine shrugged. "Can't afford it? Then get lost. A good dog knows its place!"

Wealthy was infuriated but didn't dare to rush forward to grab it. She didn't know where Nadine had hidden the pendant.

Beverly patted Wealthy gently to calm her down, then took out a beautifully packaged box and said to Nadine, "This is something your father bought at an auction last month. Nadine, do you like it?"

The box opened to reveal a valuable diamond necklace.

Seeing the necklace, Nadine calculated its worth and the amount of resources she could exchange it for.

Looking at the necklace intently, Beverly smiled satisfactorily and continued, "Do you like it? How about this? Since you like the pendant so much, would you be willing to exchange it for this diamond necklace? My dear, do you think this arrangement is acceptable?"

"Not at all!" Nadine raised her gaze, giving Beverly a cold smile. "I find your possessions disgusting, so keep it for your precious daughter."

With that, she walked away briskly, completely ignoring the curses behind her.


With the money in hand, Nadine returned to her apartment, ready to pack up and head to L Country.

There wasn't much to pack, just a passport with a visa for L Country.

In L Country, renting a car and using credit cards required registering the passport and visa.

But there wasn't enough time to process a visa application.

However, money could solve anything. She had paid a hefty sum yesterday to have a fake passport with a visa.

Before leaving, she applied some makeup to slightly alter her appearance, then began inputting coordinates on the holographic map.

She wanted to go to J Province in L Country.

It was the largest agricultural production and export province in L Country.

Nadine had spent two years studying at a university in J Province, so she knew there was an abandoned building near the school.

Just to be safe, she had checked online to confirm if the abandoned building still existed.

Once sure, she entered the coordinates for that building.

With a flicker of thought, she found herself standing before a dilapidated building covered in ivy.

Advertisements in L language adorned the walls.

Having spent a few years studying in L Country, Nadine was fluent in the language.

The colorful advertisements with an exotic flavor excited her.

She had truly teleported to L Country!

This space was truly incredible!

After looking around, ensuring there was no one nearby, she finally relaxed.

Hurrying downstairs, she hailed a cab and went to the nearby rental market.

Nadine felt nervous as the staff checked her passport, but fortunately, the fifty-thousand-dollar fee for the fake documents wasn't wasted.

After registering her passport information, the staff signaled for her to make the payment.